Trichopeltarion dejouanneti, Tavares & Cleva & Contents, 2010

Tavares, Marcos & Cleva, Régis, 2010, Trichopeltariidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura), A New Family And Superfamily Of Eubrachyuran Crabs With Description Of One New Genus And Five New Species, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 50 (9), pp. 97-157 : 128-130

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scientific name

Trichopeltarion dejouanneti

sp. nov.

Trichopeltarion dejouanneti View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figures 16 View FIGURE 16 A-B; 17A-F)

Material examined:. Holotype:. ♂. 24.4 x 21.7 mm,. Solomon.Islands ,.SALOMON.2,. Alis,.stn CP 2195,. 08°25.5’S- 159°26.4’E,. 543-593 m,. Bouchet / Waren / Samadi. coll.. Nov 2004. ( MNHN-B. 29942).. GoogleMaps Paratypes:. Solomon.Islands ,.SALOMON.1,. Alis ,. Bouchet / Dayrat / Waren / Richer. de. Forges. coll.:. stn CP 1749,. 25 Sep 2001 ,. 09°20,9’S- 159°56,2’E,. 582-594 m,. 2 ♂♂. 22.5 x 21.5.&.23 x 21.2 mm,.1. ovigerous. ♀. 27.5 x 22.5 mm. ( MNHN-B.29611);. stn CP 1750,. 25 Sep 2001 GoogleMaps ,. 09°15.6’S- 159°54.6’E,. 693-696 m,. 1 ♂. 18.2 x 17.0 mm.( MNHN-B.29612);. stn CP 1783,. 29 Sep 2001 GoogleMaps ,. 08°32.8’S- 160°41.7’E,. 399-700 m,. 2 ♀♀. 24.0 x 21.7.&.24.0 x 20.0 mm.( MNHN-B.29613).. Solomon.Islands ,.SALOMON.2,. Alis,. Bouchet / Waren / Samadi. coll.. Nov 2004:. stn CP 2184 GoogleMaps ,. 08°16.9’S- 159°59.7’E,. 464-523 m,. 1 ♂.21.4 x 18.9 mm,. 1 ♀. 24.5 x 22.0 mm. ( MZUSP. 22697,. ex-MNHN- B. 29940);. stn CP 2187 GoogleMaps ,. 08°17.5’S- 159°59.8’E,. 482-604 m,. 1 ♀.24.5 x 22.3 mm.( MNHN-B.29941);. stn CP 2195 GoogleMaps ,. 08°25.5’S- 159°26.4’E,. 543-593 m,. 1 ♀. 18.0 x 16.2 mm,. 4 ♂♂.(3.parasitized.with. Sacculina .sp.). 20.3 x 17.8,.23.9 x 20.5,.24.5 x 22.2,.24.6 x 20.8 mm. ( MNHN-B30514 ) GoogleMaps ;. stn CP 2206,. 07°43.4’S- 158°29.0’E,. 391-623 m,. 2 ♂♂.(1.parasitized.with. Sacculina .sp.).16.5 x 13.8.&.19.3 x 16.5 mm.(MNHN- B. 29943);. stn CP 2213,. 07°38.7’S- 157°42.9’E,. 495-650 m,. 2 ♂♂.22.4 x 20.7. &. 24.2 x 20.8 mm,. 4 ♀♀. 18.4 x 16.8,. 20.0 x 18.2,. 22.5 x 19.6,. 22.6 x 21.0 mm.( MNHN-B.29944);. stn CP 2214 GoogleMaps ,. 07°41.6’S- 157°43.8’E,. 550-682 m,. 2 ♂♂.21.0 x 19.0. &.21.0 x 18.6 mm,. 1 ♀.24.0 x 22.3 mm.(MNHN- B. 29945);. stn CP 2227,. 06°37.2’S- 156°12.7’E,. 508-522 m,. 2 ♂♂.22.5 x 19.5.&.24.0 x 20.6 mm,. 1 ♀. parasitized.with. Sacculina .sp..25.5 x 22.0 mm.(MNHN- B. 29946);. stn CP 2228,. 06°34.7’S- 156°10.5’E,. 609-625 m,. 1 ♀.14.5 x 13.0 mm.( MNHN-B.29947);. stn CP 2244 GoogleMaps ,. 07°45.0’S- 156°26.7’E,. 554-586 m,. 1 ♂. 15.2 x 14.0 mm.( MNHN-B.29948);. Solomon. Islands ,. SALOMONBOA. 3,. Alis,. Richer. de. Forges. &. Boisselier. coll.:. stn CP 2825 GoogleMaps ,. 10°25’S- 162°02’E,. 532-883 m,. 20 Sep 2007,. 6 ♂♂. 18.0 x 16.5,. 20.0 x 17.0,. 21.3 x 19.0,. 21.6 x 20.0,. 22.2 x 19.4. &.22.7 x 19.2 mm,. 1 ♀.13.5 x 12.0 mm.(MNHN- B31975),. 2 ♂♂.22.5 x 20.4.&.23.0 x 20.0 mm,. 2 ♀♀. 13.7 x 12.0.&.24.2 x 21.0 mm.( MZUSP.22698);.same. cruise,.stn CP 2833 GoogleMaps ,. 10°42’S- 162°19’E,. 565-585 m,. 21 Sep 2007,. 1 ♂.18.3 x 16.0 mm.( MZUSP.22699);. same. cruise,. stn CP 2850 GoogleMaps ,. 09°37’S- 160°47’E,. 502-621 m,. 21 Sep 2007,. 1 ♀. 23.0 x 21.7 mm. ( MZUSP.22700);,.stn CP 2857 GoogleMaps ,. 09°44’S- 160°49’E,. 473-505 m,. 25 Sep 2007,. 1. ovigerous. ♀. 20.0 x 18.3 mm. ( MNHN-B31978 ) GoogleMaps ;. same. cruise,.stn CP 2858,. 09°40’S- 160°45’E,. 650-725 m,. 25 Sep 2007,. 1 ♂.15.7 x 15.0 mm.( MNHN-B31979 ) GoogleMaps .

Non types:. SALOMON. 1,. stn CP 1794,. 30 Sep 2001,. 09°16.1’S- 160°07.7’E,. 494-504 m,. 1 ♀. 16.7 x 14.5 mm.( MNHN-B.29614);.SALOMON.2,. stn CP 2213,. 07°38.7’S- 157°42.9’E,. 495-650 m,. 1 ♀. 17.2 x 16.0 mm.( MNHN-B30677 ) GoogleMaps .

Type locality:. Solomon.Islands ,. 08°25.5’S- 159°26.4’E,. between.543-593.meters.depth GoogleMaps .

Description of the holotype:. Small. Trichopeltarion . . Carapace.elongate. oval,.distinctly. longer. than. wide,. slightly. arched. transversally,. moderately. arched. longitudinally,. entirely. and. sparsely. covered. with. short. setae.. Front. cut. into. three. prominent,. forward. directed,. triangular. teeth,. bordered. with. long. setae;. central. tooth. distinctly. longer. than. laterals.. Rostral. teeth. lacking. barbs.. Orbits. large,. directed. laterally;. ocular.peduncles.slender,.cornea.very.small.with.only. scant.traces.of.pigment..Orbital.teeth.lacking.barbs,. triangular. in. outline.. Innerorbital. tooth. separated.,.wide,;. innerorbital.and.second.supraorbital. teeth. separated.,,. second. supraorbital. tooth. much. shorter. than. first;. exorbital. tooth. small,. slightly. longer. than. second. supraorbital. one,. slightly. directed. outward.. Anterolateral. margin. rounded,. marked. with. three. small. teeth,. hepatic,. first-,. and. epibranchial,. all. devoid. of. barbs,.directed.forwards.and.upwards..Hepatic.tooth. short,. tip-rounded,. separated. from. exorbital. tooth. by. wide. subtle. depression.. First. epibranchial. tooth. smallest,,.space.between. first. epibranchial. and. hepatic. teeth. distinctly. narrower. and. deeper. than. space. between. hepatic. and. exorbital. teeth.. Second. epibranchial. tooth. longest,. slightly.stronger.and.longer.than.hepatic.tooth..Posterolateral.margin.weakly.convex,.extending.obliquely. into. posterior.margin,. ornamented.with.few,.sparse,. rounded. granules.. Posterior. margin. almost. straight,. only. slightly. concave. axially,. bordered. with. row. of. rounded.granules,.all.about.same.size..Dorsal.surface. of.carapace.with.patches.of.rounded.granules,.absent. in. depressions. bounding. elevated. regions.. Gastric,. mesogastric,.and.proto-gastric.regions.distinctly.swollen..Gastric.crested.with.sparse.rounded.granules,.well.,.well.excavated,.shallow,. smooth. grooves.. Mesogastric. region. slightly. lower.,.with.few.small.granules..Metagastric,. urogastric,. and.cardiac.regions.swollen,.crested.with. rounded. granules.. Branchiocardiac. grooves. smooth,. deeply. excavated,. sinuous.. Intestinal. and. branchial. regions.moderately.granulated..Protogastric,.hepatic,. and. pterygostomial. regions. smooth,. except. for. few. sparse.granules.

