Dieidolycus leptodermatus
M. Eric Anderson, 2006, Studies on the Zoarcidae of the southern hemisphere. X. New records from western Antarctica., Zootaxa 1110, pp. 1-15
: 3-4
3-4 |
Ophiocymbium antarcticus
sp. nov.
Martynov, Alexander, 2010, Reassessment of the classification of the Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata), based on morphological characters. I. General character evaluation and delineation of the families Ophiomyxidae and Ophiacanthidae 2697, Zootaxa 2697, pp. 1-154
: 60-62
60-62 |
Lycodapus pachysoma
M. Eric Anderson, 2006, Studies on the Zoarcidae of the southern hemisphere. X. New records from western Antarctica., Zootaxa 1110, pp. 1-15
: 8-9
8-9 |
Psolidium whittakeri
sp. nov.
O’Loughlin, P. Mark & Ahearn, Cynthia, 2008, Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic species of Psolidium Ludwig (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Psolidae), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65, pp. 23-42
: 38-39
38-39 |
Chuneola major
Zeidler, Wolfgang, 2009, A review of the hyperiidean amphipod superfamily Lanceoloidea Bowman & Gruner, 1973 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea), Zootaxa 2000, pp. 1-117
: 85
85 |