Cheek, Martin, Xander M. Van Der Burgt, Tchiengué, Barthélemy, Thiam, Aminata, Molmou, Denise, Doré, Tokpa Seny & Magassouba, Sékou, 2024, New discoveries of plants from Republic of Guinea, W. Africa, including Gymnosiphon fonensis Cheek, sp. nov. (Burmanniaceae), a new Critically Endangered species from Simandou

Cheek, Martin, Xander M. Van Der Burgt, Tchiengué, Barthélemy, Thiam, Aminata, Molmou, Denise, Doré, Tokpa Seny & Magassouba, Sékou, 2024, New discoveries of plants from Republic of Guinea, W. Africa, including Gymnosiphon fonensis Cheek, sp. nov. (Burmanniaceae), a new Critically Endangered species from Simandou, Adansonia (3) 46 (10), pp. 89-101

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