Muisca togata

Opitz, Pitz Pinola Weston, 2018, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Subfamily Peloniinae O (Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Cleridae). Part IX. Taxonomic revision of the New World genus Muisca S, Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 587-653 : 606

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Valdenar (2020-08-27 15:17:49, last updated 2020-08-27 15:17:51)

scientific name

Muisca togata


Muisca togata ( CHEVROLAT, 1874) ( Figs 26, 52, 94, 104, 131)

Pelonium togata CHEVROLAT, 1876: 39. Lectotype: Gender ♂. Here designated. Brazilia ( Brazil), Santa Rita Mountain,?-VIII-?, D. Sahlberg (MNHN). Paralectotype: 1 specimen. Brazil, Estado do Maranhão, Santa Rita Mountain,?-VIII-?, D. Sahlberg. Chevrolat’s description provides evidence that he examined more than one specimen, but he did not specify which one should be the name barer of this nominal species. Therefore, I invoke Recommendation 73F of the ICZN (1999) and designate a lectotype for this nominal species. Brazil, CORPORAAL 1950: 284.

Cregya cylindricollis PERACCHI, 1962: 180. nov.syn. PERACCHI 1964: 116 (Paracregya).

D i a g n o s i s: The members of this species resemble superficially those of M. hirtula , but M. togata specimens differ in that the elytral dark spot is not in the form of a "checkmark", which is the case in M. hirtula specimens.

R e d e s c r i p t i o n: Size: Length 5.0 mm; width 2.5 mm. Form: As in Fig. 131. Color: Antenna, mouthparts, legs, and abdomen yellow, except mandibles black; clypeus, cranium, and thorax castaneous; elytra bicolorous, castaneous coloration in basal half fades into yellow coloration in distal half. Head: Funicular antennomeres subfiliform, 5 th funicular antennomere expanded laterally, capitulum large, much longer than combined length of funicular antennomeres, capitular antennomeres 9 and 10 triangular ( Fig. 26), antennomere 11 obovate; frons narrower than width of eye (EW/FW 32/25). Thorax: Pronotum (Fig. 52) oblong (PW/PL 55/70), side margin with slightly developed primary tubercles, disc coarsely punctate; elytral asetiferous punctation subseriate, at sides extend to elytral apical 3/4 th, punctures absent near sutural margin (EL/EW 190/60). Abdomen: Male 6 th visible sternite concave along distal margin; aedeagus, phallic apex as in Fig. 104.

V a r i a t i o n: Size: Length 4.0- 5.5 mm; width 1.8-2.2 mm. Other than body size, the available specimens are quite homogeneous.

N a t u r a l h i s t o r y: Specimens were collected during August and November, 2

at 960 m.

D i s t r i b u t i o n ( Fig. 94): In addition to the lectotype and paralectotype, I examined 3 specimens: Brazil: Estado do Bahia, Encruzilhada,?- XI-1972, M. Alvarenga. Specimens are deposited in MNHN and WOPC.

CHEVROLAT M. A. (1874): Catalogue des Clerides de la Collecion de M. A. Chevrolat. - Revue et Magasin de Zoologie (series 3) 2: 252 - 329.

CHEVROLAT M. A. (1876): Memoire sur la famille des Clerites. - Buquet, Paris, France. 51 pp.

CORPORAAL J. B. (1950): Cleridae. - In: H INKS W. D. (ed.), Coleopterorum catalogus supplementa, Pars 23 (editio secunda). W. Junk's, Gravenhagen, The Netherlands. 373 pp.

(ICZN) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1999): 4 th Edition. Adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences. - The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, United Kingdom. 306 pp.

PERACCHI A. L. (1962): Duas novas especies de cleridas do Brasil. - Arqu ivos do Museu Nacional 52: 179 - 184.

PERACCHI A. L. (1964): Dois novos generos e una nova especie de Enopliinae do Brazil (Coleoptera: Cleridae). - Anais II Congresso Latino-Americano Zoologica (Sao Paulo, 1962) 1: 115 - 123.











