152.669, -25.653: 10 Treatments

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Lepanus burnetti   sp. nov.  Gunter, Nicole L. & Weir, Thomas A., 2019, Revision of Australian species of the dung beetle genus Lepanus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae): description of 10 new species from the L. australis, L. monteithi, and L. villosus species groups, Zootaxa 4695 (3), pp. 201-252 : 210-214 210-214
Lepanus ustulatus     Gunter, Nicole L. & Weir, Thomas A., 2021, Revision of Australian species of the dung beetle genus Lepanus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae): review of the L. ustulatus, L. storeyi, and L. nitidus species groups and description of eight new species, Zootaxa 4923 (1), pp. 1-66 : 12-19 12-19
Ommatius melasmus   sp. nov.  Daniels, Greg, 2017, Australian species of Ommatius Wiedemann (Diptera: Asilidae) with an anepimeral bristle, Zootaxa 4231 (4), pp. 535-563 : 551-556 551-556
Elissoma danielsi   sp. nov.  Winterton, Shaun L., 2023, Wasp-mimicking soldier flies of the Australian Region: revision of Ampsalis Walker, Elissoma White and Lagenosoma Brauer (Stratiomyidae: Clitellariinae), Zootaxa 5246 (1), pp. 1-63 : 21-22 21-22
Lagenosoma dispar     Winterton, Shaun L., 2023, Wasp-mimicking soldier flies of the Australian Region: revision of Ampsalis Walker, Elissoma White and Lagenosoma Brauer (Stratiomyidae: Clitellariinae), Zootaxa 5246 (1), pp. 1-63 : 36 36
Tomosvaryella exigua   sp. nov.  Motamedinia, Behnam, Földvari, Mihaly, Skevington, Jeffrey H. & Kelso, Scott, 2023, Revision of Australian Tomosvaryella Aczél (Diptera: Pipunculidae) with description of 100 new species, Zootaxa 5599 (1), pp. 1-271 : 94-95 94-95
Lepanus australis     Gunter, Nicole L. & Weir, Thomas A., 2019, Revision of Australian species of the dung beetle genus Lepanus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae): description of 10 new species from the L. australis, L. monteithi, and L. villosus species groups, Zootaxa 4695 (3), pp. 201-252 : 204-210 204-210
Psilota auripila   sp. nov.  Young, Andrew D., Skevington, Jeffrey H. & Steenis, Wouter Van, 2020, Revision of the Psilota Meigen, 1822 flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Australia, Zootaxa 4737 (1), pp. 1-127 : 29-32 29-32
Kamabrachys signata   gen. et comb. nov.  Constant, Jérôme, 2023, Revision of the Eurybrachidae (XVII). The new Australian genus Kamabrachys gen. nov. with ten new species (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha), European Journal of Taxonomy 895 (1), pp. 1-133 : 92-109 92-109
Clinopsalta autumna   sp. nov.  Popple, Lindsay W. & Emery, David L., 2017, Two New Species of Clinopsalta Moulds (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) and Additional Distribution Records for Clinopsalta adelaida (Ashton), with Notes on their Distinctive Calling Songs, Records of the Australian Museum 69 (4), pp. 237-256 : 238-243 238-243