Pauridia etesionamibensis, Snijman & Kocyan, 2013

Snijman, Deirdre A. & Kocyan, Alexander, 2013, The genus Pauridia (Hypoxidaceae) amplified to include Hypoxis sect. Ianthe, Saniella and Spiloxene, with revised nomenclature and typification, Phytotaxa 116 (1), pp. 19-33 : 27

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scientific name

Pauridia etesionamibensis

comb. nov.

Pauridia etesionamibensis (Müll.-Doblies et al.) Snijman & Kocyan, comb. nov.

Bas.:— Spiloxene etesionamibensis Müller-Doblies et al. (2011: 320) . Type (holotype):— NAMIBIA. Farm Spitskop ( LUS 111 ), 25 September 1977, Merxmüller & Giess 32268 (M! [image], isotype WIND!)

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