142.80234, 43.652332: 10 Treatments

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Nipponomyia kuwanai     Kolcsar, Levente-Peter, Kato, Daichi, Gamboa, Maribet & Watanabe, Kozo, 2020, Revision of Japanese species of Nipponomyia Alexander, 1924 (Diptera, Pediciidae), ZooKeys 1000, pp. 71-105 : 71 71
Iteaphila incus   sp. nov.  Sinclair, Bradley J. & Shamshev, Igor V., 2021, World revision of Iteaphila with unbranched radial vein (Diptera: Empidoidea: Iteaphilidae), Zootaxa 4968 (1), pp. 1-89 : 62-64 62-64
Iteaphila spinosa   sp. nov.  Sinclair, Bradley J. & Shamshev, Igor V., 2021, World revision of Iteaphila with unbranched radial vein (Diptera: Empidoidea: Iteaphilidae), Zootaxa 4968 (1), pp. 1-89 : 57-58 57-58
Xyela kamtshatica     Blank, Stephan M., Kramp, Katja & Shinohara, Akihiko, 2017, Xyela fusca spec. nov. from Japan elucidates East Asian – North American relationships of Xyela (Hymenoptera, Xyelidae), Zootaxa 4303 (1), pp. 103-121 : 112 112
Exechia toyoheii   sp. n.  Lindemann, Jon Peder, Soli, Geir & Kjaerandsen, Jostein, 2021, Revision of the Exechia parva group (Diptera: Mycetophilidae), Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 67134-67134 : 67134 67134
Vanhornia leileri     Abe, Junta, Yamagishi, Kenzo & Konishi, Kazuhiko, 2024, Review of the family Vanhorniidae (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea), with the description of two new species, Zootaxa 5507 (3), pp. 427-438 : 433 433
Xyela pumilae     Blank, Stephan M., Kramp, Katja & Shinohara, Akihiko, 2017, Xyela fusca spec. nov. from Japan elucidates East Asian – North American relationships of Xyela (Hymenoptera, Xyelidae), Zootaxa 4303 (1), pp. 103-121 : 112-113 112-113
Fidiobia brevialis   sp. nov.  Popovici, Ovidiu Alin, Masner, Lubomir, Lahey, Zachary & Talamas, Elijah, 2022, Revision of the Palearctic species of Fidiobia Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea), Journal of Hymenoptera Research 92, pp. 23-144 : 23 23
Acalypta marginata     Souma, Jun, 2021, New record of the lace bug species Acalypta marginata (Wolff) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) from Japan, Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 62868-62868 : 62868 62868
Xiphydria annulitibia     Shinohara, Akihiko, Hara, Hideho & Smith, David R., 2020, The Xiphydria annulitibia group in northeastern Asia (Hymenoptera, Xiphydriidae), Zootaxa 4755 (2), pp. 375-389 : 377-382 377-382