Ypsolopha bicostata, Jin, Qing, Wang, Shuxia & Li, Houhun, 2013

Jin, Qing, Wang, Shuxia & Li, Houhun, 2013, Review of the genus Ypsolopha Latreille, 1796 from China (Lepidoptera: Ypsolophidae), Zootaxa 3705 (1), pp. 1-91 : 28-29

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scientific name

Ypsolopha bicostata

sp. nov.

Ypsolopha bicostata sp. nov.

( Figs 23 View FIGURES 19 – 25 , 74 View FIGURES 69 – 74 , 123 View FIGURES 123 – 128 , 170 View FIGURES 170 – 175 )

Type material. Holotype: ♂, China, Xinyuan County (43°25′ N, 83°16′ E), Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 1562 m, 6.viii.2007, coll. Xinpu Wang et al., genitalia slide No. JQ07232. Paratypes: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same data as for holotype except dated 6−7.viii.2007.

Diagnosis. This species is characterized by the forewing having two dark brown streaks along middle of the cell and along the dorsum. It is close to Y. mucronulata sp. nov. in appearance and in genitalia, and the differences between them are discussed in detail under the latter species.

Description. Adult ( Figs 23 View FIGURES 19 – 25 a-b): Wing expanse 22.0 mm. Vertex grayish white, with dark brown dot at middle; face pale grayish brown, dark brown around eyes. Antenna white, scape mixed with pale brown at apex, flagellomere ringed with golden. Labial palpus white, gray tipped with white on outer surface of second segment; tuft of second segment triangular, shorter than labial palpus; third segment nearly as long as second. Thorax grayish white mixed with light brown, with dark brown strip at middle. Tegula dark brown, black along inner margin. Forewing with R4 and R5 approximate ( Fig. 74 View FIGURES 69 – 74 ); gray, sprinkled with brown and yellowish brown, paler along fold; cell with a longitudinal median dark brown streak extending from near base to end, where situated an oblique yellow strip; dark brown line from yellow strip to termen; two small basal black dots placed between fold and dorsum at base; dorsum silvery gray on basal 1/5, dark brown on distal 5/6, forming a dark brown dorsal band with curved anterior edge, with yellowish white line along its upper margin; inconspicuous dark brown dots from distal part of costa along termen to tornus; cilia pale grayish brown mixed with white on termen. Hindwing and cilia gray. Fore- and midlegs gray on dorsal side, white on ventral side; hindleg grayish white on outer side, white on inner side.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 123 View FIGURES 123 – 128 ): Uncus degenerate. Socius short, ending in point. Ventral plate of gnathos hammershaped. Valva nearly semicircular. Saccus 2/3 length of socius, dilated distally. Anellus 3/10 length of phallus, broad, densely hairy on distal half. Phallus stout, about 1.3 times length of valva, strongly curved at middle; coecum about 1/3 length of phallus; cornuti about 1/2 length of phallus, composed of two broad rows of microspines, each row with several larger spines at end.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 170 View FIGURES 170 – 175 ): Intersegmental membrane between papilla analis and 8th abdominal segment 2/5 length of abdomen. Apophyses posteriores about 1.8 times length of apophyses anteriores. Lamella postvaginalis V-shaped. Antrum cup-shaped, long. Ductus bursae longer than corpus bursae, expanded gradually from inception of ductus seminalis to corpus bursae, granulous on posterior 1/3. Corpus bursae sack-shaped; signum about 1/2 length of corpus bursae, granulous around, ridged at anterior 1/5 and posterior 1/5 respectively.

Distribution. China (Xinjiang).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin bicostatus, meaning having two streaks, referring to the two dark brown streaks on the forewing.

Remarks. One of the paratypes collected on 7 August 2007 has inconspicuous dark streak along the median wing, and the narrow dark brown line from outside of the yellowish strip to termen is almost absent, but its male genital characters show no differences with the holotype.













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