Lepidaploa psilostachya (DC.) Robinson (1990: 491)

Marques, Danilo, Farco, Gabriela Elizabeth, Nakajima, Jimi Naoki & Dematteis, Massimiliano, 2018, The genus Lepidaploa (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) in southern South America, Phytotaxa 362 (2), pp. 115-142 : 131

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Lepidaploa psilostachya (DC.) Robinson (1990: 491)


9. Lepidaploa psilostachya (DC.) Robinson (1990: 491) View in CoL . Vernonia psilostachya Candolle (1836: 43) .

Type:— BRAZIL. São Paulo state, without locality, 1835, P. W. Lund 878 (holotype G-DC! [online image!]). Figure 15 View FIGURE 15 .

Subshrubs 0.3–0.45 m tall; branches tomentose-glandular. Leaves distichous, basal and cauline, internodes 2.6–4.5 cm long, sessile, blade 1.4–3.87 × 0.4–1.2 cm, membranaceous, smooth, basal obovate-lanceolate, cauline lanceolate, apex acute, margins denticulate to serrulate, revolute, base attenuate, adaxial surface strigose, abaxial surface tomentose; venation camptodromous. Capitulescence seriate-cymose with capitula sessile, ca. 9 cm long, axis tomentose-glandular, golden. Involucre campanulate, 8–10 mm in diam., phyllaries 5–6-seriate, brown to reddish, membranaceous, villous to tomentose, outer oval-lanceolate, apex largely apiculate, inner elliptic-lanceolate, apex acute to acute-apiculate. Florets 21–23, corolla lilac to violet, tube 3.2–4 mm long, glabrous, lobes 2–2,5 mm long, lanceolate, apex setose; apical anther appendages obtuse, base obtuse; basal stylar node enlarged. Cypsela turbinate to obconic, 1.55–1.7 mm long, setose, idioblasts present; carpopodium anullar. Pappus white.

Selected specimens examined — ARGENTINA. Misiones: San Ignacio, Casa de H. Quiroga, 16 February 2009, M. Dematteis 3047 (CTES). BRASIL. Paraná: Tibagi, Guartelá, 14 December 2009, L.P. Deble 12020 (CTES).

Distribution and habitat —The species is scarcely distributed in the study region, occurring only in Paraná ( Brazil) and Misiones ( Argentina). According to Dematteis & Cabrera (2009), L. psylostachya also occurs in Paraguay in the departments of Alto Paraná and Cordillera. In southern South America it grows on stony fields of the Atlantic Rainforest ( Figure 16 View FIGURE 16 ).

Phenology —Collected with flowers in November, February, and July.

Notes — Lepidaploa psilostachya is similar to L. amambaia . However, L. psilostachya is distinguished from the latter species by having both basal and cauline leaves and acute leaf apex. See comments under L. amambaia .

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