Muisca togata

Opitz, Pitz Pinola Weston, 2018, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Subfamily Peloniinae O (Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Cleridae). Part IX. Taxonomic revision of the New World genus Muisca S, Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 587-653 : 606

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Valdenar (2020-08-27 15:17:49, last updated 2020-08-28 14:52:16)

scientific name

Muisca togata


Muisca togata ( CHEVROLAT, 1874) ( Figs 26 View Figs 14-33 , 52, 94, 104, 131)

Pelonium togata CHEVROLAT, 1876: 39. Lectotype: Gender ♂. Here designated. Brazilia ( Brazil), Santa Rita Mountain,?-VIII-?, D. Sahlberg (MNHN). Paralectotype: 1 specimen. Brazil, Estado do Maranhão, Santa Rita Mountain,?-VIII-?, D. Sahlberg. Chevrolat’s description provides evidence that he examined more than one specimen, but he did not specify which one should be the name barer of this nominal species. Therefore, I invoke Recommendation 73F of the ICZN (1999) and designate a lectotype for this nominal species. Brazil, CORPORAAL 1950: 284.

Cregya cylindricollis PERACCHI, 1962: 180. nov.syn. PERACCHI 1964: 116 (Paracregya).

D i a g n o s i s: The members of this species resemble superficially those of M. hirtula , but M. togata specimens differ in that the elytral dark spot is not in the form of a "checkmark", which is the case in M. hirtula specimens.

R e d e s c r i p t i o n: Size: Length 5.0 mm; width 2.5 mm. Form: As in Fig. 131 View Figs 129-132 . Color: Antenna, mouthparts, legs, and abdomen yellow, except mandibles black; clypeus, cranium, and thorax castaneous; elytra bicolorous, castaneous coloration in basal half fades into yellow coloration in distal half. Head: Funicular antennomeres subfiliform, 5 th funicular antennomere expanded laterally, capitulum large, much longer than combined length of funicular antennomeres, capitular antennomeres 9 and 10 triangular ( Fig. 26 View Figs 14-33 ), antennomere 11 obovate; frons narrower than width of eye (EW/FW 32/25). Thorax: Pronotum (Fig. 52) oblong (PW/PL 55/70), side margin with slightly developed primary tubercles, disc coarsely punctate; elytral asetiferous punctation subseriate, at sides extend to elytral apical 3/4 th, punctures absent near sutural margin (EL/EW 190/60). Abdomen: Male 6 th visible sternite concave along distal margin; aedeagus, phallic apex as in Fig. 104. View Figs 98-106

V a r i a t i o n: Size: Length 4.0- 5.5 mm; width 1.8-2.2 mm. Other than body size, the available specimens are quite homogeneous.

N a t u r a l h i s t o r y: Specimens were collected during August and November, 2 at 960 m.

D i s t r i b u t i o n ( Fig. 94 View Fig ): In addition to the lectotype and paralectotype, I examined 3 specimens: Brazil: Estado do Bahia, Encruzilhada,?- XI-1972, M. Alvarenga. Specimens are deposited in MNHN and WOPC.

CHEVROLAT M. A. (1874): Catalogue des Clerides de la Collecion de M. A. Chevrolat. - Revue et Magasin de Zoologie (series 3) 2: 252 - 329.

CHEVROLAT M. A. (1876): Memoire sur la famille des Clerites. - Buquet, Paris, France. 51 pp.

CORPORAAL J. B. (1950): Cleridae. - In: H INKS W. D. (ed.), Coleopterorum catalogus supplementa, Pars 23 (editio secunda). W. Junk's, Gravenhagen, The Netherlands. 373 pp.

(ICZN) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1999): 4 th Edition. Adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences. - The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, United Kingdom. 306 pp.

PERACCHI A. L. (1962): Duas novas especies de cleridas do Brasil. - Arqu ivos do Museu Nacional 52: 179 - 184.

PERACCHI A. L. (1964): Dois novos generos e una nova especie de Enopliinae do Brazil (Coleoptera: Cleridae). - Anais II Congresso Latino-Americano Zoologica (Sao Paulo, 1962) 1: 115 - 123.

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Figs 14-33: Antennae. (14) Muisca dilatata, male. (15) M. apicalis, male. (16) M. hirtula, male. (17) M. xanthura, male. (18) M. angulicollis, male. (19) M. signa, male. (20) M. fera, male. (21) M. octonotata, male. (22) M. maculosa, male. (23) M. anachyma, male. (24) M. insigna, male. (25) M. dozieri, male. (26) M. togata, male. (27) M. irrorata, male. (28) M. menda, female. (29) M. hexa, female. (30) M. heppneri, male. (31) M. magdalena, female. (32) M. mestolinea, male. (33) M. omma, male.

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Figs 129-132: Habitus. (129) Muisca irrorata. (130) M. hirtula. (131) M. togata. (132) M. xanthura.

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Figs 98-106: Phalli. (98) Muisca dilatata. (99) M. insigna. (100) M. apicalis. (101) M. dozieri. (102) M. irrorata. (103) M. hirtula. (104) M. togata. (105) M. xanthura. (106) M. fera.

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Fig. 94: Geographic distribution of Muisca species as listed.











