Pseudataenius gracilitarsis (Petrovitz), 2009

Stebnicka, Z. Teresa & Skelley, Paul E., 2009, Taxonomic redefinition of the genera Parataenius Balthasar and Pseudataenius Brown, with descriptions of three new species (Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Eupariini), Insecta Mundi 2009 (66), pp. 1-18 : 12-13

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Felipe (2021-08-06 16:33:19, last updated 2021-08-30 17:40:29)

scientific name

Pseudataenius gracilitarsis (Petrovitz)

new combination

Pseudataenius gracilitarsis (Petrovitz) , new combination

Figure 18-23, 34

Ataenioides gracilitarsis Petrovitz 1973: 150-151 – Dellacasa 1988: 270 (catalogue).

Diagnosis. Clypeus with median emargination narrow, deep; genae obtuse, slightly prominent; posterior angles of pronotum emarginate; lateral margin lacking setal fringe; protibia in both sexes with three lateral teeth. Male terminal spur of protibia long, incurved downwards. Female clypeal surface with fine, close rugulae.

Description. Length 4.2-4.8 mm. Body ( Fig. 18, 20, 23) elongate oblong, dark castaneous, shiny. Head small, flat; clypeal margin finely reflexed, obtusely rounded on each side emargination, sides nearly straight to obtuse, less than right-angled genae; Pronotum transverse, feebly convex, sides and base finely margined, sides arcuate to slightly emarginate posterior angles, lateral edge without fringe of setae; surface with quite evenly spaced, moderate punctures throughout, a little finer anteriorly, larger posteriorly, separated by about one time their diameter. Elytra subparallel, humeri with minute denticle; striae fine, moderately deep, punctures weakly crenate margins of slightly convex intervals; intervals with minute, scattered punctures, 10 th interval flat, subopaque. Ventral surface shiny; mesosternum finely shagreened, meso-metasternal carina lacking; metasternum convex with minute, scattered punctures on each side of fine midline, metasternal triangle shallow; abdominal sternites very finely fluted along sutures, fine punctures extending from side to side of sternites; pygidium convex, disc weakly eroded, opaque. All femora shiny, finely punctured; meso- and metatibia slender, apex of metatibia with few short setae and thin spurs; tarsi slender, basal tarsomere of metatarsus equal in length to upper tibial spur and shorter than following 3 tarsomeres together.

Male head densely, deeply punctate, punctures increase in size from anterior margin to middle of head, everywhere separated by one their diameter or less ( Fig. 21); protibia narrow, three lateral teeth unequal in size, apical tooth longest, terminal spur long, parallel, bent downward at the tip ( Fig. 19); tarsi longer and slenderer than in female. Male genitalia as in Fig. 34.

Female clypeal surface with fine, close transverse wrinkles ( Fig. 22); punctures of pronotum coarser than in male, tarsi shorter; protibia with 3 equal lateral teeth, terminal spur short, straight.

Type material. Holotype male, labeled [Bahia] ‘ Alagoinhas’, ‘ Ataenioides gracilitarsis Petrovitz’ , in MHNG ; Paratype male, ‘Joazerio Brasilien’, in MHNG.

Specimens examined. Holotype, paratype and other specimens (6) including females: Brazil – (Pe) Pernambuco, Bonito , 28.I.1903 ( ISEA); ( MG) Minas Gerais, Pedra Azul 700 m, X.1972, Scabra & Oliveira ( CMNO) ; SP, Faz Campininas, Mogi Guacu , I-1-8-1970, JM & BA Campbell ( CNCI) ; Bahia, Encruzil, 980m, XI.1972, M. Alvarenga ( FSCA). Bolivia – Santa Cruz, Potrerillos de Guendá , 40km. NW. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, blacklight, 17 o 40.26S- 063 o 27.44W, 5-20-XI-2004, B. K. Dozier ( FSCA) GoogleMaps .

Remarks. The female of Pseudataenius gracilitarsis is here described for the first time. Both sexes of this species are most similar to the females of P. contortus , differing by the shape of head with straight

genae, not curved back as in P. contortus , and by the shape of the pronotum which also has a punctate midline.

Dellacasa, M. 1988. Contribution to a world-wide catalogue of Aegialiidae, Aphodiidae, Aulonocnemidae, Termitotrogidae (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea). Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana 66: 3 - 455.

Petrovitz, R. 1973. Neue Aphodiinae, Hybosorinae und Acanthocerinae aus der Neotropischen Region. Studia Entomologica 16: 141 - 202.


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Museum of Zoology


Canadian National Collection Insects


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology











