Homalanthus remotus Esser, 1997, new species
Esser, Hans-Joachim, 1997, A revision of Omalanthus (Euphorbiaceae) in Malesia, Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 42, pp. 421-466
: 457
457 |
Homalanthus xerocarpus Shaw, 1979, new species
Airy Shaw, Herbert Kenneth, 1979, Notes on Malesian and other Asiatic Euphorbiaceae, Kew Bulletin 33, pp. 529-538
: 536
536 |
Homalanthus nervosus Smith, 1912, new species
Smith, Johannes Jacobus, 1912, Euphorbiaceae, Nova Guinea. Contributions to the anthropology, botany, geology and zoology of the Papuan region. Botany 8, pp. 779-796
: 792
792 |
Homalanthus goodenoviensis Shaw, 1968, new species
Airy Shaw, Herbert Kenneth, 1968, Notes on Malesian and other Asiatic Euphorbiaceae, Kew Bulletin 21, pp. 353-418
: 417
417 |
Homalanthus repandus Schlechter, 1906, new species
Schlechter, Fridrich Richard Rudolf, 1906, Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora von Neu-Kaledonien, Botanische Jahrbücher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. 39, No. 1, pp. 1-160
: 154
154 |
Homalanthus deltoideus Shaw, 1980, new species
Airy Shaw, Herbert Kenneth, 1980, New Euphorbiaceae from New Guinea, Kew Bulletin 34, pp. 591-598
: 594
594 |
Homalanthus vernicosus Gage, 1917, new species
Gage, Andrew Thomas, 1917, Euphorbiaceae, Nova Guinea. Contributions to the anthropology, botany, geology and zoology of the Papuan region. Botany 12, pp. 479-486
: 483
483 |
Homalanthus tetrandrus Smith, 1912, new species
Smith, Johannes Jacobus, 1912, Euphorbiaceae, Nova Guinea. Contributions to the anthropology, botany, geology and zoology of the Papuan region. Botany 8, pp. 779-796
: 791
791 |
Homalanthus trivalvis Shaw, 1968, new species
Airy Shaw, Herbert Kenneth, 1968, Notes on Malesian and other Asiatic Euphorbiaceae, Kew Bulletin 21, pp. 353-418
: 415
415 |
Homalanthus arfakiensis Gibbs, 1917, new species
Gibbs, Lilian Suzette, 1917, Dutch North-West New Guinea. A contribution to the phytogeography and flora of the Arfak Mountains, & c., Taylor & Francis
: 145
145 |
Homalanthus novoguineensis Schumann 1900
Simão, Inês F., Silveira, Paulo C., Wajer, Jacek, Schuiteman, André & Welzen, Peter Van, 2024, Checklist of the Timorese Euphorbiaceae and related families, Phytotaxa 661 (2), pp. 123-149
: 133
133 |
Homalanthus giganteus Zollinger & Moritzi 1845
Simão, Inês F., Silveira, Paulo C., Wajer, Jacek, Schuiteman, André & Welzen, Peter Van, 2024, Checklist of the Timorese Euphorbiaceae and related families, Phytotaxa 661 (2), pp. 123-149
: 133
133 |