Corythalia luctuosa Caporiacco, 1954

Bayer, Steffen, Höfer, Hubert & Metzner, Heiko, 2020, Revision of the genus Corythalia C. L. Koch, 1850, part 1: Diagnosis and new species from South America (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae: Euophryini), Zootaxa 4806 (1), pp. 1-144 : 46-49

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Plazi (2020-07-02 06:54:33, last updated 2023-10-31 18:29:53)

scientific name

Corythalia luctuosa Caporiacco, 1954


Corythalia luctuosa Caporiacco, 1954 View in CoL

Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 4B, 4D View FIGURE 4 , 23 View FIGURE 23 A–E, 24A–C, 58C, 62C, 65D, 68L, 72G, 76G

Corythalia luctuosa Caporiacco 1954: 177 View in CoL , figs 66–66a (description & illustration of ♂). Lectotype ♂ and paralectotype ♂ from FRENCH GUIANA: Saint-Laurent-du Maroni: Charvein, ca. 05°34’N, 53°54’W, about 20 m a.s.l.; R. Benoist leg. 1914–1916, MZLS 655 (lectotype), MNHN [Col. No. unknown] (paralectotype, lost after Ruiz & Brescovit (2008) and after request at MNHN (C. Rollard, pers. comm.), lectotype examined; Ruiz & Brescovit 2008: 491, figs 22–23.

Additional material examined. FRENCH GUIANA: St. Laurent du Maroni: Fracas, La Trinité Nature Reserve (westernmost section), 4°36’2.16”N, 53°24’43.2”W, about 150 m a.s.l., primary forest: 1 ♂, L-2, specimen with smaller opisthosoma & 1 ♀ (sample number: FR-973-00005), C. Courtial, A. Canard, B. Leroy & F. Ysnel leg. Dec. 2010, by beating shrubs & trees, SMNK-ARA 14035 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ (L-1, specimen with larger opisthosoma) with exactly the same data as above, GCBUR GoogleMaps . BRAZIL: Amazonas: Manaus: Road AM-010 km 30, Amazônia Ocidental , polyculture plantations: 1 ♀, H. Höfer leg. 06 June 2001, Winkler sample, SMNK-ARA 17126 .

Diagnosis. Males distinguished from those of all other Corythalia species by the following characters in combination: embolus (E) subdistally almost as broad as proximally; E slightly longer than width of tegulum, without special structures and distally blunt ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 23A, 23C, 23E View FIGURE 23 , 65D View FIGURE 65 ); diameter of embolus base (EB) circle approximately 2/3 the width of tegulum (T); RTA moderately long (slightly longer than palpal tibia) and with dorsal serration ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 23A, 23C, 23E View FIGURE 23 , 65D View FIGURE 65 ). Females distinguished from those of all other Corythalia species by the following characters in combination: epigyne with main structures of vulva visible through cuticle of the former in the following way: beneath area of anterior margin of epigyne copulatory ducts (CD), secondary spermathecae (SS) and connective ducts (between the two types of spermathecae) (DST) building up loops being reminiscent of the handle of scissors ( Figs 24A View FIGURE 24 , 72G View FIGURE 72 ); epigynal windows (W) more or less oval with anterior margins uncontinuous ( Figs 24A View FIGURE 24 , 72G View FIGURE 72 ). Diameter of SS not broader than width of central section of copulatory duct, with head of spermatheca located antero-laterally; primary spermatheca longer than broad and longitudinally drop-shaped ( Figs 24B View FIGURE 24 , 76G View FIGURE 76 ).

