Suetrong, Satinee, Rungjindamai, Nattawut, Sommai, Sujinda, Areerate, Pathita Rung-, Sommrithipol, Sayanh & Jones, E. B. Gareth, 2014, Wiesneriomyces a new lineage of Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota) basal to Tubeufiales

Suetrong, Satinee, Rungjindamai, Nattawut, Sommai, Sujinda, Areerate, Pathita Rung-, Sommrithipol, Sayanh & Jones, E. B. Gareth, 2014, Wiesneriomyces a new lineage of Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota) basal to Tubeufiales, Phytotaxa 176 (1), pp. 283-297

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