Seticeros tunupai, Perger & Santos-Silva, 2010

Perger, Robert & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2010, A new genus and species of Callipogonini, description of the male of Strongylaspis boliviana Monne & Santos-Silva, 2003, and a new distributional record for Chorenta reticulata (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), ZooKeys 48 (48), pp. 29-38 : 32-34

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scientific name

Seticeros tunupai

sp. nov.

Seticeros tunupai View in CoL sp. n.

Figs 1–5

Etymology. Named after Tunupa, a god of the Aymara tribe, which is the largest group of native people living in the Yungas area. Tunupa is believed to be the creator of the Altiplano.

Male (Fig. 1). Size (holotype) 47.4 mm. Head, prothorax, femora, tibia, antennal segment I to IV, and base of elytra dark-brown. Antennal segments V to XI, remainder of elytra, and tarsi brown. Length of elytra 2.2 times as long as length of head (without mandibles) and prothorax. Punctation of dorsal surface of head (Fig. 1, 3) evenly

Figures Ι–5. Seticeros tunupai sp. n.: Ι holotype male, habitus, dorsal 2 idem, lateral 3 idem, head and pronotum, dorsal 4 paratype female, habitus, dorsal 5 idem, head and pronotum, dorsal.

coarse and deep. Vertex and frons sulcate. Eyes large, finely faceted; distance between upper ocular lobes (Figs 1, 3) 1.4 times narrower than distance between lower ocular lobes (Fig. 6). Ocular carina (Figs 1, 3) absent. Mandibles (Figs 1, 2, 3) approximately 0.65 times length of head (without mandibles) and as wide as scape; inner face between base and rounded tooth with sparse hairs. Palpi (Fig. 6) with long hairs.

Hypostomal area finely and densely punctate, with long light-brown hair, pilosity only visible from lateral view (Fig. 2). Antennae (Figs 1, 2) reaching apical fourth of elytra; scape reaching posterior edge of eye; third antennal segment as long as segments IV-V together; ventral surface of antennal segments with somewhat long and abundant light-brown hairs, gradually shorter and sparser towards segment XI.

Pronotum about 1.4 times as wide as long, broadened towards base up to obtuseangled lateral edge in lower third; posterior angles with lateral, distinct spine, from lateral view coplanar with dorsal surface of elytra, lateral edge positioned lower; lateral margin serrate in upper 2/3, basal margin bordered, well defined. Pronotal dorsum (Figs 1, 3) shining, sparsely punctate, with embossed, red-brown, annular ridge, divided by short longitudinal fissure; coarsely, confluently punctate laterally (somewhat rugosely). Prosternum distinctly elevated centrally, glabrous and smooth. Metasternum and metepisternum with dense light-brown hairs. Elytra glabrous, abundantly punctate, with three ridges distinct, median convergent with outer; apex with distinct, moderately long spine.

Legs robust. Profemur rugose; ventral surface of pro- and mesofemura with longitudinal grooves. Dorsal surface of protibia with depression gradually deeper towards the tibial-femur joint. Tibia and tarsi medial with short light-brown hairs.

Female (Fig. 4). Size 38–42 mm. Coloration of the elytra uniformly brown, pronotum dark brown, or as in elytra. Length of elytra 2.8–2.9 times as long as length of head (without mandibles) and prothorax. Size of mandibles and legs smaller than in male.

Dorsal surface of pronotum (Figs 4, 5) impunctate and shining medially, with lateral protuberances (each protuberance with impressions), distinctly punctate towards base and apex, and coarsely, confluently punctate laterally; lateral spine more distinct. Prosternum as in male, hairs on metasternum somewhat smaller.

Type material:. Holotype ♁, BOLIVIA, Department of La Paz, Nor Yungas, street from Caranavi to Coroico , 1600–1800 m, XI.2009 ( UCR) . Allotype ♀, same data ( UCR) . Paratypes: 3 ♀, same data ( RPC) ; ♀, same data ( MZSP), ♀, X.1990, P. Bleuzen col. ( MZSP) .

Comments: Seticeros tunupai sp. n. differs from Seticeros aquilus (Thomson, 1865) as follows: hypostomal area less coarsely punctate, more pilose. Pronotum in S. aquilus about 1.7 times as wide as long, anterior and lateral angles rounded and not clearly distinct, posterior angles without spine. Protuberances in central area of pronotum in S. aquilus without impressions, median elytral ridge convergent with the inner. Apical spine of elytra in S. tunupai sp. n. considerably longer than in S. aquilus .


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo















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