Description. Male (measurements of lectotype first, those of both other males as range in parentheses): total length 4.7 (5.6–6.0), carapace length 2.3 (2.5–2.6), maximal carapace width 1.7 (1.7–1.9), width of eye rectangle 1.6 (1.7), opisthosoma length 2.2 (2.4–2.7), opisthosoma width 1.5 (1.8–2.0), fovea length 0.28 (0.20). EYES: AME 0.51 (0.53), ALE 0.35 (0.33–0.34), PME 0.08 (0.08–0.09), PLE 0.29 (0.30–0.31), AME–AME 0.03 (0.04– 0.05), AME–ALE 0.06 (0.05), PME–PME 1.34 (1.44–1.45), PME–PLE 0.20 (0.22), ALE–PLE 0.59 (0.66–0.67), PLE–PLE 1.09 (1.14–1.23), clypeus height at AME 0.21 (0.33–0.35), clypeus height at ALE 0.51 (0.52–0.56). Cheliceral furrow with 1 promarginal and 1 retromarginal teeth. SPINATION: palp: no spines. Legs: femur I 1600 (1500, 1500), II–III 1600 (1600, 1600), IV 1600 (0600, 0600{1600}); patella I–II 1000 (1000, 1000), III–IV 1010 (1010, 1010); tibia I 3003 (2003, 2400), II 3003 (2400, 3004{3003}), III–IV 3133 (3133, 3133); metatarsus I 2014 (2014, 2024), II 2024 (2024, 2024), III 3134 (3134, 3134), IV 4144 (3144, 4144). MEASUREMENT OF PALP AND LEGS: palp 2.0 (1.9) [0.7 (0.7), 0.3 (0.3), 0.3 (0.2), 0.7 (0.7)], I 3.9 (4.2–4.3) [1.3 (1.3–1.4), 0.7 (0.7), 0.8 (0.9–1.0), 0.7 (0.7–0.8), 0.4 (0.5)], II 4.1 (4.4–4.5) [1.3 (1.4–1.5), 0.7 (0.7), 0.9 (1.0), 0.8 (0.8), 0.4 (0.5)], III 5.4 (5.8–6.0) [1.8 (1.9–2.0), 0.7 (0.8), 1.2 (1.3), 1.2 (1.2–1.3), 0.5 (0.6)], IV 4.7 (5.1) [1.5 (1.6), 0.6 (0.6–0.7), 1.1 (1.1), 1.1 (1.2), 0.5 (0.5–0.6)]. LEG FORMULA: 3421 (3421). COPULATORY ORGAN: embolus (E) moderately long, hose-like and arising point at centro-proximal to prolateral section of embolus base (EB) ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 23A, 23C, 23E View FIGURE 23 , 65D View FIGURE 65 ); EB circle about 2/3 as broad as tegulum ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 23A, 23C, 23E View FIGURE 23 , 65D View FIGURE 65 ). Tegulum (T) slightly narrower than cymbium, sperm duct double-stacked S-shaped, occupying almost 3/4 of T from retrolateral ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 23A, 23C, 23E View FIGURE 23 , 65D View FIGURE 65 ), retrolatero-proximal tegulum lobe (PTL) may not clearly distinguished from residual tegulum, but still recognisable as such. Cymbium in ventral view distally conically converging and at distalmost section truncated ( Fig. 23C View FIGURE 23 ) or broadly rounded ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 23A, 23E View FIGURE 23 , 65D View FIGURE 65 ), in lateral view ( Figs 4D View FIGURE 4 , 23B, 23D View FIGURE 23 , 68L View FIGURE 68 ) slightly truncated or rounded, at distal 1/4 slightly lighter and with scopula ( Figs 4D View FIGURE 4 , 68L View FIGURE 68 ). Palpal tibia short, broader than long ( Figs 4D View FIGURE 4 , 23 View FIGURE 23 A–E, 65D, 68L) and ventral tibial bump short to mediumsized and conical. RTA quite narrow, moderately long and dorsally with serration ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 23A, 23E View FIGURE 23 , 65D View FIGURE 65 ). CO- LOURATION: see genus description for conservative aspects. Carapace dark red-brown ( Fig. 58C View FIGURE 58 ). Legs dark brown to red-brown, except for some articles being lighter (see genus description) ( Fig. 58C View FIGURE 58 ). Opisthosoma like noted in genus description under general dorsal colouration, chevron-like patch in central band present ( Fig. 58C View FIGURE 58 ).

