Sonerila travancorica Bedd.

Resmi, Sekarathil & Nampy, Santhosh, 2021, Sonerila longipedunculata sp. nov., a new species of Melastomataceae from the southern Western Ghats, India, with additional notes and lectotypification of Sonerila travancorica, European Journal of Taxonomy 733, pp. 160-174 : 167-168

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scientific name

Sonerila travancorica Bedd.


Sonerila travancorica Bedd. View in CoL

Figs 1 View Fig , 4A View Fig 2–G2 View Fig , 5–7 View Fig View Fig View Fig

Icones plantarum Indiae Orientalis: or Plates and Descriptions of New and Rare Plants, from Southern India and Ceylon: 33, tab. 156 ( Beddome 1871). – Type: INDIA • Kerala, Attraymallay ghat/ Travancore; s.d.; Beddome 3023 & 3022; lectotype: here designated, BM [ BM000944457 ]! (digital image); isolectotype: BM [ BM000793170 ]! (digital image) .

Sonerila longipetiolata Josephine, Manickam, Murugan, Sundaresan & Jothi , Journal of Bombay Natural History Society 100 (1): 81 ( Josephine et al. 2003) syn. nov. – Type: INDIA • Tamil Nadu, Kanyakumari district, Muthukuzhivayal path ; 22 Dec. 1999; V. Sundaresan & M.M. Josephine 20104 ; holotype: XCH !.

Additional material

INDIA • Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram Dist., Athirumala ; 6 Feb. 1988; N. Mohanan 9407 ; TBGT ibid.; 6 Feb. 1988; N. Mohanan 9454 ; TBGT ibid.; 18 Jan. 1993; N. Mohanan 11230; TBGT ibid.; 16 Mar. 2016; Prasobh P., Alfred Joe, Shinoj P. & Resmi S. 143854; CALI Pongalappara ; 9 Jan. 1996; E.S. Santhosh Kumar 25592; TBGT Tamil Nadu, Tirunelveli Dist., Agasthyamalai, Tirunelveli ; 22 May 1901; s.coll. 2921; MH Muthukuzhi ; 19 Jan. 1978; A.N. Henry 52455; MH Muthukuzhivayal path, Rajanagappara ; 14 Aug. 2018; Resmi S. & Santhosh Nampy 151288; CALI ibid.; 18 Feb. 2019; Resmi S. & Santhosh Nampy 168265; CALI ibid.; 6 Apr. 2019; Resmi S. & Santhosh Nampy 168280; CALI Sengaltheri to Natterikal ; 11 Feb. 1983; E. Vajravelu 76549; MH Thazaiodai forest , Sengaltheri ; 14 Feb. 1983; E. Vajravelu 80663; MH Tirunelveli hills ; Feb. 1943; Miss. E. Bowden s.n.; MH Upper Kodayar ; 21 Mar. 1981; A.N. Henry & M.S. Swaminathan 70374; MH ibid.; near Kakkachi Bungalow; 14 Aug. 2018; Resmi S. & Santhosh Nampy 151284; CALI ibid.; 18 Feb. 2019; Resmi S. & Santhosh Nampy 168263; CALI ibid.; 6 Apr. 2019; Resmi S. & Santhosh Nampy 168276; CALI Way to Muthukuzhivayal; 14 Mar. 1979; A.N. Henry 60682; MH .

Notes on phenology and habitat

Sonerila travancorica was collected with flowers and fruits from January to April. This endemic species is found only in the Agasthyamala Biosphere reserve in the southern Western Ghats ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). Sonerila travancorica occurs in shady terrestrial habitats, but occasionally is found on the base of tree trunks or rocks with a relatively thick mossy substratum. It grows along the margins of sholas and near streams, waterfalls or dam areas at elevations above 1200 m. It is found in association with Sonerila brunonis Wight & Arn. (Melastomataceae) , Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler , Bambusa Schreb. sp. (both Poaceae ), Impatiens L. sp. ( Balsaminaceae A.Rich. ), and certain mosses.

Provisional conservation status

This species is known from six locations in Agasthyamala Biosphere reserve in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is ca 300 km ² and Area of Occupancy (AOO) is 12 km ². The authors surveyed three locations and found a total of 230 mature plants. Since these locations are inside a protected area, the risk of a decline due to anthropogenic activity is small. Based on the above data, the species is provisionally assessed here as Endangered (EN) B1ab(iii, iv, v), D ( IUCN 2019).


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