Sulciclivina mikirensis, Balkenohl, 2023

Balkenohl, Michael, 2023, Revision of the genus Sulciclivina Balkenohl, 2022 from Asia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Clivinini), European Journal of Taxonomy 915 (1), pp. 1-57 : 17-19

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scientific name

Sulciclivina mikirensis

sp. nov.

Sulciclivina mikirensis sp. nov.

Figs 8 View Figs 4–11 , 39, 53


A larger-sized species with a peltate-like pronotum, with interval eight of the elytra reticulated. The proepisternum is swollen laterally but appears more edged than in the other species. Mainly distinguished from the similar species S. bhamoensis by the reticulation on the elytron, which is restricted to interval eight (females). In S. mikirensis sp. nov., the lobe of the mentum is flattened with a small carina at the middle. The median tooth is wide, distinctly less projecting anteriorly than the lobe, flattened apically and rounded off. In S. bhamoensis however, the lobe of the mentum shows askew carinae, the median tooth is wide and nearly as far protruding anteriorly as the lobe. Distinguished from S. attenuata attenuata by the pronotum with a distinctly straight lateral margin, the basolateral impression with an elongated group of numerous punctures, and with the paramedially situated longitudinal cloud of medium-sized punctures reaching from middle of pronotum up to base. In addition, the gonocoxites are different.


The name refers to the Mikir Hills in Assam, the collection locality of the holotype.

Type material


INDIA • ♀; with white, black printed label and data: “ ASSAM, Kaziranga nördl. Mikir-Hills Brahmaputra, V. 1961, leg. G.Scherer ” / white, black printed “Museum Frey Tutzing” / white, black printed and handwritten in black ink “ Clivina attenuata Hbst. det. ING.JEDLIČKA”; NHMB.

Remark. Three terminal antennomeres at the left side and two apical tarsomeres of the right intermediate leg are missing.


MEASUREMENTS. Holotype: body length 7.69 mm, width 2.2 mm; L/W of pronotum 0.98; L/W of elytra 1.94.

COLOUR. Glossy. Piceous. Labrum, intermediate and hind leg dark-fuscous, antenna and tarsomeres of front leg fuscous. Supraantennal plate translucent-fuscous up to the top of the convexity.

HEAD. A third narrower than pronotum. Clypeus with central part moderately bilobed anteriorly; lateral lobe almost fused with wing, wing indistinctly traceable; supraantennal plate laterally with less convex margin, distinctly less projecting laterally than eye; clypeus and wing slightly, and supraantennal plate distinctly reflexed margined. Supraantennal plate overlapping eye anteriorly by around ten percent (dorsal view), with supraorbital keel extended up to the anterior third of the eye, separated from wing by sharp notch. Clypeus transverse, moderately convex, separated from frons by distinct step and deepened sulcus, step and sulcus in form like an inverted slightly rounded flat V. Frons moderately convex, with two small and distinct askew impressions at middle, with supraorbital carina up to posterior eye-level. Clypeus smooth, frons with minute and medium-sized punctures at gena-level, punctures larger laterally; frons separated from supraantennal plate and supraorbital carina by deep moderately wide furrow, furrow slightly widening at the posterior end; with two supraorbital setigerous punctures at middle and posterior end of the eye. Neck constriction missing. Eye semi-hemispherical projecting in dorsal view. Main part of eye situated ventrally where it is also globose. Due to the overlapping supraantennal plate and the gena, the globosity of the eye appears in lateral view somewhat narrowed. Gena distinct, slightly convex, covering less than a quarter of posterior eye in ventral view. Antenna relatively short, reaching middle of pronotum, antennomeres five to ten of moderate length (L/W around 1.2). Labrum straight anteriorly, with isodiametric reticulation, six setose. Mentum with transverse reticulation at middle, lobe flattened, shape of lobe semi-ovoid, with isodiametric reticulation, with small carina at middle, median tooth wide, distinctly less projecting anteriorly as lobe, flattened apically and rounded off.

PRONOTUM. Disk slightly convex in lateral and distinctly convex in frontal view. Indistinctly wider than long. Reflexed lateral margin smooth, attenuating in anterior two-thirds with lateral margin extraordinarily straight, widest behind middle; anterior angle slightly projecting, posterior angle missing; lateral channel moderately narrow, irregularly reticulated, completely and regularly rounded off at level of posterior setigerous puncture and continuing up to base. Median line sharp, crenulated, complete.Anterior transverse line indistinctly punctured, joining median line, finely joining anterior margin. Surface glossy, anterior margin reticulated laterally, basolaterally with impression and elongated group of distinct punctures, paramedially with distinct long-oval group of dense punctures of moderate size reaching from middle of pronotum up to base, with smaller group of punctures in continuation of the paramedian group posteriorly to the anterior transverse line, with few transverse wrinkles and with microscopic punctures on whole disk. Base distinctly marked, slightly wider than lateral channel. Proepisternum distinctly visible in dorsal view, appearing more edged as in other species where it is more rounded.

ELYTRON. Shape elongate. Disk flattened in anterior third in lateral view, distinctly and regularly convex in frontal view. Less than twice as long as wide, with maximum width slightly behind middle. Reflexed lateral margin smooth. Scutellar striole missing; setigerous tubercle at base of first stria, with small but distinct tubercle at base of third interval. Humeral tooth situated at base of fourth stria. Striae moderately deep, punctuation of striae distinctly impressed, one to three free at base, four reaching humerus, one and two, three and four, and five and six joining apically. Intervals moderately convex, more convex laterally, interval eight carinate apically. Setigerous punctures missing on intervals. Surface of intervals glossy, interval eight with isodiametric reticulation, tip of apex with interval seven smooth.

HIND WINGS. Alae fully developed (on the basis of the holotype).

LOWER SURFACE. Proepisternum covered laterally with distinct isodiametric reticulation, with dense transverse wrinkles and medium-sized punctures. Sternite of abdomen covered nearly completely with moderately large punctures, with caudal margin smooth; with isodiametric reticulation laterally.

LEGS. Tibia covered with isodiametric reticulation. Protibia with three spines of moderate length, not sulcate dorsally, movable spur apically gently arcuate.


FEMALE GONOCOXITES AND EPIPLEURITE (Fig. 39). Gonocoxites foliform, distinctly widened and somewhat jolted, flattened dorsally and ventrally, with four long and one small nematiform setae positioned at the median side, seta generating punctures not tuberculate, with one apical nematiform seta arising from rounded apex. Epipleurite elongate-rectangular, with distinctly widened angulated rod.


The number of moderately-sized punctures on the disk of the pronotum varies on both sides. Intraspecific variation unknown.

Sexual dimorphism



Known from the type locality north of the Mikir-Hills in Assam, India.


Switzerland, Basel, Naturhistorisches Museum


Natural History Museum Bucharest



















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