Female: total length 6.7, carapace length 2.8, maximal carapace width 1.9, width of eye rectangle 1.7, opisthosoma length 3.0, opisthosoma width 2.2, fovea length 0.19. EYES: AME 0.55, ALE 0.36, PME 0.09, PLE 0.30, AME–AME 0.04, AME–ALE 0.05, PME–PME 1.53, PME–PLE 0.23, ALE–PLE 0.73, PLE–PLE 1.28, clypeus height at AME 0.33, clypeus height at ALE 0.64. Cheliceral furrow with 1 promarginal and 1 retromarginal teeth. SPINATION: palp: no spines. Legs: femur I 1500, II 1600, III 1500, IV 0500; patella I–II 1000, III–IV 1010; tibia I 2003, II 3004, III 3123, IV 3133; metatarsus I 2014 {2004}, II 2014, III 3134, IV 4144. MEASUREMENT OF PALP AND LEGS: palp 2.0 [0.7, 0.4, 0.3, 0.6], I 4.2 [1.4, 0.7, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5], II 4.1 [1.4, 0.7, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5], III 5.5 [1.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.2, 0.5], IV 5.0 [1.5, 0.7, 1.1, 1.2, 0.5]. LEG FORMULA: 3412. COPULATORY ORGAN: epigyne with more or less oval epigynal windows (W), anterior margins of W uncontinuous with distinct gap in longitudinal direction; septum of W moderately broad ( Figs 24A View FIGURE 24 , 72G View FIGURE 72 ); beneath area of anterior margin of epigyne copulatory ducts (CD), secondary spermathecae (SS) and connective ducts (DST) between primary spermathecae (PS) and SS building up loops reminiscent of the handle of scissors; epigynal field slightly broader than long; PS visible through cuticle of W filling almost entire W ( Figs 24A View FIGURE 24 , 72G View FIGURE 72 ). Vulva with elongated, approximately drop-shaped PS being distinctly larger than SS. Head of spermatheca directed antero-laterally on SS ( Figs 24 View FIGURE 24 B–C, 76G). DST narrow, meeting PS medially to postero-medially ( Figs 24B View FIGURE 24 , 76G View FIGURE 76 ). Fertilisation ducts arising antero-centrally (slightly shifted antero-medially) on PS, being bent laterally and covering area of copulatory openings ( Figs 24 View FIGURE 24 B–C, 76G). COLOURATION: see genus description for conservative aspects. Carapace dark red-brown ( Fig. 62C View FIGURE 62 ), light scale hairs quite densely arranged, especially at clypeus (however material examined still quite freshly recorded and in good condition). Legs brown to red-brown, except for some articles being lighter (see genus description) ( Fig. 62C View FIGURE 62 ). Opisthosoma like noted in genus description under general dorsal colouration, chevron-like patch in central band present ( Fig. 62C View FIGURE 62 ).

Intraspecific variation of male copulatory organs. In male L-2 ( Fig. 23C View FIGURE 23 ) RTA with narrower angle to longitudinal axis of cymbium than in male L-1 ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 23E View FIGURE 23 ) and lectotype ( Figs 23A View FIGURE 23 , 65D View FIGURE 65 ). Additionally, L-2 ( Figs 23 View FIGURE 23 C–D) and lectotype ( Figs 23 View FIGURE 23 A–B, 65D, 68L) with slightly broader tegulum (in relation to width of cymbium) and slightly shorter palpal tibia (in relation to length of cymbium) than L-1 ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 4D View FIGURE 4 , 23E View FIGURE 23 ). Lectotype with arising point of embolus prolaterally ( Figs 23A View FIGURE 23 , 65D View FIGURE 65 ), in L-1 and L-2 centro-proximally or at most slightly shifted prolaterally ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 23C, 23E View FIGURE 23 ).

Remarks. In the present study we describe the female of this species for the first time. It was matched with the males because it was found at exactly the same locality (spot) where the males were found. Additionally, its somatic characters and general colouration correspond well to those of the males.

Corythalia luctuosa shows a few similarities to C. gasnieri sp. nov. These species share a hose-shaped embolus, a moderately long and serrated RTA and (in part of the specimens) a similar tegulum (bulbous; being almost as broad as cymbium or minimally broader). However, it is difficult to say if these few similarities indicate a closer relationship.

Distribution. Currently known only from St. Laurent du Maroni in French Guiana and Cental Amazonia in Brazil.

