Proformica nasuta
Galkowski, Christophe, Lebas, Claude, Wegnez, Philippe, Lenoir, Alain & Blatrix, Rumsaïs, 2017, Redescription of Proformica nasuta (Nylander, 1856) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) using an integrative approach, European Journal of Taxonomy 290 (290), pp. 1-40
: 13-17
13-17 |
Myolepta obscura
Steenis, Jeroen Van, 2020, A new species of the genus Myolepta Newman (Diptera: Syrphidae), with short description and key to all species of the M. vara subgroup, Zootaxa 4750 (3), pp. 370-390
: 378-380
378-380 |
Amasa sp.
Marchioro, Matteo, Faccoli, Massimo, Dal Cortivo, Marialuisa, Branco, Manuela, Roques, Alain, Garcia, Andre & Ruzzier, Enrico, 2022, New species and new records of exotic Scolytinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Europe, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 93995-93995
: 93995
93995 |
Diamysis lagunaris
Wittmann, Karl J., Ariani, Antonio P. & Daneliya, Mikhail, 2016, The Mysidae (Crustacea: Peracarida: Mysida) in fresh and oligohaline waters of the Mediterranean. Taxonomy, biogeography, and bioinvasion, Zootaxa 4142 (1), pp. 1-70
: 36-38
36-38 |
Limnomysis benedeni
Wittmann, Karl J., Ariani, Antonio P. & Daneliya, Mikhail, 2016, The Mysidae (Crustacea: Peracarida: Mysida) in fresh and oligohaline waters of the Mediterranean. Taxonomy, biogeography, and bioinvasion, Zootaxa 4142 (1), pp. 1-70
: 41-44
41-44 |
Gallardoneris nonatoi
comb. nov.
Martin, Daniel, Estefa, Jordi & Gil, Joao, 2022, Taxonomic review of Gallardoneris nonatoi (Ramos, 1976) comb. nov. (Annelida, Lumbrineridae), and description of a new species of Lumbrineris from the Gulf of Mexico, ZooKeys 1114, pp. 35-57
: 35
35 |
Hemimysis anomala
Wittmann, Karl J., Ariani, Antonio P. & Daneliya, Mikhail, 2016, The Mysidae (Crustacea: Peracarida: Mysida) in fresh and oligohaline waters of the Mediterranean. Taxonomy, biogeography, and bioinvasion, Zootaxa 4142 (1), pp. 1-70
: 11-13
11-13 |
Megachile (Pseudomegachile) ericetorum
Dorchin, Achik & Praz, Christophe J., 2018, Taxonomic revision of the Western Palaearctic bees of the subgenus Pseudomegachile (Hymenoptera, Apiformes, Megachilidae, Megachile), Zootaxa 4524 (3), pp. 251-307
: 292-294
292-294 |
Collarina denticulata
sp. nov.
Harmelin, Jean-Georges, Bishop, John D. D., Madurell, Teresa, Souto, Javier, Spencer Jones, Mary E. & Zabala, Mikel, 2019, Unexpected diversity of the genus Collarina Jullien, 1886 (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida) in the NE Atlantic-Mediterranean region: new species and reappraisal of C. balzaci (Audouin, 1826) and C. fayalensis Harmelin, 1978, Zoosystema 41 (21), pp. 385-418
: 395-397
395-397 |
Andrena gelriae
Praz, Christophe, Genoud, David, Vaucher, Killian, Benon, Dimitri, Monks, Joseph & Wood, Thomas J., 2022, Unexpected levels of cryptic diversity in European bees of the genus Andrena subgenus Taeniandrena (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae): implications for conservation, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 91, pp. 375-428
: 375
375 |