Thelcticopis ketambe, Fomichev & Omelko, 2024

Fomichev, Alexander A. & Omelko, Mikhail M., 2024, A survey of the Sumatran Sparassidae (Araneae). 1. Two new Thelcticopis species, Zootaxa 5537 (3), pp. 348-356 : 353-354

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scientific name

Thelcticopis ketambe

sp. nov.

Thelcticopis ketambe sp. nov.

Figs 13–21 View FIGURES 13–18 View FIGURES 19–24 , 25–26 View FIGURES 25–26

Type material. INDONESIA: Aceh Province (Sumatra): Holotype ♂, Ketambe village [03°41′N, 97°39′E], 400– 500 m, 1988 (precise date unknown), unknown collector ( ISEA, 001.9100 ) GoogleMaps . Paratype: 1♂ ( IBSS), same data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from Ketambe Village, near which the type locality of the new species is situated; name in apposition.

Diagnosis. The male of new species differs from those of all congeners except the Chinese species T. chongzu Lin & Li, 2024 in Lin et al. (2024) and T. pinmi Cai & Zhong, 2021 in Cai et al. (2021) in having a complex embolus (E) possessing several apophyses. The male of T. ketambe sp. nov. can be distinguished from both species by an absence of median retrolateral tibial apophysis, instead of which is retrolateral tibial spine (RTS) present, blunt ventral (vRTA) and wide dorsal (dRTA) retrolateral tibial apophyses [vs. median retrolateral tibial apophysis present, vRTA pointed, dRTA narrow, whip-like; cf. Figs 19–21 View FIGURES 19–24 and 51B in Lin et al. (2024) and fig. 3B in Cai et al. (2021)].

Description. Male: Total length 17.0. Carapace: 8.5 long, 6.8 wide. Opisthosoma: 9.1 long, 5.7 wide. Coloration: Carapace and chelicerae brown. Labium and endites dark brown. Sternum brown. Coxae brown. Palps: Fe–Ti yellowish brown, Ta brown. Legs yellowish brown. Opisthosoma and spinnerets gray. Carapace, chelicerae, palps, legs and abdomen with light setae. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.54, ALE 0.36, PME 0.27, PLE 0.31, AME–AME 0.47, AME–ALE 0.41, PME–PME 0.94, PME–PLE 0.86, AME–PME 0.24, ALE–PLE 0.36. Clypeus height at AME 0.43. Clypeus height at ALE 0.29. Leg and palp measurements: Palp: 3.0, 1.5, 1.6, -, 3.3 (9.4). Leg I: 8.3, 3.9, 8.1, 6.8, 1.8 (28.9). Leg II: 8.1, 3.8, 7.2, 6.0, 1.7 (26.8). Leg III: 6.3, 3.0, 5.0, 4.5, 1.5 (20.3). Leg IV: 8.1, 2.9, 6.9, 7.3, 2.0 (27.2). Leg formula: 1423. Leg and palp spination: Palp: Fe d3 p1 r1; Pa r1; Ti p2. Leg I: Fe d2 p3 r3; Ti d1 p3 r2 v2-2-2-2-2-2; Mt p2 r2 v2. Leg II: Fe d2 p3 r3; Ti d1 p2 r2 v2-2-2-2-2-1; Mt p2 r2 v2. Leg III: Fe d2 p3 r2; Ti d1 p2 r2 v2-2-2; Mt p3 r3 v2-1. Leg IV: Fe d2 p3 r1; Ti d1 p2 r2 v2-2-2; Mt p3 r3 v2-1. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 6 retromarginal teeth.

Male palp as shown in Figs 15–24 View FIGURES 13–18 View FIGURES 19–24 . Tibia twice as long as wide. Dorsal retrolateral tibial apophysis (dRTA) with triangular tip. Ventral retrolateral tibial apophysis (vRTA) cone-shaped. Retrolateral tibial spine (RTS) short and stout. Ventro-distal lobe (VDL) short, semicircular. Cymbium 1.2 times longer than wide, with rectangular retrolateral bulge (RB) and well developed cymbial scopula (CS) disto-dorsally. Bulb 1.2 times longer than wide. Tegulum (T) heart-shaped. Spermophor (Sp) S-shaped in retrolateral view. Tegular apophysis (TA) basally membranous, arising from T in 3-o’clock position, with mediad apex. Conductor (C) arising distally, with triangular retrolateral margin. Embolus (E) arising in 9-o’clock position, complex, with retrolateral keel (RK) and three apophyses: beak-shaped prolateral apophysis (PE), rounded retrolateral one (RE) and isosceles triangle-shaped distal one (DE). Tip of E beak-shaped.

Female: unknown.

Distribution. Only known from the type locality ( Figs 25–26 View FIGURES 25–26 ).


Poland, Krakow, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Systematic Zoology

















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