Tynanthus cognatus ( Cham.) Miers (1863: 193)

Medeiros, Maria Cláudia Melo Pacheco De & Lohmann, Lúcia G., 2015, Taxonomic Revision of Tynanthus (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae), Phytotaxa 216 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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scientific name

Tynanthus cognatus ( Cham.) Miers (1863: 193)


1. Tynanthus cognatus ( Cham.) Miers (1863: 193) View in CoL . Bignonia cognata Chamisso (1832: 703) . Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. "Brasil aequinoct.", s.d., F. Sellow s.n. (US! (barcode 125821)).

Tynanthus elegans Miers (1863: 193) View in CoL . Bignonia elegans Chamisso (1832: 702) View in CoL , nom.illeg., non Bignonia elegans Vellozo 1825 View in CoL ; 1827. Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. Sin loc., s. d., F. Sellow s.n. ( US! (barcode 125825)). syn. nov.

Schizopsis chimonantha Bureau (1865: 375) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. Bahia: “Prope Ilheos”, 1838, B. Luschnath s.n. ( BR!; isolectotype BR!) . Syntype: BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: “Bords de la rivière d’Hytu, près la fazenda de Bemfica”, 1816–1821, A . St. - Hilaire Catal. D, Nº 25 ( P! (barcodes 3606733, 3606734), K!) .

Schizopsis regnelliana Bureau (1865: 376) . Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: “ Caldas ”, 28 December 1859, A. F. Regnel III-52 ( S (14-19845) photo!; isolectotype K!). Syntypes:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: “Prés de la Paranapitanya”, 1816–1821, A . St.-Hilaire Catal. C2 , Nº 1342 ( P! (barcodes 3606735, 3606736)). Minas Gerais: Sin. loc., 1845, Widgren 743 ( BR!) .

Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 : A–E

Lianas. Branchlets tetragonal to terete, with or without ritidome, finely striated, lenticeled to densely lenticeled, tomentose to pubescent, with simple and peltate trichomes; interpetiolar ridge present (sometimes absent); interpetiolar patelliform glands absent; prophylls of the axillary buds 0.7–1.7 mm long, 0.6–1.5 mm wide, minute, shallowly triangular to triangular, tomentose to pubescent or glabrescent throughout, with simple and peltate trichomes. Leaves 2–3 foliolated; terminal leaflets often modified into trifid tendrils (rarely bifid, when very young), sometimes with adhesive-disks on tips; petioles and petiolules tomentose to puberulent throughout the surface, with simple and peltate trichomes; petioles (0.2–) 0.5–3.6 cm long; petiolules (0.3–) 0.5–2.3 cm long; leaflets (1.6–) 4–10.6 cm long, (0.6–) 1.8–6.2 cm wide, chartaceous to coriaceous, discolor, obovate to elliptic; apex acuminate or obtuse, mucronate; base cuneate or obtuse, symmetrical; margin entire; the abaxial surface tomentose to pubescent throughout (sometimes only on and near the veins), with simple, peltate and patelliform trichomes; the adaxial surface pubescent to glabrescent throughout or only on and near the veins, with simple, peltate and patelliform trichomes; glandular trichomes evenly distributed throughout both surfaces; second venation weak brochidodromous or brochidodromous; pocket domatia with (sometimes without) trichomes. Inflorescence axilar or terminal, a thyrse or a compound thyrse, lax, with conical aspect, first order (2.5–) 3–13 cm long, second order 2.5–5.5 cm long; axis tomentose to densely puberulent, with simple and peltate trichomes; bracts of the inflorescence predominantly caducous, tomentose to pubescent throughout, 0.5–1.9 mm long; floral bracts 0.3–0.7 mm long; floral pedicels 1–7.5 mm long. Calyx green, 1.3–2.7 mm long, 1.3–2.3 mm wide, with transversal (sometimes oblique) aperture, truncate or minutely 5-denticulate, tomentose to puberulent throughout outside, without patelliform glands; lobes 0.1–0.4 mm long. Corolla white, cream or pale yellow (sometimes pale lilac), 0.5–1.1 cm long, 2.3–3.7 mm wide at the tube opening; tube 3–4.9 mm long, internally pubescent to glabrescent at the base, with simple and long and short stipitate trichomes; nectar guides absent, but with a path of long and short stipitate trichomes; lobes densely pubescent to pubescent throughout lower ones and at the margin of upper ones; upper ones 0.3–1.7 mm long, 0.6–1.9 mm wide, acute to obtuse; lower ones 1.6–3.6 mm long, 1.2–3.1 mm wide, obtuse to rounded. Androecium with fertile stamens inserted 1–1.5 mm from the base of the corolla; shorter ones 2.5–3.5 mm long; longer ones 3.5–4.5 mm long; anthers thecae 0.7–0.8 mm long, obovate to elliptic, subexserted; connective extending 0.1–0.2 mm beyond anther attachment; staminode 1.3–1.7 mm long, glabrous. Gynoecium 4.5–8.9 mm long; ovary 1–1.3 mm long, 0.7–0.9 mm wide, conical, velutinous; style 3.5–7.5 mm long, tomentose at the base. Fruit a linear flattened capsule, (6.5–) 10–25 cm long, 0.5–1.1 cm wide, coriaceous, smooth to granular near the midvein and granular near the margins, without lenticels to densely lenticeled, tomentose to pubescent, with simple and peltate trichomes; central ridge single, slightly or not prominent; margins slightly raised (unwinged), 0.1–0.2 cm wide. Seeds body (0.7–) 0.9–1.7 cm long, (0.3–) 0.5–0.7 cm wide; wings (0.3–) 0.5–1 cm long.

Phenology: —Flowers from October to March and produces fruits from February to September.

Distribution and habitat: —Occurs in moist broadleaf forests of Brazil (Bahia, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo) ( Fig. 2).

Additional specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Sin loc., s.d., A . Glaziou s.n. ( F 539388 ). Sin loc., s.d., J. C . Mello 8yt ( P barcode 3606711). Sin loc., s.d., A. F . Regnell s.n. ( K). Sin loc., s.d., L . Riedel s.n. ( NY). Sin loc., s.d., F . Sellow 1074 ( BM). Sin loc., 1814–1817, J . Bowie & A . Cunningham s.n. ( BM). Sin loc., 1823, L . Riedel ? s.n. ( LE). Bahia: Rio Gongogi Basin, 100–500 m, 1 October–30 November 1915, H. M . Curran 213 ( US) ; Rodovia Itabuna–Camacan , 12 km L de Itabuna , 8 April 1965, R. P . Belém & M . Magalhães 719 ( IAN, K, NY) .


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Rodovia Banco Central a Gongogi, 17 March 1971, Raimundo S. P . 1163 ( RB). Ilhéus , Área do CEPEC (Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau) , km 22 da Rodovia Ilhéus – Itabuna (BR-415)?, 50 m, 17 February 1982, J. L . Hage 1641 ( K, MO); CEPLAC, Quadra “D”, Matinha das Preguiças, 1 August 2007, R. O . Perdiz et al. 84 ( SPF). Jussari, RPPN Serra Teimoso, entrada 7.5 km da Rodovia Jussari – Palmira, Fazenda Teimoso, 1.7 km da entrada, 26 January 2006, J. L . Paixão et al. 684 ( SPF). Maraú , 13 January 1967, R. P . Belém & R. S . Pinheiro 3129 ( K, MO, NY). Una , Rodovia São José – Una, ca. 9 km da rodovia BR-101, 18 March 1999, J. G . Jardim et al. 2063 ( SPF). Espírito Santo : Conceição do Castelo, Alto Bananal, 6 November 1986, G . Hatschbach & J. M . Silva 50691 ( MBM, MO). Itapemerim , Fazenda do Ouvidor, Usina Paineiras, acesso pela Rodovia ES-490, entrada à esquerda, 2.5 km após o trevo da SAFRA , em direção a Marataízes, 29 December 2007, A. M . Assis et al. 1292 ( SPF). Linhares , Reserva Natural da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, Estrada 243, 31 January 1985, A . Peixoto et al. 3037 ( MO); Ibid. , 2 February 1985, A . Peixoto et al. 3404 ( MO, NY); Ibid. , 2 February 1985, A . Peixoto et al. 3406 ( F photo, K, MO, NY); Ibid. , 20 m, 14 September 1987, A. H . Gentry et al. 59208 ( MO); Ibid. , Aceiro com a LASA , próximo à estrada Gonçalo Alves, 18 January 1993, D. A . Folli 1795 ( CVRD, SPF, US); Ibid. , Próximo ao aceiro com a Lasa, 14 June 1993, D. A . Folli 1898 ( CVRD, SPF); Ibid. , 150 m, 15 July 2001, L. G . Lohmann & B . Whitney 663 ( CVRD, MO); Ibid. , at the end of the road “Peroba Amarela”, 150 m, 17 July 2001, L. G . Lohmann et al. 680 ( CVRD, MO); Ibid. , Aceiro com Catelã Jueirana, Estrada Orelha de Macaco, km 2.4, 17 December 2001, D. A . Folli 4148 ( CVRD, SPF); Ibid. , Estrada Municipal do Canto Grande, próximo à entrada da cabana Martinelli, 32 m, 2 May 2008, A. R . Zuntini et al. 241 ( CVRD, MO, RB); Ibid. , Estrada Municipal Canto Grande, 36 m, 6 January 2009, D. A . Folli 6274 ( CVRD); Ibid. , Estrada Flamengo, após o cruzamento com a Gonçalo Alves, 40 m, 28 January 2014, M. C . Medeiros & R. B . Louzada 42 ( CVRD, SPF); próximo à Reserva Natural da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce , Projeto 1, córrego da Jacutinga, APP da Aracruz, 37 m, 2 May 2008, A. R . Zuntini et al. 240 ( MO, RB). Pinheiros , Reserva Biológica Córrego do Veado, 9 May 2008, D. A . Folli 6021 ( CVRD). Santa Leopoldina, Distrito de Mangaraí, Cachoeira do Retiro, 2 October 2005, M. O. S . Crepaldi 54 ( RB). Santa Teresa , Vale do Canaã, 800–850 m, 1 February 1969, D. Sucre & P. I. S . Braga 4576 ( MO, RB); Várzea Alegre , Cachoeira do Magdalon, 26 October 2000, V . Demuner et al. 1510 ( SPF). Sooretama , Estrada Municipal Canto Grande , próximo à Reserva Natural da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (“ Reserva de Linhares ”), 34 m, 13 December 2007, A. R . Zuntini et al. 147 ( CVRD, SPF). Minas Gerais : Sin loc., 1845, Widgren s.n. ( BR, P barcode 3606716). Sin loc., Campos da Mantiqueira, perto do vale do Rio Verde, January 1885, J . Saldanha s.n. ( R 128076 ). Caldas, 1868, S . Henschen s.n. ( US 201385). Coronel Pacheco, 3 March 1943, E. P . Heringer 1176 ( RB); Água Limpa , 10 December 1946, E. P . Heringer 2519 ( SP). Faria Lemos , Fazenda Santa Rita, 600 m, 6 February 2000, L. S . Leoni & A. E . Silva 4366 ( MO). Monte Belo , Fazenda Lagoa, 800 m, 6 September 1987, A. H . Gentry et al. 59095 ( MO, UEC); Ibid. , 6 September 1987, A. H . Gentry et al. 59101 ( MO, UEC); Ibid. , 6 September 1987, M. C. W . Vieira 1235 ( RB). Poços de Caldas , Fazenda Chiqueirão, 3 December 1981, H. F . Leitão Filho et al. 1583 ( BHCB, FUEL, UEC). Tombos , Fazenda da Cachoeira, 12 July 1935, M . Barreto 1563 ( MO, R). Paraná : Antonina, Sapitanduva , 18 January 1974, G . Hatschbach 33671 ( M, MO, SPF, UEC, US). Apucarana , Parque da Raposa, 22 February 2005, J. S . Carneiro et al. 297 ( FUEL). Arapongas , Fazenda do Bule, 22 June 1999, D. A . Estevan et al. 89 ( FUEL, VIC). Cerro Azul , Cabeceira do Ribeirão do Tigre, 8 December 1983, G . Hatschbach 48829 ( MO, US). Fênix , Parque Estadual Vila Rica do Espírito Santo, 11 December 1998, M . Borgo & S. M . Silva 349 ( NY, UPCB). Ibiporã , Chácara Alcides Pelisson, Água Tucano, 28 May 1989, A . Pelisson & F. M. E . Longhi s.n. ( FUEL 7382 About FUEL ); Fazenda Doralice, 1 December 1995, M. C . Dias et al. 21 ( FUEL). Jaguariaíva , 740 m, 13 January 1915, P . Dusén 16341 ( F, K, NY). Jundiaí do Sul , Fazenda Monte Verde, 16 December 1999, J . Carneiro 848 ( SPF); Ibid. , Mata do Cruzeiro, 14 January 2000, G . Hatschbach et al. 69944 ( SPF); Mata do Cruzeiro , 3 March 2003, J . Carneiro 1393 ( MBM). Londrina , Parque Municipal Arthur Thomas, 19 December 1984, M. I. O. J . Neves et al. s.n. ( FUEL 523 About FUEL ); Ibid., 13 March 1986, A. C . Amorin s.n. ( MO 3386506 ); Ibid., Trilha da Capivara , 520 m, 13 October 2011, M. C . Medeiros & E. F . Rossetto 33 ( SPF); Floresta dos Irmãos Godoy, 21 August 1985, L. A. C . Rodas et al. 8 ( FUEL); Ibid. , 28 November 1985, F. C . Silva et al. 950 ( FUEL); Ibid. , 20 March 1986, L. N . Pizzaia et al. 45 ( FUEL, MO); Ibid. , 14 January 1989, L. H. S . Silva & F. C . Silva 170 ( FUEL, K, MBM, UPCB); Ibid. , 9 July 1997, R . Irío & L . Lima 194 ( UFACPZ); Ibid. , 16 July 1997, V. F . Kinupp et al. 1630 ( FUEL); Mata do IAPAR , 30 June 1988, L. A . Volpato s.n. ( FUEL 6375 About FUEL , HRCB 34681 About HRCB ); Paiquerê, 6 February 1997, V. F . Kinupp et al. 230 ( FUEL); Fazenda Figueira-Paiquerê , Fragmento 16, 19 February 2003, M. C . Lovato et al. 388 ( FUEL, R); Ibid. , Fragmento 16, 19 February 2003, M. C . Lovato et al. 400 ( ESA, FUEL, MBM); Ibid. , 19 February 2003, D. A . Estevan s.n. ( HRCB 44200 About HRCB , 44201 About HRCB ); Ibid., 2004, J. S . Carneiro et al. 164 ( FUEL, HRCB); Ibid. , Fragmento 2, 2 April 2004, J. S . Carneiro et al.


Phytotaxa 216 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 9 162 ( FUEL); Ibid. , Fragmento 2, 13 April 2004, J. S . Carneiro 163 ( FUEL, R); Ibid. , Fragmento 19, 15 June 2004, J. S . Carneiro et al. 161 ( FUEL); Ibid. , Fragmento 2, 22 June 2004, J. S . Carneiro et al. 173 ( FUEL); Ibid. , Fragmento 1, 1 July 2004, J. S . Carneiro et al. 167 ( FUEL). Ortigueira , Futuro eixo da Barragem, margem esquerda do Rio Tibagi, 30 October 2008, M . Kaehler 338 ( MBM, UPCB). Ribeirão do Pinhal , Fazenda São Pedro, 11 February 2001, J . Carneiro 1068 ( SPF). Rolândia , December 1936, G . Tessmann 6001 ( MBM, SP). São Jerônimo da Serra , 22 December 1999, C . Medri et al. 305? ( FUEL 29356 About FUEL ). São Pedro do Ivaí , 23 January 1991, F . Barros 2112 ( SP); Fazenda Santa Bárbara ?, 18 December 2003, O. S . Ribas et al. 5668 ( G, K, MBM, MO, RB, SPF). Telêmaco Borba , Rio Tibagi, próximo à ponte, 12 December 1996, V. F . Kinupp et al. 75 ( FUEL, HRCB, SPF); Margem da estrada de acesso ao eixo da Barragem, 680 m, 22 September 2008, M . Kaehler 276 ( MBM). Tereza Cristina (“ Theresina ”), 27 November 1911, P . Dusén 11172 ( BM, K, US). Ventania , Fazenda Santo Expedito, 4 May 2004, D. A . Estevan et al. 498 ( FUEL). Rio de Janeiro : Serra Tingua, 1780, H. W . Schott 5971 ( F). Sin loc., 1830, L . Riedel s.n. ( BM, G, K, P barcode 3606732). Sin loc., 1831–1833, Gaudichaud 559? ( P barcode 3606674). Sin loc., 1832, L . Riedel 231 ( LE). Fazenda do Sobral , 8 September 1881, A . Glaziou et al. 12973 ( LE, P). Pr. Sumidouro, na Rodovia BR-3, entre Itaipava e Pedro do Rio, 600 m, 10 December 1956, G. F. J . Pabst 10319 ( RB). E of Rio Bonito, between Niteroi and Silva Jardim, 100 m, 19 January 1985, A. H . Gentry & E . Zardini 49709 ( MO); Ibid., A. H . Gentry & E . Zardini 49727 ( MO). Cabo Frio , Parque Ecológico Municipal do Mico-Leão- Dourado, 13 June 2003, G. S. Z . Rezende et al. 162 ( RB); Casemiro de Abreu , Monte São João, 3 February 1970, S. P. S . s.n. ( RB barcode 58285). Guapimirim , Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos, trilha do Poço da Preguiça, 410 m, 6 January 2011, M. C . Medeiros et al. 28 ( SPF). Nova Iguaçu (“ Iguassú ”), s.d., Sin col. 8061 ( P barcode 3606667). Petrópolis, Mandiocca, 1821–1824, L . Riedel s.n. ( MO 4618844 , NY barcode 483757, NY barcode 1032824); February–March 1823, L . Riedel s.n. ( LE). Rio de Janeiro , Floresta da Tijuca, Gávea, Caminho do Macaco, 1865?, A . Glaziou 2638 ( BR, C photo in F, K, P); 8 March 1871, A . Glaziou 4719 ( P, US); Ibid. , Corcovado, 22 May 1870, A . Glaziou 4124 ( P); 22 May 1870, A . Glaziou 4683 ( P, US); Ibid. , Grande cascade, 24 June 1870, A . Glaziou 4692 ( P); Ibid. , 21 January 1871, A . Glaziou 4709 ( BM, K, NY, P, US); Ibid. , Estrada de Sumare, km 5, 300 m, 19 January 1975, W . Benson 45 ( MO); Prope hort. bot., 29 November 1888, W . Schwacke s.n. ( K, R 23784 ); Mundo Novo, Botafogo, May 1921, J. G . Kuhlmann s.n. ( R 23803 ; RB barcode 58297); Gávea , Mesa do Imperador, 10 March 1950, J. G . Kuhlmann s.n. ( RB barcode 58293; RB barcode 58341; NY barcode 483758); Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro , orla do parque, 13 September 1991, A. F . Vaz et al. 949 ( RB). Santa Maria Madalena , Mata do Laureano Vicente, 7 March 1934, S . Lima & Brade 13194 ( R, RB). Teresópolis , Próximo à Fazenda Boa Vista, 12 January 1943, H. P . Velloso s.n. ( MO 2286403 ). Rio Grande do Sul : Vila Manresa p. Porto Alegre, 25 July 1949, B . Rambo 42705 ( MO). Caxias do Sul , Santa Lucia do Piaí, 780 m, 27 January 1999, A . Kegler 158 ( M, MBM, US). Vale do Sol , Linha XV de Novembro, 23 January 1993, J. A . Jarenkow & D. B . Falkenberg 2281 ( MBM). Santa Catarina : Sin loc., June 1868, F . Müller 166 ( K). Blumenau , Bom Retiro, Mata da Companhia Hering, 350 m, 17 September 1959, P. R . Reitz & R. M . Klein 9102 ( K, US). Florianópolis , Morro Costa da Lagoa, 300 m, 15 February 1967, R. M . Klein 7238 ( K, R); Morro da Cutia , Tapera, Ribeirão, 150 m, 20 January 1970, R. M . Klein & Bresolin 8542 ( K, R). Itajaí , s.d., F . Müller 298 ( R). Jacinto Machado , Sanga da Areia, 200 m, 13 July 1959, P. R . Reitz & R. M . Klein 8936 ( K, US); Ibid., 250 m, 27 January 1960, P. R . Reitz & R. M . Klein 9424 ( BR, F photo, G, K, M, NY, UPCB, US). Lauro Müller , Novo Horizonte, 450 m, 15 January 1959, P. R . Reitz & R. M . Klein 8245 ( BR, F, G, K, M, NY, SP, US). Luis Alves , Braço Joaquim, 250 m, 13 January 1955, R. M . Klein 1054 ( K, NY, US). Palhoça , Morro do Cambirela, 300 m, 18 January 1972, R. M . Klein & Bresolin 10008 ( K). Rio do Sul , 350 m, 31 December 1958, P. R . Reitz 6147 ( BR, K, NY, US); Serra do Matador , 550 m, 12 March 1959, P. R . Reitz & R. M . Klein 8537 ( K, US). São Bento do Sul , Braço esquerdo, 417 m, 21 November 2009, T. J . Cadorin et al. 799 ( SPF). São Paulo : Sin loc., 27 November 1871, J. C . Mello 51 ( US). Sin loc., 25 December 1873, H . Mosén 1488 ( P). Barretos , Margem do Rio Pardo, November 1917, A . Sampaio s.n. ( R 23545 , RB barcode 66737). Campinas , Barão Geraldo, Santa Genebra Forest Reserve, Transect 3, 550 m, 27 August 1987, A. H . Gentry & A . Silva 58727 ( MO, UEC); Ibid. , Transect 4, 550 m, 27 August 1987, A. H . Gentry 58752 ( MO, UEC). Ipeúna , Ribeirão Passa-Cinco, 26 January 1984, A . Furlan 175 ( HRCB). Marília , Estação Experimental, 14 January 1993, G . Durigan 30691 ( UEC). Rio Claro , Fazenda São José, 15 November 2000, R . Ubulutsch & M. A . Assis 101 ( HRCB); Ibid. , trilha que atravessa o fragmento, 20 December 2000, R . Udulutsch & M. A . Assis 134 ( HRCB). São Paulo , Bosque da Avenida, 17 December 1933, J. G . Kuhlmann s.n. ( RB barcode 58318); Jardim Botânico , 15 January 1938, O . Handro s.n. ( SP 43041 ); Ibid., Trilha Fontes do Ipiranga , 24 October 2006, B. L. P . Villagra 225 ( SP); Cidade Jardim , 4 January 1944, W . Hoehne 1184 ( MO, SPF); Serra da Cantareira , Picada Dom Bento, Pedra Grande, 1000 m, 6 January 1953, F . Markgraf s.n. ( SPSF 4061 About SPSF ) .

