Uperodon globulosus

Garg, Sonali, Senevirathne, Gayani, Wijayathilaka, Nayana, Phuge, Samadhan, Deuti, Kaushik, Manamendra-Arachchi, Kelum, Meegaskumbura, Madhava & Biju, Sd, 2018, An integrative taxonomic review of the South Asian microhylid genus Uperodon, Zootaxa 4384 (1), pp. 1-88 : 19-21

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4384.1.1

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scientific name

Uperodon globulosus


Uperodon globulosus View in CoL ( Günther, 1864 “1863”)

Indian Globular Frog ( Frank & Ramus 1995)

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2A–B View FIGURE 2 , 3B View FIGURE 3 , 4G–L View FIGURE 4 , 5B View FIGURE 5 ; Tables 1–4)

Original name and description. Cacopus globulosus Günther, 1864 “1863”. The Reptiles of British India. London: Ray Society by R. Hardwicke, p. 416. Syntypes. NHM (ex. BMNH 1947.2.10.97) and NHM (ex. BMNH 1947.2.10.77). Type locality. “Russelconda (Madras Presidency)”, India. Current status of specific name. Valid name, as Uperodon globulosus ( Günther, 1864 “1863”).

Comments. The original description ( Günther 1864 “1863”) mentions that “two specimens” (= syntypes) from “Russelconda (Madras Presidency)” collected by Dr. Trail were used for the description of this species. We examined the two syntypes available at NHM, London: (1) a gravid female, NHM (ex. BMNH 1947.2.10.97), SVL 67.4 mm, and (2) a sub-adult, NHM (ex. BMNH 1947.2.10.77), SVL 26.9 mm. The female specimen that is also illustrated with the original description (Plate XXVI, Fig. K) was found to be in relatively good condition ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ). Since the original description was brief, we herein provide a detailed description of the adult female specimen, NHM (ex. BMNH 1947.2.10.97) that may serve as a reference for Uperodon globulosus ( Günther, 1864 “1863”) in future taxonomic works.

Comparison. Uperodon globulosus differs from all other known members of the genus, except U. systoma and U. taprobanicus , by its larger snout-vent size, male SVL 51–56 mm, female SVL 66–72 mm (vs. smaller, male SVL 21–40 mm, female SVL 28–43 mm); tips of fingers rounded, without discs (vs. finger tips enlarged into discs, except in U. systoma ); and presence of two prominent dermal projections on the neopalatinal ridges on posterior side of each choana, narrowly separated from the vomerine odontophores (vs. dermal projections widely separated from the vomerine odontophores in U. systoma ; indistinct or weakly to well-developed neopalatinal ridges on posterior side of each choana, fused with the vomerine odontophores in all other species) ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Uperodon globulosus also differs from all other known Uperodon species, except U. taprobanicus , in having undivided prevomers (vs. divided prevomers), and differs from U. taprobanicus by its dorsum being light brown to greyishbrown without any prominent markings (vs. light to dark grey with prominent red or reddish-orange blotches). For more differences with U. systoma see the ‘Comparison’ section for that species.

Genetic divergence. For 16S mitochondrial gene sequences, intraspecific variation was not observed between the sampled populations of Uperodon globulosus (N = 3). Genetically, U. globulosus is closely related to U. systoma , from which it was found to differ by an average uncorrected genetic distance of 3.5% (range 3.2–4.0%, N = 18). For interspecific genetic distances with all other members of the genus, see Table 3.

Description of syntype, NHM (measurements in mm) ( Figs. 3B View FIGURE 3 , 4G–J View FIGURE 4 ). Large-sized (SVL 67.4), globular and robust adult female; head small (HW 19.2, HL 13.0, IFE 9.7, IBE 13.9), about one-fifth (19.3%) of body length, wider than long (HW/HL ratio 1.5); snout nearly truncate in dorsal and ventral view, obtuse in lateral view, its length (SL 7.7) more than twice as long as horizontal diameter of eye (EL 3.6); loreal region obtuse, with rounded canthus rostralis; interorbital space over three times wider (IUE 8.8) than upper eyelid width (UEW 2.7); nostril oval without lateral flap of skin, closer to tip of snout (NS 2.8) than to eye (EN 3.3); tympanum not visible externally, distinct supratympanic fold extending from posterior corner of upper eyelid near to insertion of forelimb at axilla; eye diameter (EL 3.6); vomerine odontophores present on the palate, prominent, without teeth; presence of two prominent dermal projections on the neopalatinal ridges on posterior side of each choana, narrowly separated from the vomerine odontophores ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ); tongue moderately large, rounded, shallowly emarginated. Forelimbs moderately short and strong, forearm (FAL 14.5) shorter than hand length (HAL 18.0); finger length formula IV<I<II<III; tips of all fingers rounded, without discs; webbing absent between fingers; subarticular tubercles weakly-developed, oval, all present; two well-developed palmar tubercles (inner, oval, 3 mm long; outer, bilobed, 4 mm long). Hind limbs relatively short and strong, thigh length (TL 29.1) longer than shank (SHL 21.7) and foot (FOL 26.5); tips of all toes rounded, without discs; webbing present, small: I1 1/2 – 2– II2 – – 3– III2 1/2 – 3 1/2 IV4 – – 2 1/ 2V; well-developed dermal fringes present on all toes; subarticular tubercles weakly-developed, oval, all present; two shovel-shaped metatarsal tubercles (inner, 8.6 mm; outer, 4.8 mm).

Skin of dorsum, sides of head, and dorsal parts of forelimb, thigh, tibia and tarsus, shagreened ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ); posterior parts of thigh, especially cloacal region, distinctly granular. Ventral surfaces shagreened and wrinkled ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ).

Colouration. In preservation (NHM Dorsum brown, flanks light greyish-brown; forelimbs, dorsal surfaces of thigh, shank and foot, dark greyish-brown; chest, belly, and ventral surfaces of thigh, tibia and foot, light greyish-brown ( Figs. 3B View FIGURE 3 , 4G–I View FIGURE 4 ). In life (SDBDU 2014.2672): Dorsum greyish-brown, dorsal surface of head grey with bluish tinge, lateral surfaces of head and flank lighter in colour compared to dorsum, with yellow tinge; forelimbs, dorsal surfaces of thigh, shank and foot, greyish-brown with yellow tinge; throat, chest, and belly, greyish-white without any markings; ventral surfaces of forelimb, thigh, tibia and foot, light grey with cream coloured blotches ( Figs. 4K–L View FIGURE 4 ).

Variations. Morphometric measurements for five specimens are given in Table 4 View TABLE 4 . SDBDU 2014.2673 (female) has prominent neopalatinal ridges on posterior side of each choana ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ).

Secondary sexual characters. Male (SDBDU 2014.2672): single vocal sac externally visible on the lower jaw; female (syntype): ova white, pigmented on pole (diameter 0.9–1.4 mm, N = 20).

Tadpole morphology. In dorsal view, tadpoles of Uperodon globulosus (Gosner stage 32, N = 2) have an elliptical body with narrower and shorter anterior region, wider and longer posterior region; snout appears rounded in dorsal and lateral view (from eyes to base of upper labium); eyes small, bulbous, positioned laterally; umbraculum absent; nasolacrimal duct absent; narial depressions clearly visible in lateral view, located much closer to snout than to eyes, pigmentation not visible around nasal depressions; sinistral spiracle present, opening located at ventral tail-musculature margin; tubular vent tube present posteriorly, with aperture opening medially in line with plane of the ventral fin; tail ends bluntly, composed of bilateral myotomic muscle masses divided by Vshaped septa, with unequal membranes on either side of tail musculature, tail musculature extends up to the end of tail tip; dorsal fins originate after tail-body junction, margin of lower fin not parallel to the margin of tail muscle; mouth (oral disc) absent, keratodonts and jaw sheaths not seen, papillae absent.

Measurements (mm) (N = 1): Lateral measurements include, maximum height of body (bh) = 3.66, maximum width of body (bw) = 5.98, maximum diameter of eye (ed) = 0.40, internarial distance (nn) = 2.07, naro-pupular distance (np) = 2.58, rostro-narial distance (rn) = 0.02, interpupular distance (pp) = 5.78, distance from tip of snout to opening of spiracle (ss) = 4.55, distance from tip of snout to insertion of upper tail fin (su) = 6.60, snout-vent length (svl) = 7.74, total length (tl) = 19.15, distance from vent to tip of tail (vt) = 11.60, maximum height of tail (ht) = 4.95, tail muscle height (tmh) = 1.61, tail muscle width (tmw) = 1.35.

Geographical distribution and habitat. Uperodon globulosus is widely distributed in India and neighboring regions in Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ). In India, this species has been reported from the states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh (for detailed list of localities and references thereto see supplementary Table S1). In the present study, we collected specimens from temporary pools and puddles inside the Pune city ( Table 1). At Tamhini Ghats, a large number of males were observed on the road passing through open or agricultural areas, immediately after the first monsoon showers. See ‘Natural history and breeding’ observations in the respective section, after the species accounts.















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