Blacus (Ganychorus) diversicornis
Broad, Gavin R., Shaw, Mark R. & Godfray, H. Charles J., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Braconidae, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8151-8151
: 8151
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Blacus diversicornis
Verheyde, Fons, Jacobs, JEffrEY, Dekoninck, WOUTEr, Achterberg, Kees Van, Rond, JErOEn, Blanck, Tim De, Schoonvaere, KarEL, Nieuwenhuijsen, Hans, Ketelaere, Augustijn De, Minnebo, BarT & Ferrer-Suay, Mar, 2023, Remarks on Hymenoptera on urban green roofs in Belgium, Belgian Journal of Entomology 140, pp. 1-37
: 24
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Blacus (Ganychorus) diversicornis
Broad, Gavin R., Shaw, Mark R. & Godfray, H. Charles J., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Braconidae, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8151-8151
: 8151
8151 |