Sclerocoelus tantus, Kuwahara & Marshall & Paiero, 2025

Kuwahara, Gregory K., Marshall, Stephen A. & Paiero, Steven M., 2025, A revision of the genus Sclerocoelus Marshall (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), European Journal of Taxonomy 979, pp. 1-277 : 112-116

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Plazi (2025-03-06 11:14:09, last updated 2025-03-06 11:36:21)

scientific name

Sclerocoelus tantus

sp. nov.

Sclerocoelus tantus sp. nov.

Figs 9E View Fig , 136–138 View Fig View Fig View Fig


The species name (from the Latin ‘ tantus ’, meaning ‘so much, so many’) reflects the abundance of S. tantus sp. nov., specimens of which constitute almost 19% of the Neotropical Sclerocoelus specimens in the University of Guelph Insect Collection.

Material examined


VENEZUELA • ♂; Mérida, Mérida, Los Chorros ; 2100 m a.s.l.; 5 May 1988; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep at trail head; DEBU.


ARGENTINA – Salta • 6 ♂♂; 22 km N of La Caldera, El Ucumar ; 1150 m a.s.l.; 2–30 Dec. 1987; S. and J. Peck leg.; subtropical humid forest, Malaise flight-intercept trap; CNCI 10 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀; La Caldera ; 1500 m a.s.l.; 27 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; roadside forest sweep; DEBU .

BRAZIL – Rio de Janeiro • 15 ♂♂, 20 ♀♀; Teresopolis, trail to Pedra do Sino ; 1300–1700 m a.s.l.; 25 Jan. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; DEBU 15 ♂♂, 20 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; MNRJ .

ECUADOR – Napo • 2 ♀♀; Baeza , west along road; 1500 m a.s.l.; 16–19 May 1987; Coote and Brown leg.; montane rainforest/pasture, Malaise trap; ROME . – Pichincha • 8 ♂♂, 7 km SE of Nanegalito, trout farm ‘ San Jose’ ; 1500 m a.s.l.; 27–30 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; riverine forest, treefall sweep; DEBU 8 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; QCAZ 12 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀; Maquipucuna Biological Reserve ; 0°07′34″ N, 78°27′57″ W; 1200 m a.s.l.; 27–28 Apr. 2002; M. Buck leg.; sweep; QCAZ GoogleMaps 7 ♂♂, 12 ♀♀; Maquipucuna Biological Reserve ; 1200 m a.s.l.; 29 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; river trail, sweep; DEBU ;

PARAGUAY – Caazapá • 1 ♂, 6 ♀♀; Hermosa, San Rafael Reserve, Lopez family property; 26°19′15″ S, 55°44′55″ W; 90 m a.s.l.; 3–6 Dec. 2000; Z.H. Falin leg.; flight-intercept trap; DEBU GoogleMaps .

PERU – Cusco • 1 ♂; Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge ; 13°03′21″ S, 71°32′46″ W; 1380 m a.s.l.; 18–20 Oct. 2006; J. Skevington leg.; Malaise trap; MUSM GoogleMaps .

VENEZUELA – Aragua • 1 ♂; Colonia Tower ; 2300 m a.s.l.; 10 Mar. 1995; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep steep forest trail; DEBU . – Mérida • 12 ♂♂, 18 ♀♀; same data as for holotype; DEBU . – Trujillo • 7 ♂♂, 11 ♀♀; 10 km E of Bocono, Laguna de Lucerdo ; 1760 m a.s.l.; 3 Mar. 1995; S.A. Marshall leg.; slash/compost; DEBU 3 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; sweep; DEBU 4 ♂♂, 1 ♀; Bocono, road to Guaramacal ; 2130 m a.s.l.; 2 Mar. 1995; S.A. Marshall leg.; mud sweep; DEBU 1 ♀; same data as for preceding; 2200 m a.s.l.; under dung; DEBU 2 ♀♀; Bocono-Guaramacal Road ; 2130 m a.s.l.; S.A. Marshall leg.; wet litter sweep; DEBU 1 ♀; Bocono-Guaramacal Road ; 3000 m a.s.l.; 3 Mar. 1995, S.A. Marshall leg.; wet debris along stream; DEBU .

