
LECROY, MARY & SLOSS, RICHARD, 2000, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History. Part 3. Passeriformes: Eurylaimidae, Dendrocolaptidae, Furnariidae, Formicariidae, Conopophagidae, And Rhinocryptidae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (257), pp. 1-88 : 52-53

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)257<0001:TSOBIT>2.0.CO;2

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scientific name



Thamnophilus cachabiensis Hartert, 1898c: 29 (Cachabi,

North Ecuador, 500 feet).

Now Myrmeciza berlepschi (Hartert, 1898) . See Hartert,

1902: 613, Robbins and Ridgely, 1991, and Ridgely and

Tudor, 1994: 343.

LECTOTYPE: AMNH 491179, adult female, collected at Cachabí, 500 ft, ca. 00°58′N, 78°48′W, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, on 21 January 1897, by William F. H. Rosenberg (no. 243). From the Rothschild Collection. GoogleMaps

COMMENTS: Hartert (1902: 613) recognized that his Pyriglena berlepschi and Thamnophilus cachabiensis were identical, but placed the taxon in Cercomacra . Robbins and Ridgely (1991: 13), following the suggestion of Hilty and Brown (1986: 406), placed it in Myrmeciza .

In the original description Hartert (1898c: 30) mentioned that he had 2 females. Hartert (1922:

394) designated Rosenberg specimen no. 243 as the lectotype. The paralectotype is AMNH 491182 (Rosenberg no. 103).

Cercomacra rosenbergi Hartert Cercomacra rosenbergi Hartert, 1898c: 29 (Cachabi,

North Ecuador, 500 feet high).

Now Myrmeciza nigricauda Salvin and Godman, 1892 .

See Robbins and Ridgely, 1991, and Ridgely and Tudor,

1994: 341.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 491178 , adult male, collected at Cachabí , 500 ft, ca. 00°58′N, 78°48′W, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, on 2 December 1896, by William F. H. Rosenberg (no. 137). From the Rothschild Collection. GoogleMaps

COMMENTS: Robbins and Ridgely (1991) showed that Cercomacra rosenbergi is the same as “ Sipia ” nigricauda , and they agreed with Hilty and Brown (1986: 406) that nigricauda should be considered a species of Myrmeciza , based on plumage, vocal characters, and behavior.

Pyriglena pacifica Chapman

Pyriglena pacifica Chapman, 1923a: 6 (Puente de Chimbo, 1000 ft., Ecuador).

Now Pyriglena leuconota pacifica Chapman, 1923 View in CoL . See Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 312–313, and Parker et al., 1995: 218–219.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 173290 , adult female, collect- ed at Puente de Chimbo , 1000 ft, ca. 02°10′S, 79°06′W, Chimborazo, Ecuador, on 2 August 1922, by Frank M. Chapman, George K. Cherrie, and Geoffrey O’Connell. GoogleMaps

Pyriglena leucoptera similis Zimmer Pyriglena leucoptera similis Zimmer, 1931b: 11 (Caxiricatuba, Rio Tapajoz (right bank), Brazil).

Now Pyriglena leuconota similis Zimmer, 1931 . See

Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 312.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 248847 , adult female, collect- ed at Caxiricatuba , right bank of lower Rio Tapajós, ca. 02°50′S, 55°08′W, Pará, Brazil, on 20 May 1931, by Alfonso M. Olalla. GoogleMaps

COMMENTS: This specimen bears a second AMNH number on the original label, AMNH 314633. It is unclear how this number came to be placed on this specimen, because it belongs to a specimen of a different taxon in the Kaempfer Collection.

Pyriglena leucoptera pernambucensis Zimmer

Pyriglena leucoptera pernambucensis Zimmer, 1931b: 10 (Brejão, Pernambuco, Brazil; altitude 2500 feet). Now Pyriglena leuconota pernambucensis Zimmer, 1931 .

See Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 312.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 243131 , adult female, collect- ed at Brejão , 2500 ft, 09°03′S, 36°29′W, Pernambuco, Brazil, on 11 February 1927, by Emil Kaempfer (no. 4387). GoogleMaps

Myiothera ardesiaca Wied

Myiothera ardesiaca Wied, 1831: 1055 (no locality given).

Now Rhopornis ardesiaca (Wied, 1831) View in CoL . See Allen, 1889b:

255, Allen, 1891a: 199, Naumburg, 1934, Ridgely and

Tudor, 1994: 310, and Sick, 1997: 545.

SYNTYPE: AMNH 6827, adult male, collected in southeastern Brazil, by Maximilian, Prince of Wied. From the Maximilian Collection.

COMMENTS: Wied (1831: 1055–1057) originally described both male and female. Only the male type has been located at AMNH. When Allen (1889b) wrote his original paper on the Wied types, he referred this taxon to Hypocnemis myiotherina (Spix) , but later (Allen, 1891a: 199–200) he recognized ardesiaca as a valid species and considered it generically distinct, erecting for it the name Rhopocichla . Later, Richmond (1902: 35) found that Rhopocichla was preoccupied and proposed Rhopornis to replace it. Naumburg (1934: 493–496) reported on the female of Rhopornis ardesiaca collected by Kaempfer in Brazil and gave a summary of the history of the species. She stated that “Wied’s description of the female evidently applies to a very different bird,” but was unable to determine the species to which it did apply. She suggested that Kaempfer’s locality, Boa Nova in Bahia, be designated as the type locality.

Willis and Oniki ( 1981) discussed Kaempfer’s Boa Nova and decided that of two possible localities of that name, it is the Boa Nova at 14°20′S, 40°11′W, Bahia, a place Wied would have passed en route from Vitória da Conquista to Salvador. They did, in fact, find Rhopornis ardesiaca on Fazenda Alvorada, just north of this locality.

Wied (1831: 1055) ascribed the name to Lichtenstein, but Allen (1899b: 255) considered this to have been a manuscript name only. This is undoubtedly correct, because the name does not appear in Lichtenstein (1823).

Myrmoborus leucophrys griseigula Zimmer Myrmoborus leucophrys griseigula Zimmer, 1932d: 3 (Rosarinho, Lago Sampaio, Rio Madeira (left bank), Brazil). Now Myrmoborus leucophrys griseigula Zimmer, 1932 .

See Pinto, 1978: 384.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 282105 , adult male, collected in the Rosarinho area , at Lago Sampaio , 03°48′S, 59°09′W, left bank of the Rio Madeira , Amazonas , Brazil, on 12 July 1930, by Alfonso and Ramón GoogleMaps















Pyriglena pacifica

Chapman 1923: 6

Pyriglena leuconota pacifica

Chapman 1923

Myiothera ardesiaca

Wied, 1831: 1055: 1055
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