Spinopilar magistralis, Kury & Araujo, 2021

Kury, Adriano B. & Araujo, Débora C., 2021, On Spinopilar from Rio de Janeiro state with description of three new species (Opiliones, Laniatores, Cryptogeobiidae), Zootaxa 4984 (1), pp. 148-181 : 173-177

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scientific name

Spinopilar magistralis

sp. nov.

Spinopilar magistralis spec. nov.

“Gen. sp. K” Kury 2014: 10.

Figs 4C View FIGURES 4 , 20–25 View FIGURES 20 View FIGURES 21 View FIGURES 22 View FIGURES 23 View FIGURES 24 View FIGURES 25

Type material. BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: Holotype ♂ ( MNRJ 18984 ) Armação dos Búzios: Resort Caravelas, 31.7.– 2.8.2007, V. Ovtcharenko & T. Piterkina leg. Paratypes: 1 ♀ ( MNRJ 18984 ), with same date as for holotype . 4 ♂, 3 ♀ ( MNRJ 19189 ), Búzios APA do Pau Brasil, -22,807308°, - 41,951329°, 25 m elevation, 13.– 15.1.2011, B. Buzatto, A.P.L. Giupponi & A.B. Kury leg.

Etymology. Species name is the Latin adjective magistralis (of or pertaining to a master, teacher or expert), after the outstanding German arachnologist Jochen Martens, on the occasion of his 80th birthday.

Diagnosis. Differs from all other Spinopilar by the leg IV with Fe to Mt strongly incrassate, also differs (except S. apiacaensis , S. martialis and S. friburguensis ) by the elevated campaniform ocularium. Further differs from S. martialis by the male Ti IV which is uniformly thickened with coarse granulation (incrassate only distally and armed with long, stout spines in S. martialis ), from S. apiacaensis by the bifid praeocular mound and from S. friburguensis by male Mt IV fusiform.

Description. Male (holotype). Measurements: CL = 0.80, CW = 1.15, AL = 1.32, AW = 1.75.

Dorsum ( Figs 4C View FIGURES 4 , 20A–F View FIGURES 20 ). Dorsal scutum roughly bell-shaped: abdominal scutum much wider than carapace with sides strongly convex, converging posteriorly and without posterior constriction. Carapace with well-marked semicircular groove, entirely smooth; lateral ridges deep; preocular mound very high, with two spines geminated at base. Ocularium high, elliptical in dorsal view, situated in the middle of the carapace, armed with robust erect acuminate spiniform apophysis. Lateral margins of scutum with row of minute setiferous tubercles extending from area I to area II. Mesotergum divided into 4 areas by deep straight grooves. Median armature of areas I–IV increasing in size backwards. Scutal areas I–III each armed with a pair of paramedian blunt tubercles placed very close to each other (0.05 mm), otherwise with anterior row of granules. Scutal area IV with a pair of paramedian acuminate setiferous tubercles, larger and much more separated (0.2 mm) than those of other areas. These 2 main tubercles make part of a transversal row containing smaller tubercles, 1 on each side. Area V and free tergites I–III each with a transversal row of 10–12 subequal acuminate tubercles plus an anterior row of granules. Anal operculum with uniformly set rounded tubercles.

