Rhizoecus muranyii Kaydan

Kaydan, Mehmet Bora, Konczné Benedicty, Zsuzsanna, Williams, Douglas J. & Szita, Éva, 2017, Scale Insect (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha) Survey Of Soil Samples From Southern Asia With Description Of Two New Species Of Rhizoecidae, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (3), pp. 309-325 : 315-318

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scientific name

Rhizoecus muranyii Kaydan

sp. nov.

Rhizoecus muranyii Kaydan , sp. n.

( Fig. 1 View Fig )

Material examined – Holotype, f (clearly indicated on the slide by black circle clos- est to name label), Taiwan: Nantou County, Lienhuachi, Lienhuachi Experimental Forest , primary forest above the research centre, near small stream, 772 m a.s.l., N: 23°55.135’, E: 120°52.844’, 14-18.ix.2011, Leg. Ujvári, Zs. (PPI: 12153; HNHM: As995); Paratypes, 7 ff, same data as holotype (PPI: 12153, 12154; HNHM: As995 and As1010) .

Description. Adult female. – Body elongate oval, 0.73–1.05 mm long, 0.33–0.640 mm wide. Eyes marginal, 10.0–12.5 μm wide. Antenna 6 segmented, 140–150 μm long; apical segment 35–40 μm long, 20–25 μm wide, with apical setae 22.5–25.0 μm long plus three fleshy setae, each 17.5–35.0 μm long. Clypeo- labral shield 70–80 μm long, 60–70 μm wide. Labium 60–70 μm long, 37.5–50.0 μm wide. Anterior spiracles each 20–25 μm long, 7.5–10.0 μm wide across atrium; posterior spiracles each 22.5–32.5 μm long, 10.0–12.5 μm wide across atrium. Legs well developed; data for posterior legs: coxa 60–70 μm, long, trochant- er + femur 105.0–112.5 μm long, tibia + tarsus 115–120 μm long, claw 22.5–25.0 μm long. Ratio of lengths of tibia + tarsus to trochanter + femur 1.02–1.14:1; ratio of lengths of tibia to tarsus 1.33–1.52:1; ratio of length of hind trochanter + femur to greatest width of femur 3.28–2.62:1. Tarsal digitules each 10.0–12.5 μm long, hair- like. Claw digitules spine- like each 4–5 μm long. Hind tibia with 2 large translucent pores. Both anterior and posterior ostioles present, anterior ostiole with 4 or 5 trilocular pores and 6–8 setae; posterior ostiole with 10–12 trilocular pores and 7–9 setae. Anal ring 45–50 μm wide, with 6 setae, each seta 55–90 μm long.

Dorsum. Body setae hair- like of various sizes, each 5.0–22.5 μm long. Multilocular pores absent. Tritubular pores each 7.0–7.5 μm in diameter, on head + thorax numbering 19–21 and also abdominal segments: I–III 6–12 ducts, IV 4, V 3–4, VI 2 or 3, VII 2 or 3, VIII + IX 0–2. Oral collar tubular ducts in single rows across all abdominal segments, each duct 2.5–3.0 μm long, 2.0–2.5 μm wide, on head, thorax and also abdominal segments: I–III 8–12 ducts, IV 4, V 3 or 4, VI 2–4, VII 3–5, VIII + IX 2.

Venter. Setae slender hair- like, each 5.0–22.5 μm long, longest setae medially on head. Apical setae of each anal lobe, each 40–50 μm long. Multilocular disc pores each 6–7 μm in diameter, present only on each side of clypeo- labral shield 5–8 in number. Tritubular pores each 7.0–7.5 μm in diameter, present on body margin only, totalling 24–28. Oral col- lar tubular ducts concentrated on body margin of abdominal segments, of one sizes, each 2.5–3.0 μm long, 2.0–2.5 μm wide, on margin of head thorax and abdominal segments: II–III 6–8 ducts, IV 3 or 4, V2–4, VI 2 or 3, VII 2 or 3, VIII + IX absent.

Comments. Rhizoecus muranyii sp. n. can be readily distinguished in: (i) having multilocular pores only on the head; (ii) having only one size of tritu- bular pores on the dorsum and venter. Rhizoecus muranyii sp. n. is similar to R. arabicus Hambleton , R. chilensis Hambleton and R. elongatus Green ; (i) in lacking multilocular disc pores on the dorsum, (ii) in having oral collar ducts on the dorsum and venter, (iii) in having 6 segmented antennae and (iv) in lacking multilocular pores around the vulva. However, R. muranyii differs from all three species in having multilocular disc pores on the head and thorax and around the clypeo- labral shield. This species is the only one so far in the genus bearing multilocular disc pores only on the head around the clypeo- labral shield.

Etymology. This species is named after Dr. Dávid Murányi who made valuable stud- ies on Plecoptera and Odonata fauna, and the taxonomy of the Oriental Region.

Host plants. Unknown.

Distribution. Taiwan.

Rhizoecus amorphophalli Betrem

Materialexamined. Vietnam: 1 f, DaLat , ThacDatanlawaterfall, scrapingde- bris, lichen and moss samples from a decaying stump of a deciduous tree, 1200 m a.s.l., 07.xii.1994, Leg. Mahunka, S., Sziráki, Gy. andZombori, L. (PPI: 12148; HNHM: As674) .

Host plants. Cordyline terminalis (Agavaceae) , Amorphophallus sp. , A. variabilis, Colocasiaesculenta (Araceae) , Asplenium sp. (Aspleniaceae) , Dioscoreaelephantipes ( Dioscoreaceae ), Curcuma domestica , C. longa , Kaempferia galanga , Zingiber officinale , Z. zerumber (Zingibera- ceae) ( GARCÍA MORALES et al. 2016).

Distribution. FederatedStatesofMicronesia, HawaiianIslands, Guadeloupe, India, Kerala, Indonesia, Sumatra, Malaysia, Sabah, Philippines, Thailand, UnitedKingdom (England) ( GARCÍA MORALES et al. 2016); Vietnam.

Rhizoecus kazachstanus Matesova

Materialexamined. Thailand: 1 f, KaengKrachan (Phetchaburi), KaengKrachanNa- tionalPark, Camp, Berlesesampletakenfromdebrisunderadeadtreetrunk , 06.ii.1994, Leg. Mahunka, S. andPapp, L. (PPI: 12150; HNHM: As 692); 2 ff, KaengKrachan (Phet- chaburi), KaengKrachanNationalPark, Reservoir , Berlese- funnelsamplefromdeepersoil layer (40 cm) with lots of roots, 09.02.1994, Leg. Mahunka, S. and Papp, L. (PPI: 12151; HNHM: As 712); SriLanka : 2 ff, 1 nymph, RatnapuraDistrict : Potuptiya , SinarajaForest Reserve , on a small plateau of forest, thick moss and detritus on a large rock, 900 m a.s.l., 07.iii.2000, Leg. Mahunka, S. andPapp, L. (PPI: 12152; HNHM: As821). Vietnam: 3 ff, 1 nymph, DaLat, ThacDatanlawaterfall, takinglitterandhumussamplesfromrockcrev- icesandfromthebaseofbushes, 1200 ma.s.l., 07.xii.1994, Leg. Mahunka, S., Sziráki, Gy. and Zombori, L. (PPI: 12149; HNHM: As672) .

Host plants. Tanacetum vulgaris (Asteraceae) ( GARCÍA MORALES et al. 2016).

Distribution. Hungary, Kazakhstan (GARCÍAMORALES etal. 2016); Thailand, Vietnam.

Comment. This species is a new record for Oriental scale insect fauna.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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