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Taxonomic notes: —The morphological similarity between Tynanthus cognatus and T. elegans has long been noted. Indeed, Chamisso (1832) commented on their overall similarity when those taxa were originally described as Bignonia cognata and B. elegans , respectively. On the other hand, Chamisso (1832) also noted differences in the type and density of the indumentum encountered in the vegetative and reproductive organs of these taxa, which he considered sufficient to maintain the taxa as separate. However, a detailed analysis of the indumentum of these species along the entire range of distribution of these taxa showed that indumentum density varies geographically. More specifically, the collections from the northern portion of the range (states of Bahia and Espírito Santo) were shown to have glabrescent branches and leaves, while the specimens from the southern portion (states of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul) are generally densely pubescent to pubescent. Therefore, indumentum variation is not a diagnostic trait and not sufficient to keep those taxa as separate. Furthermore, molecular phylogenetic data ( Medeiros & Lohmann 2015) indicated that T. elegans is nested within T. cognatus , corroborating the synonimization of T. elegans in T. cognatus .

Tynanthus cognatus can be easily recognized by its obovate to elliptic leaflets. Tynanthus pubescens is the only other species of Tynanthus to present this feature; however, these species can be separated by the winged fruits of T. pubescens (versus unwinged in T. cognatus ) and Amazonian distribution (versus Atlantic Forest in T. cognatus ). Tynanthus cognatus shares lax inflorescences and unwinged fruits with its sister species T. polyanthus ( Medeiros & Lohmann 2015) . Nevertheless, T. cognatus is easily distinguished from T. polyanthus by the minute prophylls (versus foliaceous prophylls in T. polyanthus ) and the inconspicuously tetragonal young branchlets (versus conspicuously tetragonal in T. polyanthus ).

