Sorbus dolichofoliolatus X.F. Gao & Meng Li, 2015

Li, Meng & Gao, Xin-Fen, 2015, Sorbus dolichofoliolatus (Rosaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China, Phytotaxa 227 (2), pp. 189-195 : 191-193

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scientific name

Sorbus dolichofoliolatus X.F. Gao & Meng Li

sp. nov.

Sorbus dolichofoliolatus X.F. Gao & Meng Li View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Type:— CHINA. Yunnan: Yulong County, Yulong Mountain, in forest margins, 27°06’41”N, 100°13’34’’E, 3340 m, 12 June 2014, Lei Gu 061203 (holotype CDBI-0212629!, isotype CDBI-0212630!). Ɨ ộËȑ

Trees or small trees, 4–6 m tall. Bark grayish, glabrous, lenticellate. Branchlets usually stout. Buds ovoid, 0.9–1.2 cm long, apex acute to shortly acuminate, with several glabrous dark reddish brown scales. Leaves pinnately compound, 15–21 cm long, 10–14 cm wide; petiole 2–4 cm; leaflets 6–7 (9) pairs, 1.5–2.5 cm apart, unequal in size, the basal and terminal ones smaller than the middle ones, oblong to lanceolate, 5–7.5× 1.5–1.8 cm, apex rounded, margin minutely serrate, 20–30-toothed on each side above the middle, base oblique, pubescent when young, both surfaces glabrescent except for grayish pubescent along the midrib and rachis when old, lateral veins 10–20 pairs; rachis some part with narrow wings. Stipules semi-orbicular, herbaceous, 1 cm in diam, margin coarsely serrate, remaining when fruiting. Usually densely fruited, infructescence rachis and pedicels are sparsely rust-brown hairs, remaining when old. Fruit pinkish white to pinkish, globose, 6–8 mm in diam. Sepals persistent. Seeds brownish, reniform, 2–3.5 mm. Fruiting in June to September.

Distribution: —Known only from Lijiang and Lanping, Yunnan, China, in high mountain areas with low shrubby thickets in the margins of coniferous forest.

Etymology: —The epithet is derived from the Latin, dolicho, long, and foliolatus, have leaflets, referring to have the long leaflets.

IUCN Red List category: —Only three populations with about 160 individuals of Sorbus dolichofoliolatus in Yunnan were observed. Based on the current information the status of the new species can be classified as Endangered, following the IUCN Red List Criteria and Categories ( IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee, 2014). More extensive fieldwork in surrounding similar habitats is needed to accurately assess its conservation status.

Additional specimens examined: CHINA. Yunnan: Lanping County, Xuebang Mountain, in forest margins,

3650 m, 26°28’22’’N, 99°30’33’’E, 30 July 2010, H. Peng et al. Dianlanping-Z1318 (KUN).


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University













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