Umanella tricoloripes Herrera-Florez, 2018

Herrera-Florez, Andres Fabian & Molina, Oscar Efrain Ortega, 2018, A new species of Umanella Gauld (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) from Colombia, Zootaxa 4377 (2), pp. 296-300 : 296-299

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scientific name

Umanella tricoloripes Herrera-Florez

sp. nov.

Umanella tricoloripes Herrera-Florez , sp. n. ( Figs 1–8 View FIGURES1–3 View FIGURES4–8 )

Material examined. Holotype: male, " Colombia, Antioquia, Andes, Vereda quebrada arriba , Altitud 2300 m.s.n.m. Fecha 26 de Marzo de 1997, C. Castaño, al vuelo." ( MEFLG).

Paratype: male, Same data as holotype ( MEFLG).

Diagnosis. Umanella tricoloripes Herrera-Florez , sp. n. differs from both U. caerulea and U. giacometti in color pattern. It is predominantly yellow in the new species and metallic blue in the other two species.

Description. Body length) 11.4–12.4 mm; body elongate and integument entirely smooth and shining; fore wing length 9.2 (holotype)– 10.8 mm; hind wing length 7.1 mm.

Head. Mandible apically equally bidentate; upper tooth of mandible slightly shorter than lower tooth; malar space at narrowest point 0.2 × as long as basal mandibular width; clypeus flat, uniformly sclerotized except for margin; lower face transverse, 1.3 × as broad as medially high (from antennal insertion to supraclypeal suture), slightly convex, polished with isolated setae; frons slightly concave behind each antennal insertion; outer side of antennal insertion with a carina; head in dorsal view not constricted behind eyes; gena rounded and vertex behind the ocellar triangle slightly convex; posterior ocellus separated from eye by 1 × its own maximum diameter; occipital carina complete, joining hypostomal carina behind base of mandible, slightly concave mediodorsally, without depression on vertex and without deep groove on back of head.

Mesosoma. Long and somewhat depressed; mediodorsal pronotal shelf flat, without an impressed subtriangular central region; epomia present for short distance; notauli deep and long, converging but not meeting posteriorly, reaching about half length of mesoscutum; mesoscutum with median lobe anteriorly rounded, uniformly hirsute; lateral mesoscutal lobes hirsute, hairs shorter than on central lobe; epicnemial carina absent; posterior transverse carina of mesosternum absent; mesopleuron smooth and polished, with some sparse inconspicuous setae; metapleuron convex, smooth and polished with some long sparse setae; propodeum in profile long and evenly rounded, mediodorsally smooth, laterally with sparse long setae; propodeum with complete pleural carina and vestiges of median longitudinal carinae, absent at posterior end of propodeum; propodeum with coxal foramen not separated from metasomal foramen by sclerotized bridge. Metapleuron with submetapleural carinae.

Legs slender; hind trochantellus, in dorsal view,1.4 × as long as broad; hind coxa about 1.1–1.2 × as long as dorsal face of propodeum; all tarsal claws lacking acute basal lobe; fore tibia with setae darker anteriorly.

Metasoma. Very slender; tergite I 2.2–3 × as long as posteriorly broad, smooth and polished, without discernible lateromedian or lateral carinae, and with apical area not swollen; sclerotized part of first sternite without low, raised bump just before level of spiracle; tergite II 1.7–2.4 × as long as posteriorly broad, smooth and polished, with deep, diagonal grooves cutting off anterior corners; narrow, triangular area defined; sides of raised area concave; tergites III and IV without lateral grooves; tergites III–V similarly elongate and smooth; metasoma with setae medially and laterally; subgenital plate elongate, conspicuous.

Coloration. Body mostly yellow. Head yellow with mandibular apex black; antenna black; part of the frons closer to antennal insertion black, interocellar area black, dorsal part of gena close to occipital carina black; occiput mostly black, ventrally yellow. Pronotum mostly yellow with central dorsal area mostly black; mesopleuron mostly yellow with anterior and apical sides black; mesoscutum mostly black with two lateral and two submedial yellow stripes; scutellum and postscutellum yellow; propodeum mostly yellow centrally with anterior and posterior area mostly black. Metasoma mostly yellow; tergite I mostly black except for anterolateral margins and apical area yellow; tergite II with raised area blackish and hind margin with a transverse black band, the rest yellow; tergite III mostly yellowish with a medial blackish weak black spot and a posterior black transverse band; tergite IV mostly yellow with a posterior transverse black band; tergite V mostly yellow except for a small blackish spot on the hind margin; tergite VI with anterolateral half yellow, hind half black; tergites VII and VIII black; gonosquama black. Fore legs yellow except for fifth tarsomere and tarsal claws that are black, femur with black longitudinal spot on the outer side and tibia with blackish line of setae on the anterior side; mid leg mostly yellow, femur with black longitudinal spot on the outer side, tibia with line of dark setae on the anterior face, tarsomeres black; hind legs mostly black except for some yellow spots on the coxae (anterodorsally) and close to the trochanter. Wings yellowish, stigma yellow.

Female: unknown

Etymology. The name refers to the three colored pattern of the species.


Colombia,Medellin, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Museo Entomologico Franciaco Luis Gallego


Museo Entomologico Francisco Luis Gallego













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