Paraportanus longispinus
sp. n.
Carvalho, Adenomar Neves de, 2012, Description of a new Brazilian Paraportanus and key to the species of the genus (Insecta, Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Portanini), ZooKeys 242, pp. 19-24
: 19-21
19-21 |
Paraportanus marica
sp. nov.
Felix, Márcio & Mejdalani, Gabriel, 2016, Two new species of Portanini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Aphrodinae) from Southeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 4196 (3), pp. 399-406
: 402-403
402-403 |
Felix, Márcio & Mejdalani, Gabriel, 2016, Two new species of Portanini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Aphrodinae) from Southeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 4196 (3), pp. 399-406
: 405
405 |