Vallichlora selva Viidalepp & Lindt, 2019

Viidalepp, Jaan & Lindt, Aare, 2019, A new Neotropical emerald moth genus based on some unusual “ artefacts ” (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Geometrinae), Zootaxa 4691 (2), pp. 181-187 : 183-184

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scientific name

Vallichlora selva Viidalepp & Lindt

sp. nov.

Vallichlora selva Viidalepp & Lindt , sp. n.

Figs 1, 3, 7, 8.

Holotype: male, Ecuador, Oriente, Napo prov., Huabuno river , 540 m, 03.06.2010, 0º50’S, 77º15’W (ID: IZBE0122020 View Materials ) (slide 8540) (A. Lindt leg.) GoogleMaps ; Paratypes: 1♂, Peru, Lagunas , 134 m, 01– 03.12. 2003, 05°14’15S, 75°35’44”W (ID: IZBE0121991 View Materials ) (slide 7387) (A. Lindt) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Ecuador: Oriente: Napo prov., Misahualli , 07.11. 2002, 450 m, 01º01’S, 77º30’W (I. Renge) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. This species differs from all Lissochlora and Nemoria species having white and brownish vein-spots instead of forewing postmedial band in possessing a shiny white line along the base of the fringe, which is edged by reddish tips distally and by a vivid red-brown marginal line proximally. Fringe is chequered red-brown at vein ends. Lissochlora alboseriata Warren from Venezuela has similar wing markings but is larger (26–30 mm wingspan) and has a short uncus accompanied by leaf-shaped socii (the lectotype and its slide BM Geo 14812 examined). Socii of this new species are a little shorter than in Vallichlora rara , sp. n., finger-shaped and semi-rigid, roughly setose processes without apical thorns.

Description. Wingspan 21–22 mm (Figs 1, 3). Frons broad, green, fillet white, vertex green. Male antennal pectinations 0.35 mm long, the third segment of palpus 0.25 mm, hindtibial process 0.5–0.55 mm long. Wings light green, forewing apex rounded, distal margin slightly convex; large white spots on veins instead of ante- and postmedial bands; the postmedial costal spot and that on M1 grey with distal white tips; forewing discal spot suffused, grey; hindwing discal spot smaller, grey.

The frons is broad, brown, the interantennal fillet white and the vertex green, a tan or rosy line between. The antennae are pectinated, the length of rami of the tenth antennal segment reaching 0.5 mm in length. The hindtibial process is conical, 0.45–0.6 mm long. Abdomen: tergite A1 with a large quadrangular white spot which has a thin brown edge, tergite A2 is green, tergite A3 with a triangular white spot. Wings light green, the postmedial line of forewing as a row of greyish streaks with the addition of white spots distally; the costal-most postmedial spot larger, reaching the radial veins, the spot on the vein M2 is shifted inward; the marginal line is dark brown, thinner at vein ends and with yellowish shadow proximally. The fringe with a row of contrasting white streaks: white basally, brownish distally, chequered brown just back the vein ends. The Peruvian specimen has white ante- and postmedial vein-spots only and white spots at vein ends. The discal spot is roundish on the forewing, slanting and linear on hind wing.

Male genitalia (Figs 4, 5, 6): The uncus is entirely reduced, the socii being thick, pollex-shaped, thinly setose; the gnathos as a loop, the cochlear asa plate. The valva is oval-shaped, its costal plate covering the entire dorsal half of valva. The distal edge of the costa is darkly rugose at the apical one-fourth. The vinculum is roundish, and small coremata are present. No females are associated with the described males.

Etymology. “selva” is a Spanish word for tropical rainforest where this species occurs; in nominative case, gender feminine.

Remark. The specimens are obviously rare in collections and were detected over twenty years of study and among several hundred nominal “ Nemoria and Lissochlora ” genitalia dissections.















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