Chiba, Kentaro, Fiorillo, Anthony R., Jacobs, Louis L., Kimura, Yuri, Kobayashi, Yoshitsugu, Kohno, Naoki, Nishida, Yosuke, Polcyn, Michael J. & Tanaka, Kohei, 2015, A new desmostylian mammal from Unalaska (USA) and the robust Sanjussen jaw from Hokkaido (Japan), with comments on feeding in derived desmostylids.

Chiba, Kentaro, Fiorillo, Anthony R., Jacobs, Louis L., Kimura, Yuri, Kobayashi, Yoshitsugu, Kohno, Naoki, Nishida, Yosuke, Polcyn, Michael J. & Tanaka, Kohei, 2015, A new desmostylian mammal from Unalaska (USA) and the robust Sanjussen jaw from Hokkaido (Japan), with comments on feeding in derived desmostylids., Historical biology 28, No. 1, pp. 289-303

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