Other material examined

ARGENTINA – Jujuy • 1 ♀; Calilegua National Park , El Cortadeval km 6; 800 m a.s.l.; 18–28 Dec. 1987; S. and J. Peck leg.; forest, Malaise trap; DEBU 2 ♀♀; Calilegua National Park , Estación El Cero; 900 m a.s.l.; 18–28 Dec. 1987; S. and J. Peck leg.; forest, Malaise / flight-intercept trap; DEBU 1 ♀; Calilegua National Park, Mirador ; 600 m a.s.l.; 18–28 Dec. 1987; S. and J. Peck leg.; forest, Malaise / flight-intercept trap; DEBU. – Misiones 1 ♀; 5 km E of Puerto Iguazú ; 2–7 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; flight-intercept trap /pan/dung pans; DEBU 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀; 5 km E of Puerto Iguazú ; 3 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep by small stream; DEBU 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀; 5 km E of Puerto Iguazú ; 1–6 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep Malaise behind Hotel Orquidaes; DEBU . – Salta • 1 ♂, 6 ♀♀; 17 km N of La Caldera, Alto de la Sierra ; 1550 m a.s.l.; 2–30 Dec. 1987; S. and J. Peck leg.; subtropical humid forest, Malaise / flight-intercept trap; DEBU 131 ♂♂, 398 ♀♀; 22 km N of La Caldera, El Ucumar ; 1550 m a.s.l.; 2–30 Dec. 1987; S. and J. Peck leg.; subtropical humid forest, Malaise / flight-intercept trap; DEBU 1 ♀; 30 km E of Salta, Campo Quijano, El Alisal ; 18–20 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; forest remnant, flight-intercept trap; DEBU 4 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀; 30 km E of Salta, Campo Quijano, El Alisal ; 18 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; forest vestige; DEBU 21 ♂♂, 10 ♀♀; 30 km E of Salta, Campo Quijano , 20 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; forest vestige, sweep; DEBU 55 ♂♂, 15 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; 24 Feb. 1992; wet debris along stream; DEBU 17 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; 20 Feb. 1992; stream debris, leaf litter; DEBU 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀; same data as for preceding; sweep, dung; DEBU 125 ♂♂, 81 ♀♀; 40 km N of Salta, Camino La Cornisa ; 27 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; roadside, forest sweep; DEBU 3 ♂♂; 50 km W of Chicoana, El Maray ; 28 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; dry area, sweep pampas grass along creek; DEBU 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Campo Quijano ; 28 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; Malaise / flight-intercept trap; DEBU 17 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀; Cañada La Gotera , 15 km W of Chicoana; 16–28 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; forest remnant; DEBU 19 ♂♂, 19 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; 19 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweeping wet litter; DEBU 1 ♀; Cañada La Gotera ; 16–28 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; pan traps; DEBU 1 ♂, 1 ♀; El Rey National Park, Pozo Verde Trail, km 5; 950 m a.s.l.; 5–15 Dec. 1987; S. and J. Peck leg.; Yungas forest , Malaise / flight-intercept trap; DEBU 16 ♂♂, 39 ♀♀; El Rey National Park, Pozo Verde Trail, km 7; 1000 m a.s.l.; 5–15 Dec. 1987; S. and J. Peck leg.; Yungas forest , Malaise / flight-intercept trap; DEBU 2 ♀♀; El Rey National Park, Rio La Sala ; 900 m a.s.l.; 5–10 Dec. 1987; S. and J. Peck leg.; open stream side in forest, Malaise / flight-intercept trap; DEBU 127 ♂♂, 87 ♀♀; La Caldera ; 1500 m a.s.l.; 27 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; roadside, forest sweep; DEBU 14 ♂♂, 20 ♀♀; La Caldera, Camino La Cornisa ; 27 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; roadside sweep; DEBU 3 ♀♀; Rosario De Lerma , INESALT yard; 16–28 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; Malaise trap; DEBU 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Rosario De Lerma ; 19 Feb. 1992; S.A. Marshall leg.; swept in hedgerow ditch; DEBU 3 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; 24 Feb. 1992; swept over bulldozed road; DEBU 4 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; swept over foul ditch; DEBU .

