Nagappan, Nagappan, Dcruz, Thomson Mariadasan, Loganathan, Archana, Gupte, Shreyas H, Ali, Rajab, Karthik, Prasanna, Mani, Bhuvaneswari & Moulvi, S M M, 2021, A Record of the Rare Filefish, Thamnaconus garretti (Fowler, 1928), Collected around Midway Island, Central Pacific (Actinopterygii, Tetraodontiformes, Monacanthidae)

Nagappan, Nagappan, Dcruz, Thomson Mariadasan, Loganathan, Archana, Gupte, Shreyas H, Ali, Rajab, Karthik, Prasanna, Mani, Bhuvaneswari & Moulvi, S M M, 2021, A Record of the Rare Filefish, Thamnaconus garretti (Fowler, 1928), Collected around Midway Island, Central Pacific (Actinopterygii, Tetraodontiformes, Monacanthidae), Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 47 (1), pp. 31-35

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