Siobla glabrotemporalis Niu & Wei

Niu, Gengyun, Wei, Meicai & Taeger, Andreas, 2012, Revision of the Siobla metallica group (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), Zootaxa 3196, pp. 1-49 : 9-10

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scientific name

Siobla glabrotemporalis Niu & Wei

sp. nov.

Siobla glabrotemporalis Niu & Wei , sp. nov.

( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 d, 5d, 9d, 11a, 16g, 16o)

Description. Holotype: Ƥ. Length, 12 mm ( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 d, 5d). Body strongly metallic blue; head copper red, base of clypeus, most of labrum and mandible blue, middle of outside of mandible, and 5th hind tarsomere dirty white, palpi dirty brown; antenna blue, dorsum and interior of 6th to 9th antennomeres white and outside brown; apex of interior of fore femur, venter of fore tibia, most of fore tarsus dark brown; forewing strongly infuscated, with feeble metallic luster, stigma and veins black, cell C blackish brown; hind wing sub-infuscated. Hairs on dorsum of head dark brown, hairs on thorax pale.

Punctures on clypeus, frons, about lower 2/3 of inner and poster orbits dense and large, punctures on postocellar area large, interspaces narrow; upper 1/3 of inner orbit and temple with fine and very sparse punctures, interspaces shiny ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 d); pronotum densely and coarsely punctured; posterior margin of pronotum and scutum moderately punctured, interspaces shiny; anterior slope of mesoscutellum sparsely punctured; lateral sides and posterior densely and coarsely punctured; punctures on metascutellum dense and coarse; mesepisternum densely and coarsely punctured, mesepimeron microsculptured, dorsum with coarse punctures; metepisternum finely and sparsely punctured, shiny, metepimeron shiny except dorsum densely and coarsely punctured (Fig. 16g); 1st abdominal tergite shiny except lateral sides sparsely punctured and middle weakly microsculptured, other tergites microsculptured (Fig. 16o).

Hairs on dorsum of head weakly curved, 2 × transverse diameter of median ocellus; anterior margin of clypeus truncate; malar space equal to transverse diameter of median ocellus; lower interocular distance 1.2 × eye height; anterior margin of supraantennal tubercle elevated; middle fovea nearly round; frontal ridge slightly elevated; interocellar furrow and postocellar furrow distinct; postocellar area elevated, as long as broad, middle area distinctly higher than top of ocelli, with an obtuse middle carina; lateral furrows deep, nearly parallel posteriorly; head behind eyes equal to eyes in length in dorsal view, convex at base and narrowing posteriorly. Antenna 1.3 × head and thorax combined in length, 0.9 × abdomen length. Mesoscutellum strongly elevated, without middle carina; anterior slope longer than posterior slope; ventral thorn absent. Apex of hind tibia distinctly enlarged; metabasitarsus 3.8 × as long as broad, 0.8 × length of remaining 4 tarsomeres combined; hind inner tibial spur 0.5 × length of metabasitarsus. Hind wing with petiole of anal cell shorter than half length of cu-a. Ovipositor sheath as long as middle tibia in length, lancet as in Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 d; apical and 6th to 8th serrulae as in Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 a.

Male: Unknown.

Variation. Body length of two paratypes 11mm; the punctures on temple vary from nearly missing to very sparse.

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the shiny temple.

Specimens examined. Holotype: Ƥ, Maoniuping (27º7.7´N, 100º15.4´E), Mt. Yulongxue, Lijiang, Yunnan, alt. 3100 m, 23 July 2004, Zhou Hu leg., CSCSHT 0 0 810036 (CSCS). Paratypes: Yunnan: 1Ƥ, Mt. Meilixue, Deqin, Yunnan, 28.425°N, 98.805°E, alt. 2700 m, 20 June 2009, Zhong Yihai leg.; 1Ƥ, Mt. Baimaxue (28º17.473´N, 99º 53.157´E), Deqin, Yunnan, alt. 3500 m, 6 July 2004, Xiao Wei leg.; 1Ƥ, Deqin 6km SE, +28.44400, +98.95100, 3500 m, 19.06.2009, leg. S.M. Blank, A.D. Liston & A. Taeger (SDEI)

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Remarks. The new species is similar to S. vardalae , but differs from the latter by the following: inner orbit shiny; postocellar area square; the top of postocellar area is in the middle; antenna longer than abdomen; hind inner tibial spur 0.5 × length of metabasitarsus; metabasitarsus enlarged and compressed, 3.8 × as long as broad. While in the latter one, inner orbit densely punctured, interspaces narrow; postocellar area as broad as long; the top of postocellar area is in the anterior; antenna shorter than abdomen; hind inner tibial spur 0.4 × length of basitarsus; basitarsus slender, 5 × as long as broad.













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