Caporiacco, L. di (1954) Araignees de la Guyane Francaise du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Commentationes Pontificia Academia Scientiarum, 16, 45 - 193.

Ruiz, G. R. S. & Brescovit, A. D. (2008) Redescription and resolution of some Neotropical species of jumping spiders described by Caporiacco and description of a new species (Araneae: Salticidae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 25, 487 - 494. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 0101 - 81752008000300013

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FIGURE 1. Corythalia spp., copulatory organs, explanation of different structures. Corythalia luctuosa, male L-1 from St. Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana. A Left palp, ventral view. Corythalia drepanopsis sp. nov., female paratype F-2 from Acre, Brazil. B Epigyne, ventral view. Corythalia fulgipedia, female from Cayenne, French Guiana. C Epigyne, ventral view. Corythalia dakryodes Bayer, sp. nov., female paratype from Colombia. D–E Vulva (D dorsal view; E schematic course of internal duct system).Abbreviations: ADFD:Arrow showing direction of final visible section of fertilisation duct; AMW:Anterior margin of epigynal window; CCO: Circle as symbol for copulatory opening; CD: Copulatory duct; CO: Copulatory opening; CY: Cymbium; DST: Connective duct between primary and secondary spermatheca; E: Embolus; EB: Embolus base; EF: Epigynal field; EGF: Epigastric furrow; FD: Fertilisation duct; HS: Head of (secondary) spermatheca; LMoE: Lateral margin of epigyne; PMoE: Posterior margin of epigyne; PS: primary spermatheca; PTL: (Retrolatero-) proximal tegulum lobe; RTA: Retrolateral tibial apophysis; SD: Sperm duct (within tegulum); SS: Secondary spermatheca; SW: Septum of epigynal windows; T: Tegulum; TCHS: ‘T’-Symbol showing connection area and direction of head of spermatheca; VTB: Ventral tibial bump; W: Epigynal window; WEB: Width of embolus base circle.

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FIGURE 4. Corythalia spp., photographic images of habitus, somatic characters and male copulatory organs. Corythalia flagrans sp. nov., male holotype from Acre, Brazil. A Cheliceral bases and claws, labium and gnathocoxae, ventral view; Corythalia luctuosa. B Ventral view, female from St. Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana; D Left palp, prolateral view, male L-1 from St. Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana. Corythalia longiducta sp. nov., female SMNK-ARA 02858 from Amazonas, Brazil. C Prosoma, ventral view, with focus on sternum. Corythalia foelixi Bayer, sp. nov., female from Cayenne, French Guiana. E Spinnerets, ventral view. Corythalia fimbriata, male lectotype from Bahia, Brazil. F Left palp, dorsal view.

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FIGURE 23. Corythalia luctuosa, specimens from St. Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana. A–B Male lectotype, left palp (A ventral view; B retrolateral view). C–D Male SMNK-ARA 14035, left palp (C ventral view; D retrolateral view). E Male GC- BUR, left palp, ventral view.

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FIGURE 24. Corythalia luctuosa, female SMNK-ARA 14035 from St. Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana. A–C epigyne (A ventral view; B vulva, dorsal view; C schematic course of internal duct system).

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FIGURE 58. Corythalia spp., photographic images of male specimens, dorsal view. Corythalia fimbriata: A Holotype from Bahia, Brazil. Corythalia argentinensis: B Holotype from Misiones, Argentina. Corythalia luctuosa: C Lectotype from Saint Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana. Corythalia cincta: D Holotype from Presidente Hayes, Paraguay. Corythalia scutellaris Bayer, sp. nov.: E Holotype from south-eastern part of Ecuador. Corythalia waleckii: F Syntype MIZ 225794, Cayenne, French Guiana. Corythalia tropica: G Holotype from Falcon, Venezuela. Corythalia foelixi Bayer, sp. nov.: H Holotype from Cayenne, French Guiana. Corythalia fulgipedia: I Male AMNH-IZC 00327930 from Aragua, Venezuela.

