function drawChartSpecimensByCountry() { var chartData = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ ['Series', 'Specimen Count (overall)'], ['', 5727224], [': suriname', 1], ['Afghanistan', 543], ['Aland Islands', 1], ['Albania', 142], ['Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Hungary, Ita', 196], ['Algeria', 654], ['American Samoa', 53], ['Andorra', 6], ['Angola', 22239], ['Antarctica', 5], ['Antigua and Barbuda', 5], ['Argentina', 1694], ['Armenia', 79], ['Australia', 820], ['Austria', 1313], ['Azerbaijan', 64], ['Bahamas', 9], ['Bahrain', 1], ['Bangladesh', 31], ['Barbados', 15], ['Belarus', 2], ['Belgium', 81], ['Belize', 143], ['Benin', 24], ['Bermuda', 0], ['Bhutan', 125], ['Bolivia', 4573], ['Bolivia, Ecuador', 1], ['Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba', 4], ['Bosnia and Herzegovina', 606], ['Botswana', 932], ['Brazil', 82111], ['British Virgin Islands', 2], ['Brunei', 87], ['Bulgaria', 3316], ['Burkina Faso', 11], ['Burundi', 125], ['Cambodia', 151], ['Cameroon', 3727], ['Canada', 1069], ['Cape Verde', 164], ['Cayman Islands', 1], ['Central African Republic', 174], ['Chad', 13], ['Chile', 489], ['China', 42107], ['Christmas Island', 9], ['Colombia', 6082], ['Comoros', 101], ['Cook Islands', 10], ['Costa Rica', 2865], ['Croatia', 56], ['Cuba', 2675], ['Curaçao', 5], ['Cyprus', 78], ['Czech Republic', 103], ['Democratic Republic of the Congo', 1788], ['Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic', 1], ['Denmark', 4], ['Dominica', 3], ['Dominican Republic', 879], ['Ecuador', 6469], ['Egypt', 63], ['Egypt, Sudan', 1], ['El Salvador', 105], ['Equatorial Guinea', 894], ['Eritrea', 9], ['Estonia', 4], ['Ethiopia', 88], ['Fiji', 45], ['Fiji, New Caledonia, Tonga', 1], ['Finland', 5], ['France', 3091], ['French Guiana', 559], ['French Polynesia', 817], ['Gabon', 3919], ['Gambia', 8], ['Georgia', 59], ['Germany', 230], ['Ghana', 127], ['Gibraltar', 4], ['Greece', 3431], ['Greece, Iceland', 1], ['Greenland', 2], ['Grenada', 37], ['Guadeloupe', 289], ['Guam', 1], ['Guatemala', 420], ['Guinea-Bissau', 677], ['Guyana', 484], ['Haiti', 80], ['Heard Island and McDonald Islands', 147], ['Honduras', 427], ['Honduras, Nicaragua', 1], ['Hong Kong', 50], ['Hungary', 72], ['Iceland', 415], ['India', 3498], ['India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand', 1], ['India, Myanmar', 2], ['India, Myanmar, Thailand', 1], ['Indonesia', 1430], ['Iran', 1181], ['Iraq', 153], ['Ireland', 503], ['Isle of Man', 0], ['Israel', 89], ['Italy', 2200], ['Ivory Coast', 1448], ['Jamaica', 91], ['Japan', 1095], ['Japan, Taiwan', 1], ['Jordan', 162], ['Kazakhstan', 78], ['Kenya', 1869], ['Kiribati', 2], ['Kosovo', 4], ['Kuwait', 1], ['Kyrgyzstan', 98], ['Laos', 911], ['Latvia', 2], ['Lebanon', 149], ['Lesotho', 26], ['Liberia', 194], ['Libya', 4], ['Luxembourg', 9], ['Macao', 8], ['Macedonia', 70], ['Madagascar', 21802], ['Malawi', 139], ['Malaysia', 1969], ['Maldives', 1], ['Malta', 25], ['Marshall Islands', 3], ['Martinique', 18], ['Mauritania', 3], ['Mauritius', 158], ['Mayotte', 153], ['Mexico', 149031], ['Micronesia', 8], ['Moldova', 5], ['Monaco', 4], ['Mongolia', 69], ['Montserrat', 27], ['Morocco', 3684], ['Mozambique', 325], ['Myanmar', 1939], ['Myanmar, Laos', 1], ['Myanmar, Thailand', 3], ['Namibia', 330], ['Nepal', 280], ['Nepal, Bhutan', 1], ['Netherlands', 207], ['New Caledonia', 16240], ['New Zealand', 183], ['Nicaragua', 124], ['Niger', 4], ['Nigeria', 4004], ['Norfolk Island', 2], ['North Korea', 6], ['Northern Mariana Islands', 0], ['Norway', 22], ['Oman', 29], ['Pakistan', 72], ['Palestine', 37], ['Panama', 1845], ['Panama, Colombia', 