Nomenclatural notes: —Chamisso (1832) described T. cognatus and T. elegans based on Sellow’s collections. Chamisso’s types are deposited at LE (Stafleu & Cowan 1976: 482), but we were not able to locate those materials during two visits to the LE herbarium. The types of T. cognatus and T. elegans deposited at B were destroyed during the World War II ( Hiepko 1987) and are no longer available. Despite that, we were able to access photos of the B types from the F website. The photographed collection of T. cognatus was labelled as Sellow 166 while the photographed collection of T. elegans was labelled Sellow 5596. Unfortunately, we were unable to locate any duplicates of the Sellow 166 and 5596 collections in any of the herbaria visited. Instead, we were able to locate a


Phytotaxa 216 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 11 Sellow unnumbered collection at K that matches the identifications of T. cognatus (K barcode 449541). In addition, we were also able to locate two Sellow unnumbered collections at US that had been correctly identified as Bignonia cognata ( US barcode 125821) and B. elegans ( US barcode 125825), respectively; these materials are here selected as lectotypes. The calligraphy of the collection US barcode 125821 matches Chamisso's hand writing. The identification of the US barcode 125825 collection was made by Schumann, who worked at B and accessed Chamisso's types kept in that herbarium.

Two syntypes were cited by Bureau (1865) in the protologue of Schizopsis chimonantha (Luschnath s.n. and St. Hilaire Catal. D N O 25) and four syntypes in the protologue of S. regnelliana (Regnel III-52, St. Hilaire Catal. C2 N O 1342, Widgren 743, and Martius s.n.). For S. chimonantha , four sheets of the collection Luschnath s.n. were located at BR. The duplicate that has a hand-written label with calligraphy that matches Bureau’s hand writing, with the identification of Tynanthus cognatus is here selected as a lectotype; this material also represents the best quality material from the four duplicates. For S. regnelliana , three duplicates of the Regnell III-52 were located in the S herbarium (cited in the protologue), one dated from 1859 (S 14-19845), one from 1867 (S 14-19860) and one from 1868 (S 14-19863). The only material whose date predates the publication of the protologue of S. regnelliana (S 14-19845) is here selected as a lectotype. Additional duplicates of the Regnell III-52 collection were located in other herbaria (i.e., K!, LE!, MO!, P!, R!, US!); however, Regnell’s collection numbering system often reflect individual species and not collections from a single individual and thus, do not represent duplicates of the holotype. We chose one of the Regnell’s collections as lectotype because of the good conditions of the material and because the epithet “regnelliana ” suggests that this material was described based on a Regnell collection. It is also important to note that a Martius collection, presumably kept at M, was also cited in the protologue of S. regnelliana . Unfortunately, we were unable to locate this material. Furthermore, this collection is also cited in the protologue of Arrabidaea fasciculata [= T. fasciculatus (Vell.) Miers ], complicating its identity. This material was thus excluded from the list of syntypes of T. regnelliana .


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Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Royal Botanic Gardens


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


University of the Witwatersrand


University of Copenhagen


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Bristol Museum


Servico de Microbiologia e Imunologia


University of Helsinki


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Embrapa Amazônia Oriental


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro




Missouri Botanical Garden


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Universidade de São Paulo


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Reserva Natural da Vale


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga - Università di Camerino


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Instituto de Botânica


Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Universidade Estadual de Londrina


Universidade Federal de Viçosa


Universidade Federal do Paraná


Nanjing University


Universidade Federal do Acre/Parque Zoobotânico


Universidade de São Paulo


Universidade Estadual Paulista


Universität Zürich


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics














Tynanthus cognatus ( Cham.) Miers (1863: 193)

Medeiros, Maria Cláudia Melo Pacheco De & Lohmann, Lúcia G. 2015

Tynanthus elegans

Miers, J. 1863: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF