Trouessartia spizellae Mironov and Chandler, 2020

Mironov, Sergey V. & Chandler, C. Ray, 2020, Feather mites of the genus Trouessartia (Acariformes: Trouessartiidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Georgia, USA, Zootaxa 4860 (1), pp. 1-54 : 15-19

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scientific name

Trouessartia spizellae Mironov and Chandler

sp. nov.

Trouessartia spizellae Mironov and Chandler , sp. n.

( Figs. 8–10 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 )

Type material. Holotype male ( BMOC 20-0303-011), 4 male and 8 female paratypes from Spizella passerina (Bechstein, 1798) ( Passeriformes : Passerellidae ), ( SVM 15-1013-12/2), USA, Georgia, Georgia Southern University Campus, 32°25’15”N, 81°47’22”W, 30 January 2015, coll. C. R. Chandler.

Depositories. Holotype, 2 male and 4 female paratypes—UMMZ, remaining paratypes—ZISP.

Description. MALE (holotype, ranges for 4 paratypes in parentheses) ( Figs. 8 View FIGURE 8 , 10 View FIGURE 10 A–D, G). Idiosoma, length × width, 475 (470–490) × 245 (230–255), length of hysterosoma 310 (305–315). Prodorsal shield: length along midline 145 (145–150), greatest width posterior to level of scapular setae 165 (165–170), anterior part at level of trochanters II not narrowed, anterolateral extensions angular, extending to bases of epimerites Ia between legs I and II, lateral margins not fused with scapular shields, posterior margin straight, surface without ornamentation. Internal scapular setae si spiculiform with short filiform apex, 33 (30–35) long, separated by 65 (65–68); external scapular setae se separated by 110 (105–110). Setae c2 spiculiform, 52 (47–53) long, situated in anteromedian angle of humeral shields. Setae c3 narrowly lanceolate with acute apex, 21 (20–22) long. Hysteronotal shield completely separated into prohysteronotal and lobar parts, total length 300 (300–305). Prohysteronotal shield: length along midline 195 (195–200), width at anterior margin 165 (165–170), lateral margins at level of trochanters III with small incisions flanked by bean-shaped sclerotized patches, DHA absent, central area with poorly distinct small ovate lacunae. Dorsal setae d1, d2, e2 present. Setae f2 absent. Length of lobar shield excluding terminal lamellae 105 (100–110). Opisthosoma strongly attenuate posteriorly, opisthosomal lobes fused with each other along midline forming a heavily sclerotized median septum, only apical parts of lobes posterior to level of setae h2 separated by narrow parallel-sided terminal cleft; length of cleft from anterior end to lobar apices 28 (25–28), length from anterior end to apices of terminal lamellae 60 (60–65), width 7 (7–8). Terminal lamellae semi-ovate, with smooth margins, length from bases of setae h3 to lamellar apices 40 (38–43), greatest width 28 (28–30). Distance between dorsal setae: c2:d2 75 (75–78), d2:e2 100 (100–105), e2:h2 85 (82–85), h2:h3 25 (22–25), h2:h2 43 (42–45), h3:h3 37 (33–38), d1:d2 48 (40–48), e1: e2 40 (40–48), ps1:h3 10 (10–12).

Epimerites I free. Rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa shaped as inverted teardrops with a small central lacuna. Genital apparatus: length excluding basal sclerite 58 (50–58), greatest width 20 (18–20), epiandrum ovate, latigenital sclerites absent, aedeagus finger-like (short and thick), distal ends of parameres without denticles. Anterior and posterior genital papillae subequal in size, anterior papillae more distant from midline than posterior ones. Postgenital plaque large semicircular. Setae g long, strongly widened and flattened in basal 2/3, with maximum width about 5, with bases widely separated from each other and situated outside postgenital plaque. Any remnants of genital shield absent. Apophyses of adanal apodemes represented by narrow ridges with small acute denticle in medial part. Lateral margins of opisthosoma with narrow membranes. Translobar apodeme present. Adanal shields represented by small teardrop-shaped sclerites bearing setae ps3. Adanal suckers 15 (15–16) in diameter. Inner ends of epimerites IIIa extending beyond level of setae 4b and without extensions on inner margins. Epimerites IVa large, with anterior ends extending beyond level of setae g and reaching level of basal sclerite. Setae 4b situated anterior to level of setae 3a; setae g posterior to setae 4a. Distance between ventral setae: 4b:3a 13 (12–14), 4b:g 110 (100–115), 4a:g 20 (20–22), g:ps3 48 (48–50), ps3:h3 98 (87–100), g:g 22 (22–25).

Setae cG, mG of genua I, II filiform. Genual solenidia σ I and σ II situated at midlength of corresponding genua ( Fig. 10A, B View FIGURE 10 ). Trochanteral setae sR III narrowly lanceolate with acute apex, 18 (16–18) long. Legs IV with ambulacral disc extending beyond level of setae h3. Tarsus IV 38 (36–38) long; modified setae d barrel-shaped, with discoid cap, situated in distal one third of this segment; modified setae e button-like, without cap, situated apically ( Fig. 10C View FIGURE 10 ). Length of solenidia: σ I 55 (52–55), σ II 12 (12–17), σ III 25 (23–25), φ IV 45 (43–45).

FEMALE (range for 8 paratypes) ( Figs. 9 View FIGURE 9 , 10E, F View FIGURE 10 ). Idiosoma, length × width, 530–570, × 235–255, length of hysterosoma 355–380. Prodorsal shield: shaped as in male, 150–160 long, 170–180 wide, surface without ornamentation. Setae si spiculiform with filiform apex, 25–28 long, separated by 70–73; setae se separated by 110–120. Setae c2 spiculiform, 45–55 long, situated in anteromedial angle of humeral shields. Setae c3 narrowly lanceolate with acute apex, 20–23 long. Hysteronotal shield: length from anterior margin to bases of setae h3 340–365, width at anterior margin 165–180, lateral margins at level of trochanters III with small incisions flanked by C-shaped sclerotized patch, DHA absent, anterior half with faint reticulate pattern, posterior half with small ovate lacunae. Dorsal setae d1, d2, e2 present. Setae h1 narrowly lanceolate, extending far beyond free margin of interlobar membrane and reaching level of setae ps1, 53–58 long, situated anteromesal to bases of setae h2, 24–23 from corresponding lateral margins of hysteronotal shield. Width of opisthosoma at level of setae h2 105–115. Setae ps1 situated dorsally slightly closer to inner margins of opisthosomal lobes. Supranal concavity open posteriorly into terminal cleft. Length of terminal cleft from anterior end of supranal concavity to lobar apices 130–135, length from free margin of interlobar membrane to apices 95–105, width of cleft at level of setae h3 53–62. Interlobar membrane occupying anterior 1/6th of terminal cleft. External copulatory tube stylet-like, situated on free margin of interlobar membrane, 33–38 long; basal guides of copulatory tube thin, barely distinct; primary spermaduct guide in supranal concavity well developed. Distance between dorsal setae: c2:d2 86–90, d2:e2 96–105, e2:h2 58–63, h2:h3 58–63, h2:h2 85–95, h3:h3 70–80, d1:d2 43–50, e1: e2 35–40, h1:h2 20–23, h1:h1 45–50, ps1:h3 30–38.

Epimerites I free. Epigynum 40–43 long, 96–105 wide ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 9 ). Inner margins of epimerites IIIa without extension. Epimerites IVa present. Adanal sclerites shaped as small irregular plates. Setae f2, ps2 present. Head of spermatheca with semi-ovate peak, primary spermaduct without enlargement, secondary spermaducts 27–30 long ( Fig. 10E View FIGURE 10 ).

Legs I, II as in males ( Fig. 10A, B View FIGURE 10 ). Trochanteral setae sR III narrowly lanceolate, acute apically, 18–20 long. Legs IV with ambulacral disc almost extending to level of setae h 3. Length of solenidia: σ I 52–55, σ II 12–16, σ III 20–25.

Differential diagnosis. The new species, Trouessartia spizellae sp. n., is closest to T. capensis Berla, 1959 in having setae g strongly widened and flattened in males, the external copulatory tube extending beyond the level of setae ps1, and setae h1 exceeding the distance between their bases in females. Trouessartia spizellae differs from the latter species by the following characters: in males, the prohysteronotal shield bears a faint pattern of ovate lacunae, the rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa are teardrop-shaped, and the apophyses of the adanal apodemes have a small acute denticle; in females, the hysteronotal shield bears a reticulate pattern in the anterior half and small ovate lacunae in the posterior half, setae h1 extend to or slightly beyond the level of setae ps1. In males of T. capensis , the prohysteronotal shield lacks any ornamentation, the rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa are roughly ovate, and the apophyses of the adanal apodemes have a rounded tubercle at the anterior end; in females, the hysteronotal shield bears weakly pronounced ornamentation of irregular lacunae in the anterior half and large lanceolate lacunae in the posterior half, and setae h1 do not extend beyond the level of setae ps1.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the generic name of the type host and is a noun in the genitive case.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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