Villiersicometes scellierae, Dalens, 2013

Dalens, Pierre-Henri, 2013, new species of Villiersicometes Santos-Silva, 2003 from French Guiana (Coleoptera, Disteniidae, Disteniinae), Insecta Mundi 2013 (321), pp. 1-3 : 1-2

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scientific name

Villiersicometes scellierae

sp. nov.

Villiersicometes scellierae View in CoL sp. nov.

(Fig. 1,2)

Type material. Holotype male from FRENCH GUIANA: Montagne Pelée , Saül, 09-IX-2010, FIT, SEAG coll. ( MNHN).

Allotype female from FRENCH GUIANA: Montagne Pelée , Saül, emergence chamber, 10-VIII-2006, Pierre-Henri Dalens coll. ( PHDC).

Paratypes: Montagne Pelée , Saül, two males and one female, 1-VIII-2011, light trap, SEAG coll., ( PHDC) ; one male, one female, 25-VIII-2011, SEAG coll. ( PHDC) ; one male, 16-VIII-2012, Malaise trap, Robert Constantin coll. ( PHDC) ; one male, one female, 17-IX-2012, SLAM®, SEAG coll., ( PHDC) .

Diagnosis. The new species is most similar to Villiersicometes lineatus (Villiers, 1958) by its brownish elytra with a longitudinal stripe on the sutural region, but shows a transverse dark macula on the middle of distal half, extending from suture to margins.

Description. Male ( Fig. 1 View Figures 1–2 ). Integument light brown, darker on head, prothorax (except anterior and posterior margin), elytral margins and suture; dark macula, with chevron shape, at 4/5th of elytral length, from suture to latero-marginal slope. Scape, pedicel and antennomeres III-V light brown, following segments darker (covered with black long setae). Whole body covered with sparse decumbent whitish setae, semi-erected on elytra.

Head with apex of last segment of maxillary palpi strongly dilated and truncate. Labium with dense golden setae laterally. Upper interocular space equal to 1.5 times largest width of scape. Antennae 1.4 times longer than body. Scape 1.3 times longer than article III, curved at inner base, progressively narrowed towards base. Antennal formula reported to scape: I=1; II=0.1; III=0.8; IV=0.8; V=0.9; VI=0.8; VII=0.7; VIII=0.5; IX=0.4; X=0.4; XI=0.2. Black long setae on inner side of segments IV and V, covering almost all sides of following segments.

Pronotum longitudinal, with rather smooth tubercles placed before apical half; punctation rather shallow and non-coalescent. Prosternal process strongly narrowed between procoxae, slightly enlarged and rounded at apex. Mesosternal process notched. Metasternum micropunctate. Elytra 3.2 times longer than large at humeri; integument deeply punctate with two longitudinal discreet carinae, outermost longer than innermost; disc with longitudinal rows of whitish setae, less regular on sides; apex rounded.

Legs yellowish with apex of tibiae darkened; underside with sparse long decumbent whitish setae. Ventrites with slight purple reflections on posterior margins; last ventrite emarginated, with fringe of whitish setae.

Female. Similar to male except general shape slightly more robust. Last segment of maxillary palpi fusiform; antennae barely shorter, but segment XI longer.

Dimensions. (in mm, male/female): total length, 4.7-5.1/5.0-5.4; width at humeri, 0.9-1.0/1.0-1.1.

Etymology. The species is dedicated to Stéphanie Scellier (PAG), for her invaluable help for the two-year entomological survey which was lead in Saül by SEAG and PAG.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

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