166.71666, -21.883333: 10 Treatments

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Ethalia montrouzieri     Herbert, David G., 2024, The Umboniinae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochidae) of New Caledonia, with descriptions of two new genera and eight new species, plus an additional new species from the Bismarck Sea, European Journal of Taxonomy 973, pp. 1-143 : 16-27 16-27
Hesione intertexta   restricted  Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., 2018, Revision of Hesione Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 (Annelida, Errantia, Hesionidae), Zoosystema 40 (12), pp. 227-325 : 265-270 265-270
Periclimenes acanthimerus   sp. nov.  Bruce, A. J., 2006, An unusual new Periclimenes (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from New Caledonia, Zoosystema 28 (3), pp. 703-712 : 704 704
Amalda alabaster   sp. nov.  Kantor, Yuri I., Castelin, Magalie, Fedosov, Alexander & Bouchet, Philippe, 2020, The Indo-Pacific Amalda (Neogastropoda, Olivoidea, Ancillariidae) revisited with molecular data, with special emphasis on New Caledonia, European Journal of Taxonomy 706, pp. 1-59 : 36-40 36-40
Coralliophila fearnleyi     Oliverio, Marco, 2008, Coralliophilinae (Neogastropoda: Muricidae) from the southwest Pacific, Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 196, pp. 481-586 : 492-493 492-493
Dendrobium vagans     Pignal, Marc, Laudereau, Christian, Laudereau, Pierre-Louis & Bruy, David, 2022, Une révision de Dendrobium Sw. sect. Rhizobium Lindl. en Nouvelle-Calédonie, Adansonia (3) 44 (15), pp. 153-164 : 163 163
Babelomurex japonicus     Oliverio, Marco, 2008, Coralliophilinae (Neogastropoda: Muricidae) from the southwest Pacific, Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 196, pp. 481-586 : 523-525 523-525
Tristaniopsis planidisca   sp. nov.  Bruy, David, Lannuzel, Guillaume, Gâteblé, Gildas & Munzinger, Jérôme, 2023, Three new species threatened by mining activity in New Caledonia, Phytotaxa 578 (3), pp. 228-240 : 236-238 236-238
Solmsia calophylla     Rogers, Zachary S. & Fuentes-Soriano, Sara, 2021, Solmsia Baill.: a taxonomic revision of an endemic New Caledonian genus of Thymelaeaceae, Adansonia (3) 43 (12), pp. 125-150 : 139-148 139-148
Dendrobium finetianum     Pignal, Marc, 2023, Two new species of Dendrobium Sw. from New Caledonia in the section Macrocladium Schltr. and a note about Dendrobium kanakorum Kraenzl., Adansonia (3) 45 (25), pp. 385-393 : 387-388 387-388