BOLIVIA – La Paz • 13 ♂♂, 9 ♀♀; 0.5 km SE of Coroico ; 16°11′ S, 67°44′ W; 15 Apr. 2001; S.A. Marshall leg.; DEBU GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀; 10 km NW of Caranavi , road to ENTEL tower; 15°46′35″ S, 67°35′48″ W; 1400 m a.s.l.; 13 Apr. 2001; S.A. Marshall leg.; DEBU GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; 23 km NW of Caranavi ; 14 Apr. 2001; S.A. Marshall leg.; roadside/stream, sweep; DEBU 1 ♂; 38 km S of Guanay ; 7–12 Apr. 2001; S.A. Marshall leg.; roadside stream, pan traps; DEBU 26 ♂♂, 17 ♀♀; Chulumani, Apa-Apa Reserve ; 16°21′15″ S, 67°30′21″ W; 2000 m a.s.l.; 1 Apr. 2001; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep; DEBU GoogleMaps 1 ♀; San Antonio , 8 km S of Mapiri; 15°20′56″ S, 68°13′31″ W; 11 Apr. 2001 S.A. Marshall leg.; dung baits; DEBU. – Santa Cruz GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀; Siringalito, near Pampa Grande ; 2 Oct. 1996; Bettella and Rossi leg.; DEBU .

BRAZIL – Minas Gerais • 1 ♀; Prado ; 21 Feb. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep along river; MZSP . – Paraná • 1 ♂; Curitiba , 30 km SE of SEBR 277 View Materials ; 6 Feb. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; MZSP 11 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀; Curitiba ; 5 Feb. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; under fallen epiphyte in Mata near National History Museum; DEBU 1 ♀; Curitiba, University campus; 2–5 Feb. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; wet areas, flight-intercept trap /pans; MZSP 12 ♂♂, 9 ♀♀; Curitiba campus; 10 Feb. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep in forest with Araucaria ; MZSP 3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀; east of Curitiba, near Ponta Grossa ; 800 m a.s.l.; 8 Feb. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; swept along road; MZSP 28 ♂♂, 24 ♀♀; east of Curitiba ; 8 Feb. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; swept near creek debris; DEBU 3 ♀♀; Londrina, Parque Municipal Arthur Thomas ; 1 Feb. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep; MZSP 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀; Londrina ; 29 Jan. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep; DEBU . – Rio de Janeiro • 14 ♂♂, 26 ♀♀; Muri, near Hotel Garlipp ; 2 Mar. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep over trail; MZSP 25 ♂♂, 16 ♀♀; Nova Friburgo, Sitio Edelweiss ; 26–27 Jan. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; Malaise trap; MZSP 16 ♂♂, 15 ♀♀; Nova Friburgo , 10 km S of Sitio Edelweiss; 27 Jan. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; DEBU 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀; Nova Friburgo, 10 km S of Sitio Edelweiss, Muri ; 1–28 Feb. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; Malaise head; MZSP 10 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀; Nova Friburgo ; 27 Jan. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; along creek; MZSP 13 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀; Teresópolis ; 1200 m a.s.l.; 13 Mar. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; swept near river; MZSP 47 ♂♂, 128 ♀♀; Teresópolis, trail to Pedra do Sino ; 1300–1700 m a.s.l.; 25 Jan. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep; DEBU 47 ♂♂, 128 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; MZSP 3 ♀♀; Teresópolis, trail to Pedra do Sino ; 1500–2000 m a.s.l.; 14 Mar. 1998; S.A. Marshall leg.; DEBU . – São Paulo • 20 ♂♂, 10 ♀♀; São Paulo, Jaraguá ; 8 Feb. 1990; S.A. Marshall leg.; MZSP .

ECUADOR – Napo • 5 ♀♀; Baeza ; 1500 m a.s.l.; 16–19 May 1987; L.D. Coote and B. V. Brown leg.; wet montane rainforest, Malaise trap; DEBU 1 ♀; Baeza ; 1500–1700 m a.s.l.; 14 May 1987; L.D. Coote leg.; wet montane forest/pasture, sweeping; DEBU 5 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀; Baeza ; 1550 m a.s.l.; 15–19 May 1987; L.D. Coote and B. V. Brown leg.; wet montane rainforest/pasture, Malaise trap off stone trail; ROME 3 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀; Baeza ; 1700 m a.s.l.; 16–19 May 1987; L.D. Coote and B. V. Brown leg.; wet montane rainforest/pasture, near small creek, Malaise head; ROME 1 ♂, 4 ♀♀; Baeza, W along road; 1500 m a.s.l.; 16–19 May 1987; L.D. Coote and B. V. Brown leg.; montane rainforest/pasture, Malaise trap; DEBU . – Pichincha • 8 ♂♂, 14 ♀♀; 3.5 km SE of Tandayapa ; 28 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; in green leaf litter (treefall); DEBU 1 ♀; 7 km SE of Nanegalito, trout farm ‘ San Jose’ ; 1500 m a.s.l.; 30 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; DEBU 2 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; 30–31 Oct. 1999; river edge, pan traps; DEBU 46 ♂♂, 17 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; 27–30 Oct. 1999; riverine forest, sweep treefalls; DEBU 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀; 7 km SE of Nanegalito, trout farm ‘ San Jose’ ; 27 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; on logs/sweep; DEBU 1 ♂; 8 km N of Nono, road to Mindo ; 25 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; roadside, sweeping; DEBU 1 ♂; 11.7 km SE of Tandayapa, road to Nono ; 28 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; near stream, litter/wood; DEBU 1 ♂; Bellavista Could Forest Reserve ; 0°01′13″ S, 78°40′30″ W; 2200 m a.s.l.; 9–13 May 2009; S.A. Marshall leg.; DEBU GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; Bellavista Reserve ; 2200 m a.s.l.; 30 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; DEBU 3 ♀♀; Bellavista Reserve , ridge trail; 28 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweeping/aspirating; DEBU 4 ♂♂, 1 ♀; Bellavista Reserve , trail B; 30 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweeping; DEBU 27 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀; Maquipucuna Biological Reserve ; 0°07′34″ N, 78°37′57″ W; 1200 m a.s.l.; 27–28 Apr. 2002; M. Buck leg.; sweep; DEBU GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Maquipucuna Biological Reserve ; 1200 m a.s.l.; 27 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; on leaves or small dung bait; DEBU 29 ♂♂, 26 ♀♀; Maquipucuna Biological Reserve , main trail; 1300 m a.s.l.; 27 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; DEBU 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀; Maquipucuna Biological Reserve , river trail; 1200 m a.s.l.; 27 Oct. 1999; S.A. Marshall leg.; DEBU 54 ♂♂, 36 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; 29 Oct. 1999; sweeping; DEBU . – Zamora-Chinchipe • 4 ♂♂, 1 ♀; 8 km NW of Zamora, mouth of Río Sabanilla ; 1420 m a.s.l.; 1 Nov. 1987; C. Young, R. Davidson and J. Rawlins leg.; CMNH 1 ♂; San Francisco Biological Reserve, Río San Francisco trail; 3°58′30″ S, 79°04′25″ W; 2000 m a.s.l.; 25 Feb.–3 Mar. 2009; M. Pollet and A. De Braekeleer leg.; yellow pan traps; RBINS GoogleMaps .

PARAGUAY – Caazapá • 5 ♂♂, 21 ♀♀; Hermosa, San Rafael Reserve, Lopez family property; 26°19′15″ S, 55°44′55″ W; 90 m a.s.l.; 3–6 Dec. 2000; Z.H. Falin leg.; flight-intercept trap; DEBU GoogleMaps .

PERU – Cusco • 3 ♂♂; Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge ; 13°03′21″ S, 71°32′46″ W; 1380 m a.s.l.; 18–20 Oct. 2006; J. Skevington leg.; Malaise trap; DEBU GoogleMaps .

VENEZUELA – Aragua • 1 ♂; Colonia Tovar ; 2300 m a.s.l.; 10 Mar. 1995; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep steep forest trail; DEBU 1 ♀; Henri Pittier National Park, Rancho Grande, Portachuelo Pass ; 9 Apr. 1994; L. Masner leg.; DEBU . – Lara • 1 ♂, 27 ♀♀; Yacambú ; 1200 m a.s.l.; 7 May 1981; H. Townes leg.; cloud forest; CNCI . – Trujillo • 8 ♂♂, 12 ♀♀; 10 km E of Bocono, Laguna de Lucerdo ; 1760 m a.s.l.; 3 Feb. 1995; S.A. Marshall leg.; slash/compost; DEBU 1 ♂, 4 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; sweep; DEBU 5 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀; Bocono, road to Guaramacal ; 2130 m a.s.l.; 2 Mar. 1995; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep mud; DEBU 2 ♀♀; same data as for preceding; 2200 m a.s.l.; under dung; DEBU 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀; Bocono–Guaramacal Road ; 2130 m a.s.l.; S.A. Marshall leg.; sweep wet litter; DEBU 1 ♂; BoconoGuaramacal Road ; 3000 m a.s.l.; 3 Mar. 1995; S.A. Marshall leg.; wet debris along stream; DEBU 2 ♂♂; Guaramacal National Park ; 2000–3000 m a.s.l.; 26 Aug.–1 Sep. 1992; L. Masner leg.; car net; DEBU 14 ♂♂, 27 ♀♀; Guaramacal National Park , 14 km NE of Bocono; 2000 m a.s.l.; 25 Aug.–1 Sep. 1992; L. Masner leg.; DEBU 8 ♂♂, 1 ♀; Mosquey near Bocono ; 1500 m a.s.l.; 24 Aug. 1992; L. Masner leg.; coffee plantation, maxinet; DEBU .


BODY ( Fig. 136A View Fig ). Length 2.3–3.8 mm. Head brown, lower quarter of frons orange; face, gena, and antennae orange-brown. Frontal width 2.3–2.4× frontal height. Three pairs of strong interfrontal bristles surmounting a very fine fourth pair; anterior orbital 0.6–0.7 × length of posterior. Palpus yellow. Eye large, greatest height about 3.5 × shortest genal height. Thorax brown, scutum with paler lateral edges. Two pairs of dorsocentral bristles (anterior pair only slightly larger than surrounding acrostichal setulae) separated by 7–8 rows of acrostichal setulae. Membrane around prosternum sometimes with a small, setula-bearing sclerite. Legs brown, foreleg slightly paler. Fore femur with three large ventral preapical setae. Ventral surface of male mid tibia with two rows of stout setae in apical third. Wing ( Fig. 9E View Fig ) slightly infuscate. CS2 0.7–0.8× CS3. Halter pale brown.

MALE ABDOMEN ( Figs 136B–C View Fig , 137 View Fig ). Dark brown, posterior edges of tergites sometimes slightly desclerotized. T2–5 and S2–4 uniformly long-setose with large posterolateral setae. S5 almost quadrate, 2.3× length of S4 with anterior third underneath S4; posterolaterally sparsely long-setose, left side strongly reduced posterolaterally, with a dark, deflexed, trapezoidal medial patch of very dense setulae flanked by desclerotized areas. Anterior flange of S6+7 2.0 × as long as wide. Sclerite A small with short setae; sclerite B and sclerite C absent; sclerite D triangular, blade-like and attached to posteromedial lobe of S5; sclerite E long, tapered, and sinuate; sclerite F long and tapered, with a short anterobasal lobe; sclerite G very large, U-shaped; ring sclerite indistinct and slightly desclerotized. Epandrium large, 1.1× length of S8, height 1.2× maximum length and 0.6 × maximum width, uniformly setose with larger setae posteroventrally; posterior third of epandrium separated from anterior two-thirds by a deep lateral groove extending halfway up epandrium; anal fissure triangular, widest at base; perianal pads bulging slightly. Pseudocercus small, separate from epandrium and bearing 3 setae; halves of subepandrial sclerite reduced to a pair of arches fused medially forming an M-shape and articulating basally with subcercus. Subcercus with large inner part posteroventrally extended into a prominent process and a smaller process which forms a U-shaped connection between subcerci; outer part with a broadly rounded lobe articulating with surstylus and a hooked lobe contacting pseudocercus. Hypandrium with long, thin anteromedial apodeme. Surstylus stout, wider than deep, densely setose with a prominent anteroventral lobe and a bare inner lobe. Postgonite short, strongly curved anteriorly, tapered with apex blunt and notched and a long posteroventral lobe at about midlength. Phallapodeme very large with a tall dorsal ‘fin’; basiphallus stout with two large lateral plates, divergent basally and distally fused with trunk-like epiphallus; distiphallus largely membranous, reduced to a broad, distally bifurcate dorsal sclerite and a pair of small ventral sclerites.

FEMALE ABDOMEN ( Fig. 138 View Fig ). T7 broad, posteromedially shortened; T8 divided into a small, pale dorsal sclerite and two dark lateral sclerites with elongate, acute posteroventral corner. Epiproct small, pale, and setulose. Cercus short and blunt with large apical and dorsal setae. S7 broad, rounded posteriorly with four large posterior setae; S8 reduced to two dark, ovoid lateral sclerites. Two spermathecae, bulb spherical and finely striate with a basal invagination.


Neotropical: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela.


Sclerocoelus tantus sp. nov. is closely related to S. copiosus sp. nov. and S. elephas sp. nov., which also have a distinctive trunk-like epiphallus, but differs by the trapezoidal posteromedial setulose patch on the male S5, stout surstylus with a prominent anterodorsal lobe, rectangular female S7, and spherical spermatheca with a basal invagination. Sclerocoelus tantus is a frequently collected and widespread South American species often found with other species of the S. galapagensis group.

Gallery Image

Fig. 9. Sclerocoelus Marshall, 1995, left wings, ventral view. A. Sclerocoelus recurvatus sp. nov. B. Sclerocoelus regularis (Malloch, 1914). C. Sclerocoelus riparius sp. nov. D. Sclerocoelus synorios sp. nov. E. Sclerocoelus tantus sp. nov. F. Sclerocoelus tridens sp. nov. G. Sclerocoelus turpis sp. nov. H. Sclerocoelus vulgatus sp. nov. I. Sclerocoelus xynos sp. nov. Scale bars: A–H=0.5 mm.

Gallery Image

Fig. 136. Sclerocoelus tantus sp. nov., paratype. A. Male habitus, lateral view. B. Male terminalia, posterior view. C. Male terminalia, lateral view. Abbreviations: epa= epandrium; pc=pseudocercus; sc =subcercus; se =subepandrial sclerite; ss =surstylus. Scale bars: A=1.0 mm; B–C = 0.25 mm.

Gallery Image

Fig. 137. Sclerocoelus tantus sp. nov., paratype. A. Aedeagus and associated structures, lateral view. B. Male S5 and genital pouch, ventral view. C. Subcercal complex, posterior view. Abbreviations: bp =basiphallus; dp =distiphallus; epi= epiphallus; hyp= hypandrium; pg =postgonite; ph =phallapodeme; sc =subcercus; se =subepandrial sclerite; ss =surstylus. Scale bars: A=0.13 mm; B=0.25 mm; C= 0.10 mm.

Gallery Image

Fig. 138. Sclerocoelus tantus sp. nov., paratype. A. Female terminalia, dorsal view. B. Female terminalia, ventral view. C. Female terminalia, lateral view. D. Spermatheca. Scale bars:A–C =0.25 mm; D =0.03 mm.


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph


Canadian National Collection Insects


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Royal Ontario Museum - Entomology


Museo de Zoologia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences











