Mesembrinella vogelsangi ( Mello, 1967 )
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Plazi (2019-08-26 08:39:22, last updated 2024-11-26 00:25:35) |
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Mesembrinella vogelsangi ( Mello, 1967 ) |
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Mesembrinella vogelsangi ( Mello, 1967)
( Figs 8 View FIGURES 1–8 , 53–54 View FIGURES 53–56 , 143–144 View FIGURES 135–144 , 214 View FIGURES 209–215 , 257 View FIGURES 252–265 , 300 View FIGURES 300–305 , 344 View FIGURES 326–349 , 385 View FIGURES 370–400 , 429 View FIGURES 424–438 )
Huascaromusca vogelsangi Mello, 1967: 46 . Holotype male (FIOC), not examined. Type locality: Aragua, Venezuela.
Huascaromusca vogelsangi: Kosmann et al. (2013: 77) ; Wolff & Kosmann (2016: 867) View Cited Treatment ; Wolff et al. (2017: 253) View Cited Treatment ; Marinho et al. (2017: tab. 1); Velásquez et al. (2017: 109).
Mesembrinella vogelsangi: Cerretti et al. (2017 : tab. 2).
Diagnosis. A brownish, medium-sized fly averaging 11.6 mm (11–12/5) in length.Abdomen with distinct dark marginal bands on posterior edge of each segment; T4–5 sometimes with purplish reflections; subcostal sclerite setose; femora all orange; male frons narrow, about 0.017 of head width at narrowest, about half width of anterior ocellus.
Redescription. Male. Head. Frons narrow, 0.017 (0.015 –0.020 /3) of head width at narrowest, about half width of anterior ocellus; fronto-orbital slender, silvery when viewed from above, orange when viewed from below, frontal setae ascending about halfway to vertex; frontal vitta orange, obliterated about midway; parafacial golden to orange, narrow above, broader below; gena orange with horizontal row of stout setae on ventral edge and small scattered dark setae, posterodorsal corner with silvery tomentum extending from occiput; postgena orange with tan setae; occiput with silvery tomentum and fine golden setae; median occipital sclerite broad, shiny dark orange; antenna orange; palpus typical; eye with median facets about 2x size of lateral facets; ocellar triangle small, anterior ocellus slightly larger than posterior ocelli; facial ridge with dark brown supravibrissal setae extending about 1/5 of distance to antennal base.
Thorax brown with dense tan tomentum, with irregular shiny brown areas and a pair of shiny anterolateral brown spots in presutural area; postsutural area similar, with irregular bare areas; pleura orange; chaetotaxy: ac 1, dc 2:3, ia 0, ph 1, ppn 3x 3, kat 1, meron with fine setae and short horizontal portion, 1 pair converging ap, sa absent, lat weak, bas stout, pb weak, 1 disc subscutellum moderately developed; spiracles medium-sized, anterior one pale yellow, posterior one orange; legs: femora orange, tibiae and tarsi brown. Wing hyaline, faintly yellowish, slightly darker yellow along costa; subcostal sclerite setose; tegula orange, basicosta brown; section IV 0.27 of section III; calypters with tan discs; upper calypter with dark rim and short reddish setae, lower calypter with brown rim and long reddish setae.
Abdomen brownish with dark band on posterior edge of each segment [in the three examined males the abdomens are dull and may be discolored; female abdomens were much brighter blue]; T4–5 sometimes with faint purplish reflections; lateral margin of T3 with two pairs of setae; posterior margins of T4–5 with rows of stout setae; disc of T5 with horizontal row of stout setae midway, rest of disc with sparse, short, fine setae. Terminalia in lateral view with surstylus curved backward [unusual for M. aeneiventris species-group], cercus with apical hook ( Fig. 53 View FIGURES 53–56 ); in posterior view, basal half of cerci broad, distal half tapering to a point ( Fig. 54 View FIGURES 53–56 ); in dorsal and lateral views, hypophallic lobes narrow ( Figs 143–144 View FIGURES 135–144 ). T6, STS7+8, pre- and postgonite, ejaculatory sclerite and ST6 as in Fig. 214 View FIGURES 209–215 ; ST2–5 as in Fig. 257 View FIGURES 252–265 .
Female. Similar to male except frons 0.235 (0.23–0.24/2) of head width at narrowest. Females tend to have more purple on abdomen than males, especially toward posterior end. T6 of WV shape, T7 slender and weakened midway, T8 as separate sclerites ( Fig. 300 View FIGURES 300–305 ). ST6–8 and hypoproct as in Fig. 344 View FIGURES 326–349 ; spermathecae filiform ( Fig. 385 View FIGURES 370–400 ). ST1–5 as in Fig. 429 View FIGURES 424–438 .
Material examined. Venezuela, Aragua. 1 ♂*, 1 ♂, 1 ♀ *, 1 ♀, Edo. Aragua, 18–27.ii.1971, 1100 m, G. & M. Wood ( CNC); 1 ♂, Aragua, Giradot, Rancho Grande, 14.vii.1979, R.O. Schuster, R.W. Brooks, A.A. Grigarick, J. McLaughlin ( UCDC) .
Distribution. Venezuela. Marinho et al. (2017) listed Colombia.
Remarks. The male and female terminalia in M. vogelsangi are similar to those of M. zurquiensis sp. nov., but frons width in the male is very different. In M. vogelsangi the frons is quite narrow, about 0.02 of head width at narrowest, vs. much wider, 0.09 of head width at narrowest, in M. zurquiensis . No specimens were barcoded.
Cerretti, P., Stireman, J. O. III., Pape, T., O'Hara, J. E., Marinho, M. A. T., Rognes, K. & Grimaldi, D. A. (2017) First fossil of an oestroid fly (Diptera: Calyptratae: Oestroidea) and the dating of oestroid divergences. PLoS ONE, 12 (8), e 0182101. https: // doi. org / 10.1371 / journal. pone. 018210 1
Kosmann, C., Pinto de Mello, R., Harterreiten-Souza, E. S. & Pujol-Luz, J. R. (2013) A list of current valid blow fly names (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in the Americas south of Mexico with key to the Brazilian species. EntomoBrasilis, 6, 74 - 85. https: // doi. org / 10.12741 / ebrasilis. v 6 i 1.26 6
Marinho, M. A. T., Wolff, M., Ramos-Pastrana, Y., Azeredo-Espin, A. M. L. de & Amorim, D. d. S. (2017) The first phylogenetic study of Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea) based on molecular data: clades and congruence with morphological characters. Cladistics, 33 (2), 134 - 152. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / cla. 1215 7
Mello, R. P. de (1967) Contribuic o ao estudo dos Mesembrinellinae Sul-americanos (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Studia Entomologica, 10, 1 - 80.
Velasquez, Y., Martinez-Sanchez, A. I., Thomas, A. & Rojo, S. (2017) Checklist and distribution maps of the blow flies of Venezuela (Diptera, Calliphoridae, Mesembrinellidae). ZooKeys, 645, 103 - 132. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 645.697 2
Wolff, M. & Kosmann, C. (2016) Families Calliphoridae and Mesembrinellidae. In: Wolff, M., Nihei, S. S. & Carvalho, C. J. B. de (Eds.), Catalogue of Diptera of Colombia. Zootaxa, 4122 (1), 856 - 875. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4122.1.7 2
Wolff, M., Ramos-Pastrana, Y., Marinho, M. A. T. & Amorim, D. d. S. (2017) Two new species of Huascaromusca Townsend from Colombia, and a new combination for Giovanella carvalhoi (Diptera: Mesembrinellidae). Zootaxa, 4231 (2), 251 - 263. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4231.2. 7
FIGURES 1–8. Diagnostic characters of Mesembrinellidae and Calliphoridae. 1. Wing of Mesembrinella flavicrura Aldrich, showing veins and cells. 2. Wing of M. currani Guimar„es, showing infuscated anterior margin. 3. Wing of Laneella fusconitida sp. nov., showing dark macula around crossvein r-m. 4. Wing of Calliphora vomitoria (Linnaeus), showing acute bend of vein M. 5. Anterior spiracle of Mesembrinella batesi Aldrich, showing broad oval opening above. 6. Anterior spiracle of M. bolivar (Bonatto), showing long, narrow opening gradually widening above. 7. Meral setae and posterior spiracle of M. bicolor (Fabricius). 8. Last abdominal tergites of M. vogelsangi (Mello), showing setae.
FIGURES 53–56. Left lateral and posterior views of epandrium, cerci and surstyli of Mesembrinella spp. 53–54. M. vogelsangi (Mello). 55–56. M. zurquiensis sp. nov.
FIGURES 135–144. Left lateral and dorsal views of phallus of Mesembrinella spp. 135–136. M. purpurata Aldrich. 137–138. M. semiflava Aldrich. 139–140. M. uniseta Aldrich. 141–142. M. violacea sp. nov. 143–144. M. vogelsangi (Mello).
FIGURES 209–215. Male terminalia of Mesembrinella spp. (a = T6, STS7+8; b = pre- and postgonite; c = ejaculatory sclerite; d = ST6; e = hypandrium). 209. M. nigrocoerulea sp. nov. 210. M. purpurata Aldrich. 211. M. semiflava Aldrich. 212. M. uniseta Aldrich. 213. M. violacea. 214. M. vogelsangi (Mello). 215. M. zurquiensis sp. nov.
