Coniopteryx (Coniopteryx) evellana, Sziraki, 2015

Sziráki, György, 2015, Identity Of Coniopteryx Madagascariensis Meinander, 1974 (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae), With Description Of Three New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 61 (2), pp. 135-146 : 139-142

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Coniopteryx (Coniopteryx) evellana

sp. nov.

Coniopteryx (Coniopteryx) evellana View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 8–13)

Coniopteryx (C.) madagascariensis sensu MeInandeR 1998, Figs 17B, 17E, 17G, 17I, 17K.

Examined material – Holotype: male, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Province, Ranomafana National Park, Belle Vue at Talatakely, 21°15’59” S, 47°25’13” E, 1020 m a.s.l., secondary tropical forest, 16. X – 8. XI. 2002, Malaise trap, leg.: HH; deposited in the collection of CAS. Paratypes : 3 males, Madagascar, Antanarivo Province, 3 km NE of Andranomay , 18°28’24” S, 47°57’36” E, 1300 m. a.s.l., mountain rainforest, 5-13. XII. 2000 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: F, G et al.; 1 male, Madagascar, Antsiranana Province, Marojejy National Park, Manatenia River , 8.2 km NNW of Manantenia, 14°26’12” S, 49°46’30” E, 450 m a.s.l., rain forest, 12-25. XI. 2003 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: F et al.; 1 male, Madagascar, Diego – Suarez Province, Montagne d’Ambre National Park , 12°31’ S, 49°11’ E, 975 m a.s.l., 21-25. I. 2001 GoogleMaps , Malaise trap, leg.: I, ES et HH; 1 male, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Province, Forêt d’ Ambalagoavy nord Ikongo, Ambatombe, 21°49’39” S, 47°20’20” E, 625 m GoogleMaps . a.s.l., (day?) XI. 2000, Malaise trap, leg.: HH et I; 7 males, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Province, Ranomafana National Parc, Belle Vue at Talatakely , 21°15’59” S, 47°25’13” E, 1020 m. a.s.l., 8-15. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps , secondary tropical forest, Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 13 males, same data but 15-22. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 16 males, same data but 22-28. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 6 males, same data but 28. XI – 6. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 6-15. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 15-21. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 4 males, same data but 21-24. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 11 males, same data but 24. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps 2. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 2-10. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 10-14. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 14-21. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 13 males, same data but 21-28. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 28. I. – 4. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 12-19. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, 19-26. III. 2002; 15 males, same data but 31. III – 7. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 7-14. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 7 males, same data but 14-23. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 28. IV – 5. GoogleMaps V. 2002; 3 males, same data but 13-23. GoogleMaps V. 2002; 2 males, same data but 23. GoogleMaps V – 3. VI. 2002; 1 male, same data but 13-23. GoogleMaps VI. 2002; 1 male, same data but 23. GoogleMaps VI – 4. VII. 2002; 6 males, same data but 4-14. VII. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 24. VII – 4. VIII. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 14 males, same data but 16. X – 8. XI. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Province, Ranomafana National Parc, Jirama Water Works, 21°14’55” S, 47°27’08” E, 690 m GoogleMaps . a.s.l., 22-28. XI. 2002, open area near a stream, Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 1 male, same data but 28. XI – 6. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 5 males, same data but 21-24. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 2-10. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 10-14. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 8 males, same data but 21-28. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 16. X – 8. XI. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 7 males, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Province, Ranomafana National Park , radio tower, 21°15’30” S, 47°24’26” E, 1130 m. a.s.l., 16. X – 8. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps , mixed tropical forest, Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 4 males, same data but 15-22. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 6 males, same data but 22-28. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 13 males, same data but 28. XI – 6. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 6-15. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 8 males, same data but 15-21. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 10-14. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 15 males, same data but 14-21. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 5 males, same data but 21-28. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 12-19. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 19-26. III. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 26-31. III. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 16-23. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 23-30. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 24. GoogleMaps V – 4. VI. 2002; 5 males, same data but 14-24. GoogleMaps VI. 2002; 4 males, same data but 15-25. VII. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 18-27. II. 2003 GoogleMaps ; 9 males, Madagascar, Fianarantsoa Province, Ranomafana National Parc, Vohiparara , 21°13’34” S, 47°22’11” E, 1110 m. a.s.l., 22-28. XI. 2001 GoogleMaps , mountain rainforest, Malaise trap, leg.: HH; 36 males, same data but 28. XI – 6. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 6-15. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data but 15-21. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps ; 4 males, same data but 24. XII. 2001 GoogleMaps 2. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 10-14. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 6 males, same data but 14-21. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 21-28. I. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 33 males, same data but 28. I – 4. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 4-12. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 12-19. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 21-28. II. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 12-19. III. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 1 male, same data but 15-22. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 6 males, same data but 22-29. IV. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 3 males, same data but 15-25. GoogleMaps V. 2002; 3 males, 4-14. VI. 2002; 2 males, same data but 26. GoogleMaps VI – 5. VII. 2002; 2 males, same data but 5-15. VII. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 7 males, same data but 15-25. VII. 2002 GoogleMaps ; 9 males, same data but 25. VII – 3. VIII. 2002 GoogleMaps . Majority of paratypes are deposited in the collection of California Academy of Sciences , while 6 paratype specimens are housed in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest.

Diagnosis: Small bodied coniopterygid, with flattened projection between the antennae. First flagellar segment with an outstanding setose outgrowth. Processus terminalis truncated obliquely in ventral view. Median incision consists of a very shallow „v” shaped part and of a narrow engraving in the middle of it.

Description: Length of the body 1.3–1.8 mm. Head capsule medium brown, palpi light brown. Between the antennae the anterior edge of vertex has a prominent, laterally flattened projection. Eyes moderately large, black. Antennae dark brown, 0.9–1.2 mm, 26–29 segmented. Scape slightly shorter than wide, pedicel about as long as wide, flagellar seg- ments 2.4–3 times as wide as long. Pedicel has a very small, while the first flagellar segment has an outstanding outgrowth apically, with rather short setae ( Fig. 8). Ordinary hairs are arranged in two rather irregular rings on flagellar segments. Scale-like hairs on the whole surface of the pedicel, and in a very dense whorl on the apical half of the flagellar segments.

Legs, wings and the large part of thorax medium brown, sutures, apodemes and the shoulder spots dark brown. Length of fore wing 1.4–2.2 mm, of hind wing 1.4–1.7 mm. Pregenital part of abdomen light brown.

Male terminalia ( Figs 9–13) dark brown, well sclerotized. Hypandrium as long as high in lateral view. Processus terminalis distinct but truncated obliquely in ventral view. ventral lobe of the inner branch of stylus. Scales: 0.04 mm.

Therefore, medianincisionconsistsofaveryshallow „v” shapedpartandofanarrow engravinginthemiddleofit. Processuslateralissmallanddirectedcaudally. Itssetaeare rathershort. Anteriorapodemeofhypandriumalmoststraightinventralview, whilein lateralviewcurvedbackwards (andstonglywidened) dorsally. Gonarcuswellsclerotized, withabroadbasalpart. Stylusforked. Itsouterbranchnarrowinlateral, broadincaudal view, withaveryfinelyserratedending. Innerbranchofstyluswidewithapeculiarbroad, plate-like, subtriangularventrallobe. Theventralbridgebetweenthetwoinnerbranches moderatelysclerotized. Parameremoderatelylong; itscaudalpartturnedupwardssubapi- callyinanobtuseangle. Processusventralissmall, butdistinct. Processusapicalisrather smallalso, directedupwards, withatooth-likeupperandaplate-likelowerpart. Thepenis scleriteconsistsoftwomoderatelychitinized, bentrods.

Remarks: Coniopteryx (C.) evellana belongs to Coniopteryx lobifrons group sensuSZIRÁKI (2005), and – regardingtheprocessusterminalis, medianinci- sionanddistalpartofparamere – itresemblesto Coniopteryx (C.) oroszi Szirá- ki, 2004 fromThailand.


− pedicelofantennawithoutaverystrongseta (whichischaracteristicin C. oroszi );

− presenceoftheplate-likesubtriangularlobeoftheinnerbranchofthe stylus;

− theinnerbranchofthestyluswide;

− thesmallprocessuslateralisofhypandriumdirectedcaudally.

Etymology: Thenewspeciesisnamedafterthestructureofmedianinci-



California Academy of Sciences

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