Tryphosella schellenbergi Lowry and Bullock, 1976

Alonso, G. M., 2012, Amphipod crustaceans (Corophiidea and Gammaridea) associated with holdfasts of Macrocystis pyrifera from the Beagle Channel (Argentina) and additional records from the Southwestern Atlantic, Journal of Natural History 46 (29 - 30), pp. 1799-1894 : 1871-1872

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scientific name

Tryphosella schellenbergi Lowry and Bullock, 1976


Tryphosella schellenbergi Lowry and Bullock, 1976

Tryphosella schellenbergi Lowry and Bullock, 1976: 7 , 108 (nom. nov.).

Tmetonyx serratus Schellenberg, 1931: 40 View in CoL , 41, fig. 19.

Tmetonyx serratus: Alonso, 1987: 5 View in CoL , 7–9, figs. 35–55; Alonso de Pina, 1993: 381, fig. 4.

Tryphosella schellenbergi: Chiesa et al., 2005: 170 , tb. 2; De Broyer et al., 2007: 154.

Material examined

Argentina; Beagle Channel, northern Isla Despard , 54 ◦ 52 ′ S, 68 ◦ 10 ′ W, 8–12 m depth, colls. D. Aureliano and A. Ferlito, don. G. Lovrich, 19 March 1999: 1 ovig. ♀ 8 mm, MACN-In 38662a; 4 ♂♂ 7–7.3 mm, MACN-In 38662b; 1 ovig. ♀ 5.9 mm, MACN- In 38662c. Same location, same colls., 24 May 1999: 1 ♀ 6 mm, MACN-In 38663a; 1 ♀ 6 mm, MACN-In 38663b; 1 ♀ 4.8 mm, MACN-In 38663c. Same location, same colls., 27 May 1999: 1 ♀ 7 mm, MACN-In 38664a; 1 ovig. ♀ 10 mm, 1 sex indet. 6 mm, MACN-In 38664b; 1 ovig. ♀ 8.1 mm, 1 ♀ 6 mm, MACN-In 38664c; 2 ♂♂ 7 and 8 mm, 5 August 1999, MACN-In 38665. Same location, same colls., 11 August 1999: 1 ovig. ♀ 8.25 mm, MACN-In 38666a; 1 ovig. ♀ 8.15 mm, 1 ♀ 4.8 mm, MACN-In 38666b; 1 ♂ 7.75 mm, MACN-In 38666c; 4 ovig. ♀♀ 6–9 mm, 2 ♀♀ 6.75 and 7 mm, MACN- In 38666d; 1 ♂ 6 mm, MACN-In 38666e. Same location, same colls., 1 November 1999: 1 ovig. ♀ 6.75 mm, 1 sex indet. 4 mm, MACN-In 38667a; 1 ♂ 6 mm, MACN- In 38667b. Same location, same colls., 10 February 2000: 1 ovig. ♀ 6.6 mm, MACN- In 38668a; 2 ♂♂ 5 and 6 mm, MACN-In 38668b; 3 ovig. ♀♀ 7–9.1 mm, MACN-In 38668c; 1 ♂ 5 mm, MACN-In 38668d; 1 ♀ 6.2 mm, MACN-In 38668e; 2 ovig. ♀♀ 7 and 7.1 mm, 1 ♀ 6.1 mm, MACN-In 38668f; 1 ovig. ♀ 6.25 mm, 14 February 2000, MACN-In 38669. Same location, same colls., 2 May 2000: 1 ovig. ♀ 6.05 mm, 1 ♀ 6.1 mm, MACN-In 38670a; 1 ♀ 6.9 mm, MACN-In 38670b; 1 ovig. ♀ 9 mm, MACN- In 38670c. Same location, same colls., 29 May 2000: 1 ♀ 6 mm, MACN-In 38671a; 1 ♀ 7 mm, MACN-In 38671b; 1 ♂ 6.3 mm, MACN-In 38671c; 1 ♂ 4.9 mm, MACN-In 38671d. Golfo San José; off El Riacho, 42 ◦ 25 ′ 20" S, 64 ◦ 36 ′ 35" W: 1 ovig. ♀ 7.1mm, 1 ♀ 7 mm, 3 ♂♂ 5–5.4 mm, mussel beds developed over a sandflat background, low intertidal, December 2005, coll. and don. L. Orensanz, MACN-In 38672. SANJO I survey; sta A, approx. 42 ◦ 00 ′ S, 64 ◦ 00 ′ W: 1 ovig. ♀ 8.9 mm, 1 ♂ 6 mm, February 1973, don. L. Orensanz, MACN-In 38673. SAO I survey; sta 23, 40 ◦ 57 ′ S, 65 ◦ 05 ′ W: 1 ovig. ♀ s 6 mm, 1 sex indet. 4.7 mm, sandy bottom, 12.5 m depth, 1971, don. L. Orensanz, MACN-In 38674. SAO V survey; Golfo San Matías, don. L. Orensanz, 40 ◦ 53 ′ S: off Bajo Oliveira, sta A, 4 sex indet. 4.8–5.2 mm, mussel bed, coarse sand, gravel, boulders covered by Lithothamnia sp., scallop bed, 16 m depth, 28 February 1973, MACN-In 38675; off El Buque, sta 236, 1 ♀ 7 mm, shell bottom, 20 m depth, 6 March 1973, MACN-In 38676. Knipovich survey, sta 249, 35 ◦ 34.5 ′ S, 52 ◦ 40.3 ′ W: 1 ♂ 7 mm, 310 m depth, 1965, coll. J. Amaro, don. L. Orensanz, MACN-In 38677; sta 1073, 35 ◦ 10.5 ′ S, 52 ◦ 42.5 ′ W: 1 ♀ 8 mm, 115–117 m depth, 1967, coll. V. Scarabino, don. L. Orensanz, MACN-In 38678 GoogleMaps .


Tryphosella schellenbergi Lowry and Bullock, 1976 is widely distributed in the Magellanic area , enlarging its latitudinal range to 33 ◦ S in Chile and to 35 ◦ S in the Southwest Atlantic; it has been found in many habitats, associated with different algae and burrowed in sandy substratum, from low intertidal to more than 300 m depth. Its northern distribution and the bathymetric data are mentioned in Uruguay for the first time; the species had been previously recorded up to 196 m.


Sammlung Oberli


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Tryphosella schellenbergi Lowry and Bullock, 1976

Alonso, G. M. 2012

Tryphosella schellenbergi:

De Broyer C & Lowry K & Jazdzewski K & Robert H 2007: 154
Chiesa IL & Alonso GM & Zelaya DG 2005: 170

Tmetonyx serratus:

Alonso de Pina GM 1993: 381
Alonso G 1987: 5

Tryphosella schellenbergi

Lowry JK & Bullock S 1976: 7

Tmetonyx serratus

Schellenberg A 1931: 40
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