Campylomyza abjecta
Ham, Daseul & Bae, Yeon Jae, 2025, Taxonomic study of the genus Campylomyza Meigen (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) in Korea with descriptions of seven new species, ZooKeys 1223, pp. 221-245
: 221-245
221-245 |
Odontomyrme abjecta
Brothers, Denis J., 2022, Critical analysis of the type material of Mutillidae described from the Australasian Region (Hymenoptera), Zootaxa 5140 (1), pp. 1-215
: 207
207 |
Cotesia abjecta
Broad, Gavin R., Shaw, Mark R. & Godfray, H. Charles J., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Braconidae, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8151-8151
: 8151
8151 |
Chelipoda abjecta
Published, First, 2007, The Hemerodromiinae (Diptera: Empididae) of New Zealand II. Chelipoda Macquart, Zootaxa 1537 (1), pp. 1-88
: 25-26
25-26 |
Erythrodiplax abjecta
Palacino-Rodríguez, Fredy, Rache-Rodríguez, Leonardo & Castillo, Daniel R., 2019, Description of the last stadium larva of Erythrodiplax abjecta (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) from the eastern Colombian Andes, Zootaxa 4545 (1), pp. 139-145
: 140-142
140-142 |
Cotesia abjecta
Gadallah, Neveen S., Ghahari, Hassan & Peris-Felipo, Francisco Javier, 2015, Catalogue of the Iranian Microgastrinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Zootaxa 4043 (1), pp. 1-69
: 16
16 |
Andrena (Micrandrena) abjecta
Wood, Thomas James, Cross, Ian & Baldock, David W., 2020, Updates to the bee fauna of Portugal with the description of three new Iberian Andrena species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila), Zootaxa 4790 (2), pp. 201-228
: 219
219 |
Andrena (Micrandrena) abjecta
Lhomme, Patrick, 2020, The wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of Morocco, Zootaxa 4892 (1), pp. 1-159
: 11
11 |
Astictopterus abjecta
Bivar-De-Sousa, António, Vasconcelos, Sasha, Mendes, Luís F., Larsen, Torben B., Baker, Jon & Guilherme, João L., 2016, Butterflies of Guinea-Bissau: VIII. New data, new reports, corrections and biodiversity (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea), Zootaxa 4201 (1), pp. 1-77
: 54
54 |
Laverna abjecta
new species
Butler, Arthur Gardiner, 1881, On a collection of nocturnal Lepidoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. (Continued from p. 333)., Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany and Geology, Being a Continuation of the ' Magazine of Botany and Zoology', and of Louden and Charlesworth's ' Magazine of Natural History', Series 5 7, No. 41, pp. 392-408
: 404
404 |
Andrena (Micrandrena) abjecta
Dardón, María José, Torres, Félix & Ornosa, Concepción, 2014, The subgenus Andrena (Micrandrena) (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) in the Iberian Peninsula, Zootaxa 3872 (5), pp. 467-497
: 473-476
473-476 |
Listroderes abjecta
Morrone, Juan J., 2011, Annotated checklist of the tribe Listroderini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cyclominae) 3119, Zootaxa 3119 (1), pp. 1-68
: 26
26 |
Phalæna abjecta
new species
Hübner, Jacob, 1813, Noctuae, Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge 4, pp. 97-134
: 97-134
97-134 |
Campylomyza abjecta
Jaschhof, Mathias & Jaschhof, Catrin, 2017, Mycophagous gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae: Lestremiinae, Micromyinae, Winnertziinae, Porricondylinae): first records in Sweden and descriptions of closely related new species from elsewhere, Zootaxa 4226 (4), pp. 546-570
: 550
550 |
Cotesia abjecta
Broad, Gavin R., Shaw, Mark R. & Godfray, H. Charles J., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Braconidae, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8151-8151
: 8151
8151 |
Isoteinon abjecta
comb. nov.
Cong, Qian, Zhang, Jing, Shen, Jinhui & Grishin, Nick V., 2019, Fifty new genera of Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera), Insecta Mundi 731 (731), pp. 1-56
: 22
22 |