Tettigomyces acuminatus Thaxter, Proceedings

Rossi, Walter & Leonardi, Marco, 2018, New species and new records of Laboulbeniales (Ascomycota) from Sierra Leone, Phytotaxa 358 (2), pp. 91-116 : 111-112

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Tettigomyces acuminatus Thaxter, Proceedings


Tettigomyces acuminatus Thaxter, Proceedings View in CoL of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 51: 28, 1915.

Known distribution. Described from Java, subsequently reported from The Philippines, Kenya and, more recently, from China ( Thaxter 1926; Shen & Ye 2006); all the host insects were reported as Gryllotalpa africana Palisot de Beauvois.

New record from Sierra Leone. Southern Province, Kangari Hills near Baomahun, 4.XI.1991, W. Rossi , on the cerci of G. africana .

Remarks. As mentioned by Try et al. (2017), Gryllotalpa africana is not present in Asia although this name was utilized for a long time also for the Asian mole crickets.

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