Pseudataenius gracilitarsis (Petrovitz), 2009

Stebnicka, Z. Teresa & Skelley, Paul E., 2009, Taxonomic redefinition of the genera Parataenius Balthasar and Pseudataenius Brown, with descriptions of three new species (Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Eupariini), Insecta Mundi 2009 (66), pp. 1-18 : 12-13

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Felipe (2021-08-06 16:33:19, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 19:02:47)

scientific name

Pseudataenius gracilitarsis (Petrovitz)

comb. nov.

Pseudataenius gracilitarsis (Petrovitz) , new combination

Figure 18-23 View Figure 18-23 , 34 View Figure 34-37

Ataenioides gracilitarsis Petrovitz 1973: 150-151 – Dellacasa 1988: 270 (catalogue).

Diagnosis. Clypeus with median emargination narrow, deep; genae obtuse, slightly prominent; posterior angles of pronotum emarginate; lateral margin lacking setal fringe; protibia in both sexes with three lateral teeth. Male terminal spur of protibia long, incurved downwards. Female clypeal surface with fine, close rugulae.

Description. Length 4.2-4.8 mm. Body ( Fig. 18, 20, 23 View Figure 18-23 ) elongate oblong, dark castaneous, shiny. Head small, flat; clypeal margin finely reflexed, obtusely rounded on each side emargination, sides nearly straight to obtuse, less than right-angled genae; Pronotum transverse, feebly convex, sides and base finely margined, sides arcuate to slightly emarginate posterior angles, lateral edge without fringe of setae; surface with quite evenly spaced, moderate punctures throughout, a little finer anteriorly, larger posteriorly, separated by about one time their diameter. Elytra subparallel, humeri with minute denticle; striae fine, moderately deep, punctures weakly crenate margins of slightly convex intervals; intervals with minute, scattered punctures, 10 th interval flat, subopaque. Ventral surface shiny; mesosternum finely shagreened, meso-metasternal carina lacking; metasternum convex with minute, scattered punctures on each side of fine midline, metasternal triangle shallow; abdominal sternites very finely fluted along sutures, fine punctures extending from side to side of sternites; pygidium convex, disc weakly eroded, opaque. All femora shiny, finely punctured; meso- and metatibia slender, apex of metatibia with few short setae and thin spurs; tarsi slender, basal tarsomere of metatarsus equal in length to upper tibial spur and shorter than following 3 tarsomeres together.

Male head densely, deeply punctate, punctures increase in size from anterior margin to middle of head, everywhere separated by one their diameter or less ( Fig. 21 View Figure 18-23 ); protibia narrow, three lateral teeth unequal in size, apical tooth longest, terminal spur long, parallel, bent downward at the tip ( Fig. 19 View Figure 18-23 ); tarsi longer and slenderer than in female. Male genitalia as in Fig. 34 View Figure 34-37 .

Female clypeal surface with fine, close transverse wrinkles ( Fig. 22 View Figure 18-23 ); punctures of pronotum coarser than in male, tarsi shorter; protibia with 3 equal lateral teeth, terminal spur short, straight.

Type material. Holotype male, labeled [Bahia] ‘ Alagoinhas’, ‘ Ataenioides gracilitarsis Petrovitz’ , in MHNG ; Paratype male, ‘Joazerio Brasilien’, in MHNG.

Specimens examined. Holotype, paratype and other specimens (6) including females: Brazil – (Pe) Pernambuco, Bonito , 28.I.1903 ( ISEA); ( MG) Minas Gerais, Pedra Azul 700 m, X.1972, Scabra & Oliveira ( CMNO) ; SP, Faz Campininas, Mogi Guacu , I-1-8-1970, JM & BA Campbell ( CNCI) ; Bahia, Encruzil, 980m, XI.1972, M. Alvarenga ( FSCA). Bolivia – Santa Cruz, Potrerillos de Guendá , 40km. NW. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, blacklight, 17 o 40.26S- 063 o 27.44W, 5-20-XI-2004, B. K. Dozier ( FSCA) GoogleMaps .

Remarks. The female of Pseudataenius gracilitarsis is here described for the first time. Both sexes of this species are most similar to the females of P. contortus , differing by the shape of head with straight

genae, not curved back as in P. contortus , and by the shape of the pronotum which also has a punctate midline.

Dellacasa, M. 1988. Contribution to a world-wide catalogue of Aegialiidae, Aphodiidae, Aulonocnemidae, Termitotrogidae (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea). Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana 66: 3 - 455.

Petrovitz, R. 1973. Neue Aphodiinae, Hybosorinae und Acanthocerinae aus der Neotropischen Region. Studia Entomologica 16: 141 - 202.

Gallery Image

Figure 18-23. Pseudataenius gracilitarsis. 18) Male, dorsal habitus. 19) Male, protibia. 20) Female, dorsal habitus. 21) Male, anterolateral view, head and pronotum. 22) Female, anterolateral view, head and pronotum. 23) Male, lateral habitus.

Gallery Image

Figure 34-37. Pseudataenius spp. 34) P. gracilitarsis, male genitalia. 35) P. socialis, male genitalia. 36) P. contortus, male genitalia. 37) P. socialis, epipharynx.


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Museum of Zoology


Canadian National Collection Insects


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology











