Fogliatto, Silvia, Patrucco, Lorenzo, Milan, Marco & Vidotto, Francesco, 2021, Sensitivity to salinity at the emergence and seedling stages of barnyardgrass (EchinochloQ crus-gQlli), weedy rice (OryzQ sQtivQ), and rice with different tolerances to ALS-inhibiting herbicides

Fogliatto, Silvia, Patrucco, Lorenzo, Milan, Marco & Vidotto, Francesco, 2021, Sensitivity to salinity at the emergence and seedling stages of barnyardgrass (EchinochloQ crus-gQlli), weedy rice (OryzQ sQtivQ), and rice with different tolerances to ALS-inhibiting herbicides, Weed Science (Cambridge, England) 69 (1), pp. 39-51

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