Bactrocera (Bactrocera) kyrdemkulai Abhishek and David, 2024

Abhishek, Venkateshaiah, David, Karamankodu Jacob & Pradeep, Shivanand, 2024, Two new species and a new record of Bactrocera Macquart (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae: Dacini) from India with an updated key to species of subgenus Bactrocera, Zootaxa 5486 (2), pp. 283-300 : 288-290

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5486.2.6

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scientific name

Bactrocera (Bactrocera) kyrdemkulai Abhishek and David

sp. nov.

Bactrocera (Bactrocera) kyrdemkulai Abhishek and David , sp. nov. ( Figures 9–18 View FIGURES 9–16 View FIGURES 17–24 )

Description: Male

A small-sized fly, (total body length – 3.9 to 4.2 mm), reddish-brown to black species.

Head ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9–16 ): Face 1.21 mm high and 1.48 mm wide, frons 0.63 mm high and 0.51 mm wide, face entirely fulvous with the oral margin 0.34 mm high and 0.81 mm wide with oval facial spots of 0.19 mm high and 0.11 mm wide with three frontal setae and two orbital seta, bases of all setae black, ocellar triangle black, ocellus fuscous, outer vertical seta and medial vertical seta well developed; pale fuscous marking on gena area not connected to eye margin, occiput black except posterior margin of eye and vertex, postocular setae thin, lunule fulvous and fuscous in some specimens; antennal segments fulvous, fuscous on outer side in some specimens, arista not plumose, combined length of antennal segments viz., scape (0.21 mm), pedicel (0.26 mm) and flagellomere (0.79 mm) almost equal to the vertical length (1.21mm) of face.

Thorax ( Figs 10, 11 View FIGURES 9–16 ): Scutum reddish brown to black (1.86 mm high and 1.50 mm wide) with lanceolate markings; postsutural lateral vitta narrow (0.07 mm) tapered posteriorly to end before intra-alar seta, medial postsutural vittae absent. Yellow markings as follows, notopleuron, postpronotal lobe, narrow mesopleural (anepisternal) stripe (0.65 mm high and 0.34 mm wide), almost equal to notopleuron, continued as yellow transverse spot on katepisternum, 0.7 of katatergite and anatergite. Scutellum yellow (0.37 mm high and 0.86 mm wide) with a narrow (0.04 mm) black basal band, subscutellum completely black with 0.53 mm high and 0.91 mm wide.

Chaetotaxy: 2 scapular setae; 1 anterior notopleural seta; 1 posterior notopleural seta; 1 mesopleural seta; 1 post sutural supra-alar seta; 1 prescutellar setae; 1 post-alar seta; 1 intra-alar seta; 1 apical scutellar setae.

Legs ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 9–16 ): Coxa, trochanter, tibia of fore and hind legs, 0.4 of tibia of mid legs, tarsus and pretarsus of all legs are fuscous; remainder are fulvous.

Wing ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 9–16 ): (4.31–4.42 mm) predominantly hyaline, cell bc and c colourless, narrow costal band from cell sc to wing apex overlapping with vein R 2+3, and slightly expanding at the apex, extension of cell cup longer than cup, anal streak present.

Abdomen ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 9–16 ): Abdomen oval (1.90 mm high; 1.61 mm wide), predominantly red-brown to black, fuscous band between two fulvous bands on tergites II transversely, pecten on tergite III and a fuscous medial vitta covered by brown medial patch over tergites III–V, and two spots on tergite V, sternite I and V are dark fuscous and II, III and IV are fuscous, sternite V of male with a deep posterior emargination.

Male genitalia ( Figs 14, 15, 16 View FIGURES 9–16 , 42 View FIGURES41–44 , 46 View FIGURES 45–48 , 50 View FIGURES 49–52 ): Epandrium and surstyli inverted U-shaped in outline (posterior view), strongly sclerotised, epandrium quadrate as long as wide (0.25 mm high; 0.26 mm wide) equal to the length of lateral surstylus (0.27 mm), lateral surstylus broad (0.1 mm), posterior lobe (0.12 mm) of lateral surstylus broadly pointed, curved back, covering prensisetae, not longer than (0.26 mm) anterior lobe; proctiger membraneous (0.12 mm), dome shaped and smaller than epandrium, medial surstylus longer than lateral surstylus tapering towards apex with a pair of thick prensisetae. Phallus elongate (2.44 mm) with well-developed glans (0.42 mm) ( Figs 16 View FIGURES 9–16 , 50 View FIGURES 49–52 ); 0.75 of glans sclerotised with unpatterned praeputium; subapical lobe and basal lobe present.

Attractant: Methyl eugenol.

Host plant: Not known.

Material examined: Holotype, 1♂, INDIA, Meghalaya, Ri Bhoi, Kyrdemkulai , 03.xii.2023, David, K. J. ( NIM). Paratypes: 2♂♂, INDIA, Meghalaya, Ri Bhoi , Kyrdemkulai , 03.xii.2023, Abhishek, V. ( NIM) .

Etymology: This species is named after the type locality of the species and is a noun in apposition. (Kyrdemkulai)

Diagnosis: Bactrocera (Bactrocera) kyrdemkulai sp. nov. is similar to Bactrocera (Bactrocera) rubigina (Wang and Zhao) in general body colour ( Figs 9–12 View FIGURES 9–16 , 25–28 View FIGURES 25–32 ) costal band slightly overlapping R 2+3 ( Figs 13 View FIGURES 9–16 , 29 View FIGURES 25–32 ) and elongate lateral surstylus ( Figs 14 View FIGURES 9–16 , 30 View FIGURES 25–32 ) but can be differentiated by its smaller body size (3.9–4.1 mm); facial spots oval measuring 0.19 mm high, 0.11 mm wide ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9–16 ); lateral vittae narrow (0.07 mm) tapered posteriorly to end before intra-alar seta ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 9–16 ); subscutellum completely black (0.53 mm high, 0.91 mm wide) ( Fig. 54 View FIGURES 53–56 ); ceromata fuscous (0.22 mm high, 0.35 mm wide) ( Figs 12 View FIGURES 9–16 , 58 View FIGURES 57–60 ); tip of posterior lobe of lateral surstylus curved back with an extended beak ( Figs 14 View FIGURES 9–16 , 42 View FIGURES41–44 ); prominent fuscous markings on the scutum and abdomen ( Figs 10, 12 View FIGURES 9–16 ); apex of lateral surstylus convex ( Figs 14 View FIGURES 9–16 , 42 View FIGURES41–44 ); abdominal sternites I, V dark fuscous, II, III and IV and males are attracted to Methyl eugenol. In contrast to this B. rubigina is a medium sized fly (5.9– 6.1 mm) with elongate oval facial spots measuring 0.31 mm high, 0.12 mm wide ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 25–32 ); broad lateral vittae (0.15 mm) ending at intra-alar seta ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 25–32 ); subscutellum red brown (0.70 mm high, 1.02 mm wide) with anterolateral dark patches ( Fig. 56 View FIGURES 53–56 ); ceromata fuscous (0.22 mm high, 0.35 mm wide) ( Figs 28 View FIGURES 25–32 , 60 View FIGURES 57–60 ); tip of posterior lobe of lateral surstylus curved back with an extended beak ( Figs 30 View FIGURES 25–32 , 44 View FIGURES41–44 ); less fuscous markings on the scutum and abdomen ( Figs 26, 28 View FIGURES 25–32 ); apex of lateral surstylus convex ( Figs 30 View FIGURES 25–32 , 44 View FIGURES41–44 ), abdominal sternites I, V dark fuscous, II, III and IV and males are attracted to cuelure.













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