Venter ( Figs 21A–F View FIGURES 21 ). Coxae I–II densely covered by oval setiferous tubercles. Coxae III–IV smooth, only with minute granules. Free sternites with scattered setiferous tubercles. Cx I to III arched, transversal to main body axis; Cx II curved around Cx I, as wide as Cx I, in situ much longer than Cx III. Cx II and III delimit a narrow sternum. Maxillary lobe of Cx II as a small triangle. Cx I movable. Cx II linked to Cx III by only one pair of large lateral tubercular bridges; Cx III linked to Cx IV by three or four pairs of large lateral tubercular bridges. Cx IV slanted, larger than all others combined and strongly projected laterally. Stigmatic area roughly Y-shaped, only faintly separated from Cx IV, fused to sternite II, with lateral grooves highlighting the stigmata ( Fig. 21A View FIGURES 21 ). Posterior margin of complex stigmatic area + sternite II without median lobe. Stigmata small, entirely transversal and free ( Fig. 21C View FIGURES 21 ). Cx IV, Tr IV and stigmatic area complex forming a ventral complex of 3 overlaid apophyses as follows: (1) Cx IV has a weakly biramous apophysis, mesal branch short rounded, applied against stigmatic apophysis and ectal branch as a fasciolate hyaline truncated apophysis (FAp, sensu Kury 2014) applicable against Tr IV ( Figs 21 C, D View FIGURES 21 ); (2) stigmatic area has a robust lateral tongue-shaped protuberance projected in the middle ( Fig. 21C View FIGURES 21 ); (3) Tr IV (densely covered by scaly tubercles) has a ventro-mesal apical stout apophysis, reaching middle part of protuberance 2, and in mid-length with a secondary branch as a FAp, extremely similar to corresponding FAp of Cx IV ( Figs 21B, C View FIGURES 21 ). Tr IV furthermore has a cluster of 4 meso-basal very thick striated setae (PTC, Fig. 21E View FIGURES 21 ) and a secondary cluster of two such setae associated with the FAp ( Fig. 21F View FIGURES 21 ).

Chelicera/Pedipalp ( Figs 22A–I View FIGURES 22 ). Basichelicerite with well-developed bulla, separated from peduncle by a narrow waist. Its mesal surface covered with small patches of tiny denticles. Ectal surface near dorsum with a single row of 10 well-developed plectra. Cheliceral hand weak, monomorphic. Pp Tr with 1 large ventral megaspine, Fe with 1 very large and 1 very small megaspines, Pa unarmed. Pp Fe cylindrical, strongly convex dorsally and moderately compressed, with a well-developed mesal pars stridens composed of ca. 30 ridges and situated on a slightly concave surface. Spination of Pp cage: Ti mesal IiIi, ectal I(Îi), Ta mesal IiIi, ectal IiIi.

Legs ( Figs 4C View FIGURES 4 , 20A–D View FIGURES 20 , 21A–B View FIGURES 21 , 23A View FIGURES 23 –EI). Fe I-II gently curved, Fe III more markedly curved. Ti III: uniformly thickened. Cx IV: well-developed, expanding laterally and posteriorly to reach the posterior border of scutal area III, armed with a distal prodorsal spiniform apophysis and retroventral FAp. Tr IV: extremely robust, armed with an elongate straight retrolateral spatuliform apophysis bearing inner FAp and retrolateral primary trochanteral cluster formed by four striated setae. Fe IV: cylindrical, heavily incrassate, armed with rows of large, acuminate setiferous tubercles; those of proventral and prolateral rows strongly increase in size distally. Pa IV: uniformly covered with smaller setiferous tubercles. Ti IV: uniformly thickened, armed with rows of setiferous tubercles with apical retroventral much larger than the others forming a spur. Mt IV: proximal third thickened but not fusiform and armed with rows of minute setiferous tubercles. Tarsal counts: 5(3)/6(3)/5/6.

Genitalia ( Figs 25A–G View FIGURES 25 ). Distal part of truncus abruptly bent as a botuliform oblique malleus (so that original dorsal surface is now apical and original apical is now ventral) and an erect large lamina parva (LP). Well-developed hyaline button present at dorsal transition zone between truncus and malleus. Lamina parva prismatic, subrectangular (in ventral view) with rounded corners. Nine pairs of macrosetae (MS) A to E arranged as follows: MS A1 stout, inserted on latero-apical surface of malleus, close to the base of LP. MS A2 stout, inserted directly on lamina parva. MS B1 as strong as A1–A2, located on apical surface of malleus. MS C1–C3 short, striated, inserted close to each other, located on the ventro-latero-distal edge of LP. MS D1 very short, located of the dorsolateral surface of LP, clustered with C1–C3. MS E1–E2 similar in size to MS C, forming a quadrangle on ventro-distal surface of LP, E2 clearly larger than E1. Follis long, laminar, scarcely folded. Stylus smooth and simple, without dorsal accessory plate (DAPG), without head (but with gently tapering apex), bent. Skirt as an arch of circle, deeply serrate.















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