FIGURES 252–265. Male sternites of Mesembrinella spp. 252. M. nigrocoerulea sp. nov. 253. M. purpurata Aldrich. 254. M. semiflava Aldrich. 255. M. uniseta Aldrich. 256. M. violacea sp. nov. 257. M. vogelsangi (Mello). 258. M. zurquiensis sp. nov. 259. M. batesi Aldrich. 260. M. bellardiana Aldrich. 261. M. benoisti (Séguy). 262. M. bicolor (Fabricius). 263. M. brunnipes Surcouf. 264. M. bullata sp. nov. 265. M. chantryi sp. nov.
FIGURES 300–305. Female terminalia (T6–T8, epiproct, cerci) of Mesembrinella spp., dorsal view. 300. M. vogelsangi (Mello). 301. M. zurquiensis sp. nov. 302. M. apollinaris Séguy. 303. M. batesi Aldrich. 304. M. bellardiana Aldrich. 305. M. benoisti (Séguy).
FIGURES 326–349. ST6–8 and hypoproct of Mesembrinellidae. 326. Laneella fusconitida sp. nov. 327. L. fuscosquamata sp. nov. 328. L. nigripes Guimar„es. 329. L. perisi (Mariluis). 330. L. purpurea sp. nov. 331. Mesembrinella latifrons (Mello). 332. M. guaramacalensis sp. nov. 333. M. mexicana sp. nov. 334. M. spicata Aldrich. 335. M. epandrioaurantia sp. nov. 336. M. aeneiventris (Wiedemann). 337. M. decrepita Séguy. 338. M. lara (Bonatto). 339. M. nigrocoerulea sp. nov. 340. M. purpurata Aldrich. 341. M. semiflava Aldrich. 342. M. uniseta Aldrich. 343. M. violacea sp. nov. 344. M. vogelsangi (Mello). 345. M. zurquiensis sp. nov. 346. M. apollinaris Séguy. 347. M. batesi Aldrich. 348. M. bellardiana Aldrich. 349. M. benoisti (Séguy).
FIGURES 370–400. Spermathecae of Mesembrinellidae. 370. L. fusconitida sp. nov. 371. L. fuscosquamata sp. nov. 372. L. nigripes Guimar„es. 373. L. perisi (Mariluis). 374. L. purpurea sp. nov. 375. Mesembrinella guaramacalensis sp. nov. 376. M. mexicana sp. nov. 377. M. spicata Aldrich. 378. M. aeneiventris (Wiedemann). 379. M. decrepita Séguy. 380. M. lara (Bonatto). 381. M. nigrocoerulea sp. nov. 382. M. purpurata Aldrich. 383. M. semiflava Aldrich. 384. M. uniseta Aldrich. 385. M. vogelsangi (Mello). 386. M. zurquiensis sp. nov. 387. M. apollinaris Séguy. 388. M. batesi Aldrich. 389. M. bellardiana Aldrich. 390. M. benoisti (Séguy). 391. M. bicolor (Fabricius). 392. M. brunnipes Surcouf. 393. M. bullata sp. nov. 394. M. chantryi sp. nov. 395. M. currani Guimar„es. 396. M. cyaneicincta (Surcouf). 397. M. flavicrura Aldrich. 398. M. longicercus sp. nov. 399. M. peregrina Aldrich. 400. M. pictipennis Aldrich.
FIGURES 424–438. Female sternites of Mesembrinella spp. 424. M. nigrocoerulea sp. nov. 425. M. purpurata Aldrich. 426. M. semiflava Aldrich. 427. M. uniseta Aldrich. 428. M. violacea sp. nov. 429. M. vogelsangi (Mello). 430. M. zurquiensis sp. nov. 431. M. apollinaris Séguy. 432. M. batesi Aldrich. 433. M. bellardiana Aldrich. 434. M. benoisti (Séguy). 435. M. bicolor (Fabricius). 436. M. brunnipes Surcouf. 437. M. bullata sp. nov. 438. M. chantryi sp. nov.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Mesembrinellinae |
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Mesembrinella vogelsangi ( Mello, 1967 )
Whitworth, Terry L. & Yusseff-Vanegas, Sohath 2019 |
Huascaromusca vogelsangi: Kosmann et al. (2013: 77)
Wolff, M. & Ramos-Pastrana, Y. & Marinho, M. A. T. & Amorim, D. 2017: 253 |
Velasquez, Y. & Martinez-Sanchez, A. I. & Thomas, A. & Rojo, S. 2017: 109 |
Wolff, M. & Kosmann, C. 2016: 867 |
Kosmann, C. & Pinto de Mello, R. & Harterreiten-Souza, E. S. & Pujol-Luz, J. R. 2013: 77 |
Huascaromusca vogelsangi
Mello, R. P. de 1967: 46 |
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