Bembecinus karasanus F. Gess and Pulawski, 2015

Gess, Friedrich W., Pulawski, Wojciech J. & Gess, Sarah K., 2015, A Revision of the rhopalocerus Species Group of Bembecinus Costa (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae: Bembicinae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 62 (7), pp. 207-256 : 226-228

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11512316


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bembecinus karasanus F. Gess and Pulawski

sp. nov.

Bembecinus karasanus F. Gess and Pulawski View in CoL , sp. nov.

Figures 4a View FIGURE , 12a, b. View FIGURE

NAME DERIVATION.— The name, a newly coined Neolatin adjective, is derived from the Nama word! Karas (meaning Quiver Tree, or Aloe dichotoma Masson ) as incorporated in the town name, Karasburg, and in the mountains, the Groot Karasberge, which are situated within the triangle formed between the three localities, Karasburg, Keetmanshoop and Aroab, from which the Namibian specimens were obtained.

RECOGNITION.— Bembecinus karasanus differs from the other species of the haplocerus group in having the punctures of the labrum large, larger than those on the scutum. In the other species, the labrum punctures are fine, either smaller than those on the scutum (most specimens) or as large as those on the scutum.

DESCRIPTION.— Labrum with large punctures (larger than those on scutum), in female averaging less than one diameter apart. Head black with the following yellow: mandible excepting apex, labrum, clypeus, face below antenna and narrowly up to midheight along orbit, spot on each side of frons below level of anterior ocellus in some females, spot between anterior and posterior ocellus (not reaching anterior ocellus in some specimens, absent in many males), in female spot behind posterior ocellus (in some specimens spots joining mesally, forming posteriorly curved band), gena narrowly above and widely below, stipes, galea, both pairs of palpi, scape, pedicel and flagellomere I ventrally; rest of antennae more or less ferruginous with dorsal side darker than ventral side. Thorax black with the following yellow: pronotum except black mesally (narrowly so in female, broadly in male), propleuron except brown anteriorly, scutum adlaterally and a pair of admedian longitudinal streaks (broad in female, narrow in male), tegula, scutellum except variably shaped basomedian area, metanotum except extreme base, mesopleuron except anterior, posterior and dorsal edges. Propodeum in female yellow with the following black: narrow basal band, spot on each side of enclosure (except basally), and in some specimens long streak extending above spiracle and continuing to side of gastropropodeal articulation; in male black with the following yellow: posterolateral margin, anterior half of lateral surface, and enclosure except basally (in some specimens only a pair of small spots on enclosure ventrally are yellow). Color of gaster: see below. Legs yellow or inner surface of mid- and hindfemora light ferruginous, also mid- and hindtarsomeres. Wings hyaline, Sc+R black, other veins brown.

Base and sides of clypeus, face below antennae and halfway up sides covered with inconspicuous, decumbent, silvery pubescence.

♀: Length 9.7–11.8 mm long (average of 14 = 10.4 mm; holotype 11.2 mm). Ocular index 2.2–2.3 (average of 12 = 2.3). Minimum interocular distance equal to 2.0–2.2 × that between antennal scrobe and base of clypeus (average of 3 = 2.1). Distance between posterior ocelli 1.4–1.5 × distance between posterior ocellus and eye margin (average of 12 = 1.5). Clypeus moderately convex, unevenly curved, its highest point close to its base, apical area flattened medially, sparsely and insignificantly punctured; its width at insertion of mandibles 1.7–1.8 × its midlength (average of 12 = 1.7). Labrum triangular, its greatest width 1.1 × midlength. Gaster mostly yellow except the following are whitish: preapical transverse bands (widened laterally on terga I-V), most of tergum VI and most of sterna; testaceous are: apical margins of terga I-VI; and black are: anterior declivity of tergum I ventrally and, in some specimens median, short streak on disk of tergum I and preapical spot on tergum VI.

♂: Length 10.5–11.0 mm (average of 4 = 10.75 mm). Ocular index 2.1–2.2 (average of 5 = 2.15). Minimum interocular distance equal to 2.1–2.3 × that between antennal scrobe and base of clypeus (average of 3 = 2.2). Distance between posterior ocelli 1.4–1.6× distance between posterior ocellus and eye margin (average of 4 = 1.5). Width of clypeus at insertion of mandibles 1.7 × its midline. Labrum triangular, its greatest width 1.2 × its midlength. Gaster mostly yellow or light brownish, terga I-III to I-V with whitish or yellow preapical fasciae, sterna whitish or yellow, apical fasciae of terga brown or light ferruginous, anterior declivity of tergum I black, extending into median streak on disk. Apical flagellomere simple. Tergum VII subtriangular, narrowly emarginated apically ( Fig. 12b View FIGURE ).

MATERIAL EXAMINED.— HOLOTYPE: ♀, NAMIBIA Karas Region: Karasburg , 14.xii.1974, H.N. Empey ( AMGS) . PARATYPES: NAMIBIA Karas Region: Karasburg , 15.i.1975, H.N. Empey (4 ♀, AMGS) ; Aroab , 4.i.1975, H.N. Empey (1 ♀, AMGS) ; Keetmanshoop , 15.xii.1974, H.N. Empey (1 ♀, AMGS) ; 16 km S Rosh Pinah at 28°04′S 16°51′E, 15.x.2000, F.W. and S.K. Gess (2 ♀, AMHS, CAS) GoogleMaps . SOUTH AFRICA: Northern Cape Province: Vioolsdrif on Orange River, Namaqualand , 4–6.x.1966, F.W. Gess and W.H.R. Gess (2 ♂, SAMC) ; Goodhouse , xi.1936, Museum Staff [ SAMC] (7 ♀, SAMC) .

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION.— Known from the southern Nama-Karoo of Namibia and the south bank of the Orange River, neighboring on Namibia ( Fig. 25a View FIGURE ).


NESTING.— Unknown.

PREY.— Unknown.


Albany Museum


California Academy of Sciences


Iziko Museums of Cape Town













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