1], ['Papua New Guinea', 345], ['Paraguay', 676], ['Peru', 23364], ['Philippines', 3020], ['Philippines, United States of America', 5], ['Pitcairn', 1], ['Poland', 34], ['Portugal', 136], ['Puerto Rico', 206], ['Qatar', 1], ['Republic of the Congo', 108], ['Romania', 88], ['Russia', 1510], ['Rwanda', 119], ['Réunion', 204], ['Saint Barthelemy', 1], ['Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha', 76], ['Saint Kitts and Nevis', 41], ['Saint Lucia', 133], ['Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 90], ['Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 40], ['Samoa', 44], ['San Marino', 9], ['Sao Tome and Principe', 149], ['Saudi Arabia', 108], ['Senegal', 27], ['Serbia', 395], ['Seychelles', 28], ['Sierra Leone', 98], ['Singapore', 94], ['Sint Martin', 1], ['Slovakia', 98], ['Slovenia', 12], ['Solomon Islands', 15], ['Somalia', 44], ['South Africa', 8429], ['South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 103], ['South Korea', 584], ['South Sudan', 13], ['Spain', 1604], ['Sri Lanka', 184], ['Sudan', 33], ['Suriname', 291], ['Swaziland', 47], ['Sweden', 97], ['Switzerland', 172], ['Syria', 96], ['Taiwan', 341], ['Tajikistan', 84], ['Tanzania', 5297], ['Thailand', 3270], ['Togo', 937], ['Tokelau', 2], ['Tonga', 79], ['Trinidad and Tobago', 613], ['Tunisia', 123], ['Turkey', 4167], ['Turkmenistan', 22], ['Turks and Caicos Islands', 53], ['Uganda', 102], ['Ukraine', 50], ['United Arab Emirates', 13], ['United Kingdom', 95], ['United States Pacific Island Wildlife Refuges', 5], ['United States Virgin Islands', 8], ['United States of America', 15290], ['Uruguay', 141], ['Uzbekistan', 815], ['Vanuatu', 12], ['Venezuela', 2863], ['Vietnam', 3429], ['Virgin Islands', 13], ['West Bank', 58], ['Yemen', 129], ['Zambia', 161], ['Zambia, Malawi, Uganda, Kenya', 1], ['Zimbabwe', 173], ['africa', 6], ['ambon island', 0], ['antillas', 1], ['arabia', 1], ['ascension island', 5], ['azarbaijan', 1], ['berlin', 6], ['bolivia & colombia', 1], ['borneo', 2], ['britain', 0], ['c hina', 1], ['central madagascar', 2], ['congo belge & ruanda-urundi', 3], ['congo kinshasha', 0], ['cuba.', 5], ['cubae', 1], ['dominican republic / haiti', 5], ['equatoria guinea', 1], ['guadalupe island', 16], ['guineaconakry', 9], ['guinee equatoriale et gabon', 1], ['guyane francaise', 1], ['hispania', 1], ['i ndonesia', 1], ['i ran', 1], ['ile maurice', 1], ['indochina', 1], ['island principe', 2], ['kenya congo tanzanie', 1], ['lao pdr', 3], ['melanesia', 1], ['new guinea', 4], ['new guinea.', 0], ['o m i n i c a n r e p u b l i c / h a i t i', 2], ['p.r. chi-na.', 1], ['palmyra island', 1], ['panama panama', 2], ['paris', 2], ['pitcairn island', 1], ['quatorial guinea', 1], ['secteur cap corse', 3], ['south', 1], ['st. vincent island.', 7], ['sud de madagascar', 1], ['tahiti', 9], ['taiwan island', 13], ['ternate island', 5], ['tibet', 2], ['toamasina', 1], ['tonga island', 2], ['trinidad and tabago', 1], ['u.s.a. georgia.', 1], ['u.s.s.r. turcomania.', 2], ['uiza', 1], ['union des comores', 2], ['union of the comores', 2], ['ussr', 1], ['vietnum', 4] ]); var chartOptions = { region: 'world', fontSize: 'automatic', title: 'n=6232329', doWeHaveDanglingCommas: 'No ;-)' }; if (window.customizeGoogleChartOptions) customizeGoogleChartOptions(chartOptions, 'SpecimensByCountry', 'geo', 303, 0); var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart(document.getElementById('chartDivSpecimensByCountry')); chart.draw(chartData, chartOptions); } google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages': ['geochart']}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChartSpecimensByCountry);