Ctenitis bigarellae Schwartsburd, Labiak & Salino (2007: 29)

Viveros, Raquel Stauffer, Rouhan, Germinal & Salino, Alexandre, 2018, A taxonomic monograph of the fern genus Ctenitis (Dryopteridaceae) in South America, Phytotaxa 385 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.385.1.1

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scientific name

Ctenitis bigarellae Schwartsburd, Labiak & Salino (2007: 29)


5. Ctenitis bigarellae Schwartsburd, Labiak & Salino (2007: 29) View in CoL . Figs. 07A–D, 09D, 16 A. Type:— BRAZIL. Paraná: Ponta Grossa, Parque Estadual de Vila Velha   GoogleMaps , 1000 m, 25º13’S 49º59’W, 28 October 2005, Schwartsburd 944 et al. (holotype MBM 0323296, isotypes UC 1926872!, UPCB 54390).

Dryopteris falciculata (Raddi) Kuntze var. elongata Rosenstock (1915: 368) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Moóca, Brade 5367 (lectotype S06-1045!, designated by Viveros & Salino 2015, isolectotypes GH 00020783!, HB 39019!, NY 0068853!, RB 00561482!, UC 441724!).

Stems erect or ascending, 1.0– 2.9 cm diam., scales 2.0–5.3 × 0.4–0.9 mm, light castaneous, subclathrate, lanceolate, entire or ciliate, with or without some short fimbriae at base and laterally; leaves 32–100 cm long; petioles 19.5–46.5 cm × 1.3–2.1 mm, with 3 vascular bundles at base, brownish or tan, scales 1.8–4.0 × 0.3–0.6 mm, castaneous, subclathrate or clathrate, not tangled on petiole base, patent or ascending, flattish, flaccid, lanceolate with truncate base and attenuate apex, entire or ciliate, with or without some short fimbriae laterally, sparse catenate trichomes abaxially, sparse glandular trichomes; laminae 22–53 × 8–15 cm, width ca. 1/3 of length, rarely 1/2, 1-pinnate-pinnatisect basally, 1-pinnate-pinnatifid medially and apically, linear-lanceolate, apex confluent; rachises tan or stramineous, scales like those on distal portion of petioles, sparse catenate trichomes abaxially, sparse glandular trichomes; pinnae 12–20 pairs, the basal and medial ones stalked to 2.4 mm long, the apical ones sessile, basal pinnae basiscopically and acroscopically somewhat equally developed, the medial 3.5–11.7 × 1.3–3.6 cm, lanceolate, incised more than 3/4 of the distance between the segment apex and costa, basal segments as long as the next, apex attenuate apex; adaxial pinnae axes scales absent, catenate trichomes dense on costa, sparse on costule and veins, bacilliform trichomes absent; adaxial laminar surface between veins with dense filiform trichomes; abaxial pinnae axes with sparse scales on costa, 1.1–2.0 × 0.1–0.3 mm, castaneous, clathrate, ascending, flattish, flaccid, lanceolate with truncate or rounded base and attenuate or filiform apex, entire, with or without some short fimbriae at base, proscales absent, catenate trichomes sparse on costa, costule and veins, bacilliform trichomes absent, glandular trichomes sparse on costa and costule, filiform trichomes sparse on costa, costule and veins; abaxial laminar surface between veins with sparse filiform trichomes and with or without sparse catenate trichomes; segments 12–15 pairs, 2.6–5.2 mm wide, patent or subfalcate, entire or crenate, apex rounded or obtuse, margin with catenate trichomes, the distance from each other is narrower than segments width; veins simple, rarely one vein forked on basal segments, 5–8 pairs per segment, the basal ones from adjacent segments

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end at margin well above the sinus; sori supramedial, indusia conspicuous, ciliate, glabrous; spores with inflated folds and large tubercles.

Selected specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Andradas, Serra de Poços , 1320 m, 22°01'17" S, 46°33'50" W, 16 July 2007, Salino et al. 12679 ( BHCB) GoogleMaps ; Araponga, Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro , 10 July 1999, Salino 4893 ( BHCB) ; Carrancas, Serra de Carrancas , 1270-1350 m, 21°36'17" S, 44°36'19" W, 19 June 2007, Salino et al. 12342 ( BHCB) GoogleMaps ; Nova Lima, Estação Ecológica de Fechos , 20°03'58" S, 43°57'33" W, 11 July 2001, Salino et al. 7150 ( BHCB) GoogleMaps ; Ouro Preto, Parque Estadual do Itacolomi , 1300 m, 2 June 2003, Rolim et al. 38 ( BHCB) ; Santa Bárbara, RPPN Santuário do Caraça, caminho para o Pico da Conceição , 20º06’13.9’’S, 43º31’23.92’’W, 1527 m, 26 August 2008, Viveros et al. 22 ( BHCB) GoogleMaps ; Simonésia, RPPN Mata do Sossego , 1150–1600 m, 20°04'19" S, 42°04'13" W, 24 May 2006, Salino et al. 11191 ( BHCB) GoogleMaps ; Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro, Gruta da Imprensa , 19 February 1960, Duarte 5182 ( RB) ; Teresópolis , 900 m, 17 October 1929, Brade 9696 (R) ; São Paulo: Bananal, Sertão do Rio Vermelho , 21 May 1936, Brade 15195 ( RB) .

Habitat and distribution:—Epipetric or terrestrial, in semideciduous forest and rainforest or on sandstones formations, 800–1600 m. Endemic to southeastern and southern Brazil ( Viveros & Salino 2015; Fig. 16A View FIGURE 16 ; Tab. 01).

Notes:— Ctenitis bigarellae can be recognized by the hyaline filiform trichomes between veins on both surfaces, but more numerous adaxially, by the glandular trichomes on the petiole, rachis and costa abaxially, the indusia ciliate and glabrous, and by laminae width with ca. 1/3 of length. Such morphological characters are illustrated in Viveros & Salino (2015) and Schwartsburd et al. (2007). Ctenitis bigarellae is usually confused with C. christensenii , C. falciculata , C. glandulosa and C. paranaensis . The rachis scales of C. bigarellae , C. christensenii and C. glandulosa are castaneous, and the rachis scales of C. falciculata and C. paranaensis are dark brown to blackish. The laminar surface between veins adaxially can also distinguish C. bigarellae from those species. Ctenitis christensenii laminar surface between veins adaxially is glabrous, as well as some specimens of C. paranaensis and rare C. glandulosa . Abaxially on C. paranaensis there are sparse catenate and bacilliform trichomes, on C. glandulosa also these two kinds sparsely, plus glandular trichomes, while C. falciculata is always with dense catenate trichomes, sometimes also with sparse bacilliform and glandular trichomes.


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro














Ctenitis bigarellae Schwartsburd, Labiak & Salino (2007: 29)

Viveros, Raquel Stauffer, Rouhan, Germinal & Salino, Alexandre 2018

Dryopteris falciculata (Raddi) Kuntze var. elongata

Rosenstock, E. 1915: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF