Stenothemus prothemoides, Švihla, Vladimír, 2011

Švihla, Vladimír, 2011, New taxa of the subfamily Cantharinae (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) from south-eastern Asia, with notes on other species III, Zootaxa 2895, pp. 1-34 : 16-17

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scientific name

Stenothemus prothemoides

sp. nov.

Stenothemus prothemoides sp. nov.

Figs. 18 View FIGURES 10 – 18. 10 – 18 , 88–90 View FIGURES 78 – 90. 78 – 82 .

Type locality. China, southern Yunnan province, Guanping env., 10 km north of Jinghong.

Type material. Holotype ( NMPC), male, “ China: S Yunnan, Guanping env., 10 km N Jinghong, 19.–27.i.2003, S. Murzin lgt. [white label, printed]”. Paratypes ( NMPC), same label data, 11 males 4 females.

Description. Coloration ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 10 – 18. 10 – 18 ). Head honey yellow, tips of mandibles sienna, Antennomere 1 honey yellow with chestnut brown apices, following antennomeres chestnut brown with narrowly paler joints, annulated. Prothorax, meso- and metasternum, scutellum and ventral part of abdomen honey yellow, femora honey yellow, knees, tibiae and tarsi sepia. Elytra sienna, humeral portions and narrow both sutural and lateral margins honey yellow.

Male. Eyes large, strongly protruding, head across eyes slightly wider than pronotum, lateral margins behind eyes straight, converging posteriorly. Antennae reaching ca three quarters of elytral length, antennomeres 4–11 with small, oval semilustrous impression. Surface of head finely imbricate-punctate, with fine, long, semidecumbent yellow pubescence, matt. Pronotum slightly longer than wide, anterior margin together with anterior corners rounded, lateral margins slightly convex, mostly moderately sinuate before posterior corners, posterior corners obtuse, posterior margin convex. Surface of pronotum very finely imbricate-punctate, with sparse, long, yellow semidecumbent pubescence, semilustrous. Elytra parallel-sided, elytral venation absent or very faintly indicated, surface of elytra punctate basally, remainder of elytra rugulose-lacunose, with fine, yellow semierect pubescence, matt, basally semilustrous. Aedeagus as in Figs. 88–90 View FIGURES 78 – 90. 78 – 82 .

Female. Eyes somewhat smaller than in male, head across eyes distinctly narrower than pronotum, antennae shorter, reaching to two thirds of elytral length. Pronotum distinctly wider than long, elytra slightly dilated posteriad.

Length (both sexes). 9.5–11.9 mm.

Differential diagnosis. Stenothemus prothemoides sp. nov. can compared with Stenothemus quadratithorax (Pic, 1917) ( Vietnam) based on the type of the aedeagus and coloration, but it differs in the rounded anterior and lateral margins of pronotum and shorter antennae (pronotum subquadrate and antennae extending beyond elytral apex in S. quadratithorax ). Aedeagus of the new species differs from that of S. quadratithorax especially in shorter laterophyses, which only extend very slightly beyond middle of the divided portions of the dorsal part of the aedeagus, while those of S. quadratithorax are longer and strongly projecting dorsad as in Figs. 91–92 View FIGURES 91 – 104. 91 – 92 .

Etymology. The specific name is derived from Prothemus , due to the similarity of the pronotum to that of Prothemus species.

Distribution. China: Yunnan province.


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