-56.37, -16.253334: 10 Treatments

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Cinetomorpha pocone   sp. nov.  Ott, Ricardo, Ubick, Darrell, Bonaldo, Alexandre B., Brescovit, Antonio D. & Harvey, Mark S., 2019, A revision of the new world goblin spider genus Cinetomorpha Simon, 1892 revalidated from Gamasomorpha Karsch, 1881 (Araneae, Oonopidae, Oonopinae), Zootaxa 4641 (1), pp. 1-152 : 140 140
Opopaea deserticola     Brescovit, Antonio D., Bonaldo, Alexandre B., Ott, Ricardo & Chavari, João L., 2019, To boldly go: on invasive goblin spiders in Brazil (Araneae, Oonopidae), Iheringia, Série Zoologia (e 2019033) 109, pp. 1-20 : 10-12 10-12
Hemiptera     Iorio, Osvaldo Di & Turienzo, Paola, 2011, Insects found in birds’ nests from the Neotropical Region: addenda, corrections, and the Subantarctic Region of Argentina and adjacent countries 2950, Zootaxa 2950 (1), pp. 1-108 : 29-38 29-38
Aphilodon angustatus     Calvanese, Victor C., Brescovit, Antonio D. & Bonato, Lucio, 2019, Revision of the Neotropical species of Aphilodontinae (Geophilomorpha, Geophilidae), with eight new species and a first phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily, Zootaxa 4698 (1), pp. 1-72 : 26-27 26-27
Aphilodon angustatus     Calvanese, Victor C., Brescovit, Antonio D. & Bonato, Lucio, 2019, Revision of the Neotropical species of Aphilodontinae (Geophilomorpha, Geophilidae), with eight new species and a first phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily, Zootaxa 4698 (1), pp. 1-72 : 65 65
Pseudocanthon chaquensis   sp. nov.  Nazaré-Silva, Everton E. & Silva, Fernando A. B., 2021, A taxonomic revision of the South American species of Pseudocanthon Bates, 1887 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Deltochilini), Zootaxa 5027 (1), pp. 61-86 : 76-82 76-82
Thaumasia velox     Cruz Da Silva, Estevam L. & Carico, James E., 2012, 3567, Zootaxa 3567, pp. 1-64 : 13-15 13-15
Marmosa constantiae     Silva, Luan Gabriel De Lima, Ferreira, Daniela Cristina & Rossi, Rogério Vieira, 2019, Species diversity of Marmosa subgenus Micoureus (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) and taxonomic evaluation of the white-bellied woolly mouse opossum, Marmosa constantiae, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 187, pp. 240-277 : 275 275
Dismodix gladiata   sp. nov.  Supeleto, Fernanda A. & Aguiar, Alexandre P., 2024, Two new Dismodix Townes (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae) with an exceptionally broad occipital carina, Zootaxa 5448 (3), pp. 430-438 : 435-438 435-438
Loricariidae     Sassi, Francisco de Menezes Cavalcante, Cioffi, Marcelo de Bello & Moreira-Filho, Orlando, 2024, A state-of-art review of Loricariidae (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes) cytogenetics, Neotropical Ichthyology 22 (4), pp. e 240050-e 240050 : e240050-240050 e240050-240050