Entyposis bidentata
sp. nov.
Lacroix, Marc & Montreuil, Olivier, 2012, Révision du genre Entyposis Kolbe, 1894 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae), Zoosystema 34 (4), pp. 721-735
: 730
730 |
Warneckea albiflora
sp. nov.
Stone, Robert Douglas & Tenza, Ntombiphumile Perceverence, 2017, Warneckea albiflora, a new species of W. subgenus Carnosae (MelastomataceaeOlisbeoideae) from coastal dry forest in northern Mozambique, Phytotaxa 311 (2), pp. 168-174
: 169-172
169-172 |
Memecylon rovumense
sp. nov.
Stone, Robert Douglas, Mona, Imercia Gracious & Ramdhani, Syd, 2017, Revised treatment of Mozambican Memecylon (Melastomataceae-Olisbeoideae), with descriptions of four new species in M. section Buxifolia, Phytotaxa 331 (2), pp. 151-168
: 160-163
160-163 |
Xylopia tenuipetala
Johnson, David M. & Murray, Nancy A., 2018, A revision of Xylopia L. (Annonaceae): the species of Tropical Africa, PhytoKeys 97, pp. 1-252
: 79-80
79-80 |
Cladoceras rovumense
sp. nov.
Darbyshire, Iain, Burrows, John E., Luke, Quentin & Langa, Clayton, 2022, Cladoceras rovumense sp. nov. (Gentianales-Rubiaceae), a new species from southeast Tanzania and northeast Mozambique, European Journal of Taxonomy 833, pp. 46-59
: 50-54
50-54 |
Ochna mchanga
sp. nov.
Shah, Toral, Mashimba, Fandey H., Suleiman, Haji. O., Mbailwa, Yahya S., Savolainen, Vincent, Larridon, Isabel & Darbyshire, Iain, 2023, A taxonomic revision of the ecologically important Ochna holstii (Ochnaceae) complex using molecular and morphological data, Plant Ecology and Evolution 156 (2), pp. 174-200
: 174
174 |
Artema atlanta
Aharon, Shlomi, Huber, Bernhard A. & Gavish-Regev, Efrat, 2017, Daddy-long-leg giants: revision of the spider genus Artema Walckenaer, 1837 (Araneae, Pholcidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 376 (376), pp. 1-57
: 8-15
8-15 |
Hystrix africaeaustralis
James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594
: 569
569 |
Hystrix africaeaustralis
Charles A. Woods, 1993, Order Rodentia - Suborder Hystricognathi, Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition), Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 771-806
: 773
773 |
Sphex satanas subsp. satanas
Dörfel, Thorleif H. & Ohl, Michael, 2022, The wasp genus Sphex in Sub-Saharan Africa (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 796 (1), pp. 1-170
: 141-145
141-145 |