Thoracic . sternum.sparsely.granulated;.thoracic. sternal.tubercles.of.abdominal.locking.system.placed. equidistantly.between.sternal.sutures.4/5.and.5/6.

Right. cheliped. extremely. developed,. massive.. Dactylus. smooth,. noticeably. curved. downward. terminally,.longer.than.fixed.finger, massive. tooth;. cutting. edge. armed. with. low,. molariform. teeth.. Fixed. finger. smooth,. rather. straight,.;.cutting.edge.teeth.low,.molariform..Propodus.smooth,.except.for.two.tubercles. and.few.minute.granules.on.its.upper.face.and.anterior.dorsal.margin..Upper.face.of.carpus.with.row.of. spiny. tubercles,.lateral. surface. sparsely. covered. with. both. rounded. and. spiny. granules,. carpus. otherwise. smooth..Merus.smooth,.except.for.some.sparse.granules.on. its. upper.and.lower. borders.and.mesial.surface..Small.cheliped.missing..Dactyli.of.all.pereiopods. longer.than.propodus,.densely.setose.all.over,.that.of. P5.additionally.with.long.setae.ventrally..P5.with.long. hairs.on.its.upper.and.lower.margins,.except.for.carpus.with.long.hairs.dorsally.only..Pereiopods.smooth,. except.for.few,.minute,.sparse.granules. Abdomen. of. both. male. and. female. of. six. free. segments.and.telson..Male.abdomen.sparsely.covered. with.fine,.short,.setae;.segments.1-2.with.few,.sparse. tubercles,.remaining.segments.smooth..Male.abdominal.segment. 6. longer.than.preceding.ones,.squarish,. its.anterolateral.angles.only.slightly.protruded,.weakly. swollen; suture.5/6,.styliform,.rather.straight,.tip.not.crossing.

Variations:.The. density. of. granules. on. the. carapace., variation.only,.whereas.the.density.of.granules.on.the. intestinal.region.may.vary.strongly.between.individuals.. In. smaller. individuals,. both. males. and. females,. the. first.two. supraorbital.and. the. exorbital. teeth,.as. teeth. appear. longer. and. thinner.. The. number. and. size.of.granules. or. spiny.tubercles.on. the. propodus,. carpus,.and.merus.of.the.larger.cheliped.also.vary.between.individuals. named.after.our. colleague. Jean-François.Dejouannet,éum.national.d’Histoire.naturelle,.Paris,.who.kindly.prepared. several. drawings. and. arranged. most. of. the. figure. plates.for.the.present.paper.

Remarks: Trichopeltarion dejouanneti . sp. nov.. can. be. having.a.central.rostral.tooth.markedly.longer.than.the.,. orbital,.hepatic,.protogastric,.and.mesogastric.regions. of.the.carapace.almost.smooth;.both.dactylus.and.propodus.of.the.major.cheliped.smooth,.looking.polished,. excepted.for.a.few.isolated.tubercles.on.its.upper.margin;.supraorbital.teeth.devoid.of.barbs.or.granules;.G2. far. known.only.from. the. Salomon. Islands,. between. 391. and. 883. meters. depth.


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo

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