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FIGURE 62. Corythalia spp., photographic images of female specimens, dorsal view. Corythalia argentinensis: A Paratype MACN 5076 from Misiones, Argentina. Corythalia verhaaghi sp. nov.: B Holotype from Ceará, Brazil. Corythalia luctuosa: C Female SMNK-ARA 14035 from Saint Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana. Corythalia circumflexa: D Lectotype from Presidente Hayes, Paraguay. Corythalia dakryodes Bayer, sp. nov.: E Holotype from Magdalena, Colombia. Corythalia scutellaris Bayer, sp. nov.: F Paratype F-1 from south-eastern part of Ecuador. Corythalia waleckii: G Female RII/9741 (now in SMF) from Vargas, Venezuela. Corythalia foelixi Bayer, sp. nov.: H Female FR-973-00266 from Cayenne, French Guiana. Corythalia fulgipedia: I Female AMNH-IZC 00327943 from Aragua, Venezuela.

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FIGURE 65. Corythalia spp., photographic images of left palps of male specimens, ventral view. Corythalia gasnieri sp. nov.:A Holotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia fimbriata: B Lectotype from Bahia, Brazil. Corythalia argentinensis: C Holotype from Misiones, Argentina. Corythalia luctuosa: D Lectotype from St. Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana. Corythalia cincta: E Holotype and F Male NHMB 1217a (holotype of Taeoma barbipes) from Presidente Hayes, Paraguay. Corythalia scutellaris Bayer, sp. nov.: G Holotype from south-eastern part of Ecuador. Corythalia waleckii: H Syntype MIZ 225794 from Cayenne, French Guiana. Corythalia tropica: I Holotype from Falcon, Venezuela. Corythalia foelixi Bayer, sp. nov.: J Holotype and K Paratype from Cayenne, French Guiana. Corythalia fulgipedia: L Male AMNH-IZC 00327822-1 from Aragua, Venezuela.

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FIGURE 68. Corythalia spp., photographic images of left palps of male specimens, retrolateral view. Corythalia latipes: A Neotype from Bahia, Brazil. Corythalia conferta sp. nov.: B Paratype M-1, IBSP 131451, from São Paulo, Brazil. Corythalia drepane sp. nov.: C Holotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia antepagmenti sp. nov.: D Paratype from Acre, Brazil. Corythalia ricti Bayer, sp. nov.: E Holotype from East Berbice-Corentyne, Guyana. Corythalia parva: F Lectotype from Brazil. Corythalia protensa sp. nov.: G Holotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia placata: H Male MCZ 20545-II (Paralectotype of Dynamius blandus) from Trinidad. Corythalia gasnieri sp. nov.: I Holotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia fimbriata: J Lectotype from Bahia, Brazil. Corythalia argentinensis: K Holotype from Misiones, Argentina. Corythalia luctuosa: L Lectotype from St. Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana.

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FIGURE 72. Corythalia spp., photographic images of epigynes, ventral view. Corythalia antepagmenti sp. nov.: A Paratype SMNK-ARA 13420 and B Holotype from Acre, Brazil. Corythalia parva: C Paralectotype from Brazil. Corythalia placata: D Lectotype from Trinidad. Corythalia argentinensis: E Paratype MACN 5076 from Misiones, Argentina. Corythalia verhaaghi sp. nov.: F Holotype from Ceará, Brazil. Corythalia luctuosa: G Female SMNK-ARA 14035 from Saint Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana. Corythalia circumflexa: H Lectotype from Presidente Hayes, Paraguay. Corythalia scutellaris Bayer, sp. nov.: I Paratype F-2 from south-eastern part of Ecuador.

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FIGURE 76. Corythalia spp., photographic images of vulvae, dorsal view. Corythalia antepagmenti sp. nov.: A Holotype and B Paratype SMNK-ARA 13420 from Acre, Brazil. Corythalia parva: C Paralectotype from Brazil. Corythalia placata: D Lectotype from Trinidad. Corythalia argentinensis: E Paratype MACN 5076 from Misiones, Argentina. Corythalia verhaaghi sp. nov.: F Holotype from Ceará, Brazil. Corythalia luctuosa: G Female SMNK-ARA 14035 from Saint Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana. Corythalia circumflexa: H Lectotype from Presidente Hayes, Paraguay. Corythalia scutellaris Bayer, sp. nov.: I Paratype F-2 from south-eastern part of Ecuador.











